AS to efficiency and valuable assistance in all war work drives, the teachers and members of the boards in rural districts were in the lead. They were the agency which made the wheels go round, all home activities were nurtured by the rural teachers and school boards. W. T. Poucher, county superintendent of public instruction, is a dynamo of energy, and a natural born organizer, he had the confidence and respect of all the school organization, affording him the opportunity to put the effective war-work machinery in motion through the teachers and pupils that reached the home of every one in their respective districts.

  The county council of defense by its questionnaire cards obtained the property qualifications of every resident in the county, and on a percentage basis figured out how much each should subscribe to raise the quota assigned the county in each and every drive. Each school board was informed of the amount apportioned to their district on the property basis, also the amount that each patron should subscribe in proportion to what he was worth. Cards were distributed, informing each patron in the district of a meeting to be held in the school house at a certain day and hour, and that they were expected to be there and subscribe their share. The moderator presided and called for each to announce the amount which was recorded by the secretary. Usually it did not take more than an hour to raise the quota assigned the district. Each district held their meetings at the same hour, each phoned to the county chairman the amount raised, then he wired to state headquarters, that Burt county had gone "over-the-top." It was an easy, simple method that permitted of no shirking, each gave support to all demands on the county in proportion to what property he owned. Of course, many gave more than was required, in some drives like the second Red Cross, over double the quota assigned was subscribed. All the Liberty Loans were conducted through the school district organizations. Also all the food-card pledges and other conservation information were handled by the teachers, pupils and patrons in the same way. Superintendent Poucher, teachers and school district officers are entitled to much credit for their efficient work, which made it possible for Burt county to be entitled to first place in state and nation in most all drives to raise funds to win the war. As a compliment to the school district officers the list of names and number of their district follows; if it were possible the names of teachers would be included, but the changes are so frequent that three different persons performed these duties during the war period in the same district:


No. of Dist. Officers
1 D. W. Greenleaf
  A. M. Anderson
  Dr. J. P. Merritt
  J. A. Clark
  S. A. Wassum
  F. A. Cameron
2 Clarence Snyder
  Roy Baker
  Mrs. John Tobin
3 J. R. Deaver
  Ed. Woodard
  Cora J. Lydick
No. of Dist. Officers
4 H. L. Webster
  D. S. Tomlinson
  J. S. Gill
5 B. C. Marr
  J. F. Marr
  C. L. Hurloeker
9 Huit Lowe
  H. F. Enger
  John Skinner
12 R. P. Peterson
  Jay McClanahan
  C. H. Metzler
No. of Dist. Officers
16 F. H. Crannell
   T. A. Baldwin
   Oliver Olinger
18 Ray Woodward
   C. E. Shafer
   Fred Plummer
19 S. S. Breckenridge
   John Frazier
   Thomas Tobin
23 Louis J. Peterson
   C. E. Grothe
   George Georgeson

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No. of Dist. Officers
24 Stanley Wilson
   C. E. Marr
   M. G. McKinnis
29 W. F. McNear
   J. L. Faussett
   Jos. Sklenar
35 E. L Johnson
   J. D. Porter
   R. W. Jenson
42 Earl Wilcox
   C W. Faussett
   Wm. Flanagan
44 Void Ireland
   C. R. Gammel
   Walter J. Gammel
47 L. M. Kearney
   Harry McDaniel
   John Pearce
50 C. A. Valder, Jr.
   James Peterson
   M. J. Johnson
70 A. H. Gilbert
   A. S. Gilbert
   Surn Swanson
72 Elmer Crom
   0. E. Crannell
   Ed. McDonald
15 Reed Eby
   C. E. Stoner
   H. E. Kriebel
21 A. G. Clark
   W. A. Longwell
   I. A. Mallette
22 John Loftis
   C. C. Wilcox
   Philip Nelson
26 Ed. Goodman
   Iles Frary
   J. B. Healea
27 W. J. Freeman
   A. L. McPherson
36 Louis Ruhe
   John Baker
   Chris Kohlmeir
49 A. F. Soderling
   Ed. Olson
   Harry B. Anderson
51 Clair Trammer
   Peter Kjeldgaard
   G. W. Hawkins
54 W. A. Healea
   Loran Patterson
   John Corbin
55 W. D. Romans
   Kirk Smith
   Chas. J. Johnson
57 Henry Erickson
   C A. Wedergren
   James Johnson
61 A. D. Pond
   Argie J. Miller
   Swante Monson
No. of Dist. 0fficers
62 F. O. Isaacson
   Lewis Hanson
   C. E. Johnson
66 C. E. Cram
   W. C. Erwin
   L. J. Davis
68 N. A. Monson
   K. C. Engdahl
   Chris Christensen
20 E. D. Wigton
   Jas. Robbins
   C. S. Newmyer
25 Chris Shawver
   Osean Swanson
   Stanton Wilder
28 C. R. Jackson
   Sherman Hall
   M. C. Ropers
34 A. G. Anderson
   Clyde Sears
   Will Kroger
37 Jas. H. Tryon
   Mrs. Tessie Paine
   H. C. Peterson
38 Guy O. Squires
   John Nelson
   Peter Brix
39 Hans Jensen
   Harry Nelson
   L. M. Anderson
56 George Gallup
   C. H. Miller
   C. M. Viles
58 Louis Jensen
   Carl Beck
   Guy Deman
63 F. M. Roscoe
   Chas. Kiefer
   Wm. McCartney
65 John Browning
   Alex Peters
   August Peterson
67 John F. Schulze
   Herman Morse
   Harry E. Cates
69 Ernest W. Dahlgren
   Gilbert Swanson
   Chas. Levreau
71 C. O. A. Peterson
   Wm. Rewinkle
   Fred Strelo
13 Henry E. Slatt
   John Saf
   A. E. Engdahl
14 A. B. Peden
   Mrs. J. J. Palmquist
   Peter Palmer
17 Gilbert Jacobson
   Joseph E. Nelson
   Walter Magnussen
No. of Dist. Officers
33 Edgar Anderson
   J. E. Palmquist
   John G. Moseman
40 D. G. Meyer
   Gust Carlson
   D. Wm. Peters
43 Wm. H. Guhl
   Joel F. Preston
   Oscar Norberg
46 Dave N. Alexander
   Alfred Benson
   Will Carlson
48 Oscar Ekstrand
   C. J. Nelson
   Harry G. Johnson
52 Fred Rohertson
   Charles Wickstrom
   Ed. S. Toxword
53 Charles Seberg
   V. E. Nelson
   Will J. Johnson
59 Herman J. Joltnson
   August Lohmeyer
   C. H. Surr
60 C. B. Nelson
   Andrew Nelson
   Otto Lindhlom
64 Carl G. Fredstrom
   Elmer Hultgren
   Garfield Swanson
45 Elmer Anderson
   Elton Maw
   E. E. Hale
   E. A. Hanson, chairman
6 Edmon Morrow
   C. A. Johnson
   0. M. Henning
7 E. A. Hanson
   Roy Grosvernor
8 Herley Millar
   Alford Majors
   E. C. Method
10 J. B. White
   C. A. Richards
   C. H. W. Busse
11 Emil Y. Deen
   Glen Olbrey
   J. S. Farrens
30 James Saxton
   C. W. Chase
   F. E. Lange
31 J. W. Connealy
   J. E. Connealy
   Jas. McCormick
32 L. H. Deman
   G. R. Sweet
   George Connealy
41 Marion Saxton
   A. J. Brinley
   Geo. Redding

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