There were two newspapers in Tekamah at the time of WW I .... the Tekamah Journal and the Burt County Herald. Not all issues are available. Tekamah Journal April 12, 1917 BOYS FLOCK TO THE COLORS A number of Tekamah lads
have inbued (sic) with the war fever and have enlisted in
the Blair company. The following fellows have joined. April 12, 1917 We are going to have a
Patriotic meeting in Tekamah and it will be held tomorrow
evening at the Shafer Theatre. The Citizens of Tekamah have
felt that the have been just a little lukewarm along the
lines of showing their patriotism. There have been a number
of boys here who have shown their regard for Uncle Sam's
need and have joined the company at Blair and to show these
lads that the people of the community are back of them we
are going to hold a demonstration in their honor. Citizens
took hold of the matter and on Wednesday evening at the
office of Anderson & McCrew there was a gathering which
mapped out the plan that should be followed. The consent of
Capt. O'Hanlon, of Blair was secured to permit the Tekamah
young men who have joined the company to come home Friday
afternoon. Capt. O'Hanlon may come with them as he had an
invitation to that end. The meeting on Wednesday evening
secured the Opera House and the following committees were
appointed. As general committee consisting of Messrs.
Anderson, Lundstrom, Rhoades, Cornish and Dr. Nesbit. A
program committee consisting of E. J. Gano, Dr. Stanfield
and J. W. Tamplin and a Banquet committee consisting of
Messrs. Geo. McGuire, W. H. Van Cleve and Rev. MacGregor. It
was decided to have a banquet at the Grand Army Hall at 6:30
to which all the soldiers should come as honored guests.
Their parents have also been extended invitations as were
the members of the Grand Army and Spanish American War
veterans. After the banquet has been concluded the guests
will repair to the Opera house where a reception and
patriotic gathering will be held to show these young men,
their parents and friends and the people of this community
that we are alive for the old flag in this time of trouble.
To this everyone is invited, all societies and every farmer
and his family who chances to see this invitation. And tell
your friends and see to it that you come out in the interest
of local patriotism. Tekamah Journal 19 April 1917 Tekamah was filled to
overflowing with patriotism last Friday as a result of the
patriotic meeting that was held in the honor of the boys who
had enlisted for service in the Blair company. The committee
which had charge of the arrangements certainly did their
work to perfection for they had lined up to such an extent
that the day was one of the most marked successes in the way
of a demonstration that has been held in Tekamah. Tekamah Journal April 26, 1917 The Journal herewith publishes a list of the names of those boys from this vicnity (sic) who have enlisted in the army service. The list is not complete for some have joined since we received the list. It shows that Tekamah will be represented when it comes to getting busy either at home or across the water.
Tekamah Journal Published May 10, 1917
April 5, 1917 Dear Father and brother:
R. L. Gill NOTE: R.L. Gill joined a Canadian unit & served in WW I prior to declaration of war by USA. Above letter was written while he was in hospital recovering from wound.
The Women's Relief Corps has been a busy bunch for the past few days for they have made 38 "Soldier's Kits" which they planned to give to the enlisted boys from Tekamah who are members of the Blair Company. The Corps appointed Mrs. Geo. McGuire, Mrs. S. Valder and Mrs. Hanna a committee to take the kits down to Blair on Wednesday and present them to the fellows. The presentation was made immediately after the close of the speech of Chaplain John F. Poucher at Blair Saturday at the big flag raising excercise (sic) and patriotic display. The kits contained a towel, soap, toothbrush, thread, buttons, needles, pins, safety pins ect (sic). and a nice testament for each member. They were all nicely and compactly made and made a very convenient arrangement for these handy articles for the use of the soldier boy at times when the aid of a mother or sister is lacking for clothing repair. The corps are to be commended for the work they have done. But, then they are always of the get-there-kind when it comes to doing anything of character.
Tekamah Journal Company F has been inspected and the boys have all been examined physically. In the examination the army surgeon let out a number of the fellows. Among them are Three Tekamah boys, Harry Ellis, Leon Wickham and Clifford Eckley. We are sorry the boys were thrown out but we are glad that they were willing to enlist. It is no discredit to them that they may have been deficient in some qualities of physical makeup. We understand that defective eyesight was what threw many of the fellows to one side. It now looks as though the members of the Fourth Nebraska would be called for foreign duty among the first installment that goes across the water. There will be some mobilization first at some large central field point. Then will come the trip to tide water and the sail across the Atlantic. If the American troops get into action before fall there must be rapid work done. Tekamah Journal May 30, 1918
Pursuant to orders from War Department, the Local Board is herewith furnishing the date and place of registration of those who have attained the age of 21 years since June 5, 1917, up to and including June 5th, 1918. Date of Registration: - June 5th, 1918, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Place of Registration: Office of the Local Board, Court House, Tekamah, Nebr. Information in regard to registration of those absent from their permanent residence will be furnished by the chief clerk or any member of the Local Board at any Local Board Office. Persons who must register: - All male persons, citizens of the United States, who residing in the United States, who have since the 5th day of June, 1917 and on or before June 5th. 1918, attained the age of 21 years. The only exceptions are person in the Military or Naval services of the United States, which includes of officer and enlisted men of the regular army, navy, marine corps and militia, while in the service of the United States, and officers in the Officers Reserve Corps while in active service. It is recommended that those at a distance come early so that registration can be completed by 9:o'clock p.m. It is the duty of every citizen to assist in the publicity of these registration regulations. - Ran Stanfield, Chairman Local Board.
Tekamah Journal Monday night a number of ladies and gentlemen went up to Craig and assisted in the formation of a branch society of the Red Cross. The following formed the Tekamah party: Mr. ad Mrs. R. J. Mitten, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Houston, Dr. A. D. Nesbit, Mrs. George McGuire, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gano, Re (sic). and Mrs. J. R. Montey and Mrs. McDaniels. A branch of forty-five members was organized and the branch will grow larger as the organization develops. The branch at the county seat is the central organization, largely for the purpose of the saving of clerical and administrative work. The various towns in the county will have similar organizations. As soon as the organizations are completed the raising of funds will begin, largely by the solicitation of membership in the organization. This work will be in Tekamah as soon as the supply of buttons arrive. Tekamah Journal September 16, 1917 The Odd Fellows and Rebecca tendered a reception on Wednesday evening at their hall to two of the members of the lodge, Elmer and Julius LaFrenze who are in the first quota called into the service of these United States. The members were each presented a wrist watch and "comfort kits" and made to feel that their absence would be felt and that the lodge would keep a watch out for their welfare no matter where their duty to the nation might call them. Tekamah Journal September 16, 1917 The first five percent of the new National Army as it has been drawn from Burt county contains but four men and they left this morning for Ft. Riley where the first contingent of Nebraska troops are assembling. The four men sent out were Elmer Olinger, Arthur Parker, Elmer Jacobsen and Julius LaFrenze, all of Tekamah young men. It was requested that men who had some military training be sent in the first contingent but the lads of that bent have all gone to the front through guard service and enlistment in the regular army or navy or in the hospital department. Note: Julius LaFRENZE was killed in action in France ......... Tekamah Journal September 16, 1917 Well, the army service law in hastened up a marriage in Tekamah but not for the same reason that was apparent in so many marriages in the United States along in June. A. F. Parker left this morning as a member of the first contingent of Burt county's selective draft soldiers. Mr. Parker and Miss Laura Frank waited upon County Judge Ireland at his office yesterday afternoon and was there united in marriage. The event has been expected for some time and we take if for granted that the service that Mr. Parker just enters for this country's honor and welfare has merely hastened an even that was to be. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Frank and is a most estimable young woman. She has been employed in the Dunn Variety Store for several years. We have just enough faith in Mr. Parker's good fortune to think that he will return to his wife safe and sound after his period of army service is over. He will not "leave his girl behind him" but will leave a wife instead and together with many friends of these young people the Journal extends cordial congratulations and well wishes. Tekamah Journal Dec. 13, 1917 Serg. (sic) Andrew Nesbit came up from Deming last week, having obtained a furlough for a few days. His parents and friends had it in their minds that Andrew came up to solely see the folks in Tekamah but Andrew evidently took a different view of the matter. He brought with him a Miss Norma Thompson for an over Sunday visit with his people. Monday the young people returned to Lincoln and before leaving they invited Mr. and Mrs. Nesbit to come to Lincoln Tuesday for on Wednesday there was to be a wedding at the home of Miss Thompson. As the two young people were to be the principals in the affair they naturally desired Mr. and Mrs. Nesbit's presence. The wedding took place Wednesday afternoon. The bride is the daughter of Ex--Attorney General W. T. Thompson one of Lincoln's able lawyers. Andrew is so well known to Tekamah people that no introduction is needed for him. The bride expects to go to Deming to be with her husband until he shall be ordered across the water when she wil (sic) return to Linocln (sic) to await the safe return of her soldier husband. The Journal with others just wishes them both all the good fortune that should be theirs. If the groom shall make as good a husband as he will make a good soldier we can well congratulate the bride on winning a soldier husband. From reports of the bride's domestic and educational accomplishments Mr. Nesbit has won a prize that he cannot fail to cherish (same issue...no headline) Some folks criticise (sic) some of the young women who decide to wed the young man of their choice even though he has been called to service in the army. Perhaps we look at the matter differently than others may but we think they do just the proper thing. If young people hqve (sic) gone together long enough to be well satisified (sic) that they love each other dearly and wish to be mated what is more proper than that they should take the step before the seperation (sic) that possibly may be final. Don't criticise (sic) unless you have a right to do so and few of us have that right. Tekamah Journal Jan 10, 1918 Deming, N.M., Jan 3 - Burr Latta, a prominent banker of Tekamah, Neb., and son of former Congressman Latta of Nebraska, has been the guest of the officers and men from his home town, and Lieutenant F.R. and Mrs. Roost, friends of the Latta family. Lieutenant Roost is a member of the medical corps, and he and his wife were former residents of Sioux City, Iowa. Mrs. Roost is a singer of great talent, and her recitals here had been greatly enjoyed by all who have been fortunate enough to hear her. Mr. Latta last night entertained at dinner at the Harvey house all the enlisted men from Tekamah and Burt county, Nebraska, in which Tekamah is located. The following guests were present, greatly enjoying the dinner and expressing their appreciation of Mr. Latta's grateful act: Sergeants George D. Geib, Lyle R. Gilbert, Roscoe Conkling, Carl M. Morgan, Thomas J. Brogan; Corporals Erwin E. Caldwell, Fred D. Morley, Hubert A. Ward, Robert B. Templeton: Horseshoers George Fleege, Albert R. Ward;, Privates George Schuler, Jr., W. H. Regester, Dennis Scarlett, W. H. Jensen, George S. Maudlin, George Nelson, Byron F. Schroeder, Charles Hislip, C. B. Robinson, Henry Palmantier, Clarence A. Robinson. "I have met some very fine
officers here during my stay," said Mr. Latta, "and I have
been with them considerably during the week. It does me
good, though, to be with the men from home at a dinner like
this."- © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Bill Wever, Ted & Carole Miller for NEGenWeb Updated 17 February 2020 by Dianna G. Curtis |