Tekamah Herald Journal Burt County, Nebraska 1919
New Tekamah City Ordinance
It has been reported to this office that Chris Jeep has been trying to ride a bicycle to the extreme danger of the public safety, and destruction of the public property. It is said that he runs against lamp-posts, knocks down fences, tears up sidewalks and performs generally in such a manner while on his wheels as to be a terror to those within any reasonable distance of him. In veiw of these conditions and others to like import from other reckless learners on the two-wheeled wagon, the following draft for a city ordinance has been handed in for the consideration of his honor, the Mayor and the City Council at their next meeting.
No person shall ride a bicylce on any public street or highway within this city without having firmly attached to said bicycle a red light on the starboard side thereof, a green light on the port side thereof, and a steamboat gong and fog horn on the handle-bar or frame therefore, and said red light and green light shall be kept constantly burning between the hours of sunset and sunrise by means of an electric battery or motor with suitable attachment.
No person shall ride a bicycle on the streets of the city of Tekamah at a greater rate of speed than 4 miles per hour, and any person so riding shall dismount before passing any street crossing and shall fire a pistol, beat his gong, sound his fog horn, sing a hymn and repeat the Lord's Prayer before proceeding on his journey.
No person shall ride a bicycle upon any street or highway within this city without having first obtained from the Coroner, Poundmaster, Health Officer, Inspector of Steam Boilers and at least one Clergyman of good moral character, a certificate under seal, severally signed by said officials certifying that the said rider of the said bicycle is entitled to be at large and that he is properly equipped for his journey.
Any person violating the above shall be punished by imprisonment at hard labor for a period of not less than ninety-nine years.
Institute Notes 1919
The Burt County Teachers' Institute convened Monday with an enrollment of 76. The plan of the work this year, as arranged by Superintendant Beck is proving to be very beneficial and satisfactory in the state: Professor Clark, of the Pedagogy and advanced work and Miss Hanna, formerly of the Omaha Training School, but now engaged in First Grade Word, has charge of the primary instruction. Those enrolled to date are as follows:
Jennie Bayer | Bertha Dunlap | Dora Greggoirre | |
Maggie Beck | Laura Randall | Myrtie McMullen | |
Daisy Johnson | Nellie Guerin | Dora Bonneau | |
Frances McPherson | Ida Bonneau | C.O. Beckstrom | |
Jennie Berry | Mollie Clark | Lizzie Toxword | |
Mabel Blackstone | Sina Oberg | Selma Beckstrom | |
Elma Parker | Ida Colson | Nina Swanson | |
Mattie Shafer | Lillie Larson | Albert Gallup | |
Irene Brenniman | Clara Olsen | Ole Fisens | |
Carie Mason | Kate Peterson | Edna Newell | |
Carrie Randall | Henry Gallup | Flora Calnon | |
Fidelia Oberst | Jennie Blackstone | W.A. King | |
Addie Buchanan | Jean Randall | Ernest Hopewell | |
Gertie Force | Blanche Shane | Pearl Egglestron | |
Edna Matthews | Addie Merrell | W.J. Langley | |
Louise Goodwill | Kate Tibble | Irene Jones | |
J.C. Himler | Almeda Hall | |
Elsie Eckley | Ruth Wilson | Ida Peterson | |
Nora Pebworth | J.J. Loux | Stella Averill | |
Lizzie Pipher | Clara Bachus | Pearl Fullen | |
Emma Smith | Edward Wilson | A.N. Corbin | |
Jennie Telyea | Myrtle Crawford | Annie Crawford | |
Zella Van Schaick | Adele Card | Ethel Bryant | |
Gertrude Wilson | Minnie Ackerman | Nellie Jack | |
Minnie Palmquist | Ida Samson | Sarah Daley | |
Emily Anderson | Lucille Baxter | Ella Bayer | |
Hattie Drummond | Nettie Houser | Mattie Osborn | |
Nellie Calnon | Anna Jensen | Allie Worcester | |
Clatilla Job | H.E. Grothe | Addie McMullin | |
C.S. Laughlin | Ella Blades | Maggie Collins |
© J. Thomas, Bill Wever
Tekamah Herald Journal Burt County, Nebraska 1919
New Tekamah City Ordinance
It has been reported to this office that Chris Jeep has been trying to ride a bicycle to the extreme danger of the public safety, and destruction of the public property. It is said that he runs against lamp-posts, knocks down fences, tears up sidewalks and performs generally in such a manner while on his wheels as to be a terror to those within any reasonable distance of him. In veiw of these conditions and others to like import from other reckless learners on the two-wheeled wagon, the following draft for a city ordinance has been handed in for the consideration of his honor, the Mayor and the City Council at their next meeting. No person shall ride a bicylce on any public street or highway within this city without having firmly attached to said bicycle a red light on the starboard side thereof, a green light on the port side thereof, and a steamboat gong and fog horn on the handle-bar or frame therefore, and said red light and green light shall be kept constantly burning between the hours of sunset and sunrise by means of an electric battery or motor with suitable attachment. No person shall ride a bicycle on the streets of the city of Tekamah at a greater rate of speed than 4 miles per hour, and any person so riding shall dismount before passing any street crossing and shall fire a pistol, beat his gong, sound his fog horn, sing a hymn and repeat the Lord's Prayer before proceeding on his journey. No person shall ride a bicycle upon any street or highway within this city without having first obtained from the Coroner, Poundmaster, Health Officer, Inspector of Steam Boilers and at least one Clergyman of good moral character, a certificate under seal, severally signed by said officials certifying that the said rider of the said bicycle is entitled to be at large and that he is properly equipped for his journey. Any person violating the above shall be punished by imprisonment at hard labor for a period of not less than ninety-nine years.
Institute Notes 1919
The Burt County Teachers' Institute convened Monday with an enrollment of 76. The plan of the work this year, as arranged by Superintendant Beck is proving to be very beneficial and satisfactory in the state: Professor Clark, of the Pedagogy and advanced work and Miss Hanna, formerly of the Omaha Training School, but now engaged in First Grade Word, has charge of the primary instruction. Those enrolled to date are as follows:
Jennie Bayer | Bertha Dunlap | Dora Greggoirre | Maggie Beck |
Laura Randall | Myrtie McMullen | Daisy Johnson | Nellie Guerin |
Dora Bonneau | Frances McPherson | Ida Bonneau | C.O. Beckstrom |
Jennie Berry | Mollie Clark | Lizzie Toxword | Mabel Blackstone |
Sina Oberg | Selma Beckstrom | Elma Parker | Ida Colson |
Nina Swanson | Mattie Shafer | Lillie Larson | Albert Gallup |
Irene Brenniman | Clara Olsen | Ole Fisens | Carie Mason |
Kate Peterson | Edna Newell | Carrie Randall | Henry Gallup |
Flora Calnon | Fidelia Oberst | Jennie Blackstone | W.A. King |
Addie Buchanan | Jean Randall | Ernest Hopewell | Gertie Force |
Blanche Shane | Pearl Egglestron | Edna Matthews | Addie Merrell |
W.J. Langley | Louise Goodwill | Kate Tibble | Irene Jones |
J.S. Willson | J.C. Himler | Almeda Hall | Elsie Eckley |
Ruth Wilson | Ida Peterson | Nora Pebworth | J.J. Loux |
Stella Averill | Lizzie Pipher | Clara Bachus | Pearl Fullen |
Emma Smith | Edward Wilson | A.N. Corbin | Jennie Telyea |
Myrtle Crawford | Annie Crawford | Zella Van Schaick | Adele Card |
Ethel Bryant | Gertrude Wilson | Minnie Ackerman | Nellie Jack |
Minnie Palmquist | Ida Samson | Sarah Daley | Emily Anderson |
Lucille Baxter | Ella Bayer | Hattie Drummond | Nettie Houser |
Mattie Osborn | Nellie Calnon | Anna Jensen | Allie Worcester |
Clatilla Job | H.E. Grothe | Addie McMullin | C.S. Laughlin |
Ella Blades | Maggie Collins |
The lecture by Professor Clark " The American State" was delivered to a large an appreciative audience. He portrayed the American Ideal, vividly presenting its Christian phases. He believes in the "common people".
Much pleasure is again taken in placing before the parents and tax-payers of Tekamah through the kindness of the Herald, the Roll of Honor of the names of the pupils having been neither absent nor tardy during the school month ending May 21, this time. The inauguration of this custom in Tekamah, has been an incentive among the pupils. It is a proper recognition of the effort of the pupils and the parents have made to have a good habit formed. Many pupils have tried each month to be on time and regular in attendence who would fail just once, and then too, it has been an impossible year on account of the flu. It is believed that the monthly Roll of Honor has been so appreciated and recogized as a proper incentive to encourage effort in the formation of habits that must be fully formed as pupils in order to prepare the men and women of business of tomorrow, for their future larger life, that such Roll of Honor system will become a part of the Tekamah school system for the future years. Read the names closely, and tell the pupils you noticed they are forming, good habits. And a few of you will not forget to tell the Herald you appreciated the expense and space in thus placing the names before the public. If you do these things, you will be doing your bit to help train the pupils to be "on time" and "every day".
Paul Frew | Bryce Crannell | Rupert Kokes | Waldo Shamburg |
John Tobin | Charles Irving | Vera Boyce | Mazie Brinley |
Blanche Gill | Ruth Greenleaf | Arline Goll | Mariane Greenleaf |
Virginia Harris | Dorothy Harris | Ethel Ireland | Erna Metzler |
Goldie York | Helen Wood | Helen Wixer | Helen Tarrant |
Helen Lester | Mabel Kiefer | ||
Henry Scherer | Edward Ratliff | Frank Reinert | Geil Baldwin |
Faye Baldwin | Eleanor Gumble | Velma Light | Edith Marsh |
Genevieve Reyman | Daisy Robinson | Ruby Smith | Alma Stevens |
Margaret Willert | Ruth Arnold | Margaret Irving | |
LeRoy Grothe | Richard Lang | Isaiah Lukens Jr. | Lawrence Irving |
Elizabeth Blankenbeckler | Una Gol | Merie Crannell | Vera Coin |
Elna Nelson | Selma Pearson | Mildred Pratt | Grace Schilling |
Esther Tarrant | Annie Wilcox | ||
Effie Brinley | Gladys Bain | Pearl Cox | Tillie Darling |
Lila Guill | Katie Reyman | Viola Schmiedesklamp |
EIGHT GRADE CLASS: Miss Skinner, Teacher | ||
Elsie Bowman | Mary Breckenridge | Mildred Crannell |
Ellis Bowman | Chester Isgrig | Bennett Latta |
Hester Marsh | Adelaide Norseen | Bryl Reasoner |
Lolo Rogers | Elmer Russell | Esther Speilman |
Ina Speilman | Willie Van Cleve | Francis McKeron |
SEVENTH GRADE CLASS: Mrs. Hickman, Teacher | ||
Eleanor Bradley | Dorothy Greenleaf | Orrel Rose Jack |
Elizabeth Quick | Harriet Stanfieldh | Helen Thompson |
Frances Valder | Ferne McKinnis | Wallace Ireland |
Arthur Tarrant | Everett Willert | Kenneth MacPherson |
SIXTH GRADE CLASS: Mrs. Wragge, Teacher | ||
Dorothy Isgrig | Francis Stanfield | Ruth Towsley |
Ruth Van Nostrand | Sarah Robinson | Mary Louise Nesbit |
Margaret Moyer | Ruth Maxwell | Hazel Flanagan |
Dollie Green | Fern Feelhaver | Vera Chase |
Agnes Cameron | ||
SPECIAL SIXTH GRADE: Mrs. Hollister, Teacher | ||
Advance Fifth Grade | ||
Clarence Elliott | Dale Hume | Meredith Willert |
Lester Reinert | Ellen Robinson | Bird Robinson |
Clyde Knight | Gerald Speilman | |
FIFTH GRADE CLASS: Mrs. Holmes, Teacher | ||
Francis Cameron | Dorothy Eckley | Ruby Ireland |
Pauline Lewis | Mildred Prusia | Hazel Show |
Lena Speilman | Dorothy Wassum | Cleone Shouse |
Eldora Lewis | Carl Lamphere | Eula Speilman |
Francis Taylor | Waldo Robinson | Valden Rock |
Frank Irving | ||
FOURTH GRADE CLASS: Miss Kelly, Teacher | ||
Wilma Bobbitt | Andrew Brinley | Catherine Dennis |
Millard Farrens | Raymond Fox | George Ireland |
Leroy Jack | Frances Jordan | Ralph Kennedy |
Evah Lester | Kathryn Marsh | Byron Wagoner |
THIRD GRADE CLASS: Mrs. McKinnis, Teacher | ||
Darald Bowden | Alfred Hanson | Donald Maxwell |
George Myers | Viola Patterson | Lloyd Prusia |
Muriel Quick | Fanny Robinson | |
SECOND GRADE CLASS: Miss Schmacher, Teacher | ||
Rice Alderman | Pauline Charles | Marguerite Chatt |
Marjorie Corkill | Virginia Crowell | Emmett Dennis |
Ralph Feelhaver | Iva Farrens | Ethel Flanagan |
Jessica Foust | Harold Hennig | Mary Jane Houston |
Amy Ireland | Mary Clementine Clark | Beryl Rice |
FIRST GRADE CLASS: Miss Telyer, Teacher | ||
Ruth Bain | Genevieve Charles | Clara Eckley |
Helen Nesbit | Edna Speilman | Ledra Wetherell |
Wilma Willert | Clifford Bowden | Oliver Martin |
Kendrick McMullin | George Wood | Dick Travis |
KINDERGARTEN CLASS: Miss Bayer, Teacher | ||
Rose Fisher | Mildred Ratliff | Ethel Mae Livingston |
Mason Gammel | Kermit Goll | Jack Houston |
Leroy Hume | Clarence Maxwell | F. Deans (?) |
Updated 15 September 2017 by Dianna G. Curtis