The executive committee were as follows: Chairman, Mrs. E. C. Houston; first vice chairman, Mrs. Allie Hanna, who served until October 12, 1917. Mrs. F. A. Cameron was elected to fill the vacancy. Second vice chairman, Rev. R. J. Mantey, who served until October 8, 1918. Mrs. Herbert Rhoades was elected to fill the vacancy. Third vice chairman, Mrs. L. S. Larue; fourth vice chairman, James E. Cornish; secretary, Mrs. George McGuire; treasurer, D. W. Greenleaf; chairman membership committee, Mrs. Ed. Latta, who served until January 30, 1918, E. J.
Ganno elected to fill the vacancy; chairman finance committee, E. I. Ellis, who served until April 18, 1918, Mr. Herman Wragge was elected to fill vacancy; chairman first aid, Dr. I. Lukins; chairman civilian relief committee, Mrs. F. A. Cameron; chairman publicity committee, Mrs. R. T. Houston; chairman disaster relief committee, W. T. Poucher. The chapter was especially fortunate in having such men and women for leaders. All are highly respected in the community, and were well able to exercise good judgment in the supervision of public affairs.
the chairmen and members of the various committees, organized upon instructions from divisional headquarters, appointed by the county chairman. The officers of the various branches were in turn elected at the regular meetings or chosen by the branch chairman. At the time of the serious influenza epidemic, committees were appointed to care for persons in need of care or food. It has been the aim of the Burt County Chapter to interest all persons within its jurisdiction in some phase of the Red Cross work. Many of the older women, unable to go to the work rooms, knitted many garments in the home, and pieced many quilts for the refugees. Children in the schools were taught to knit. Knitting at social affairs, clubs and on trains became very common. Hospital garments and the surgical dressings were made in the various work rooms. The finance committee was organized to devise ways and means of adding money to the treasury. By home talent affairs, box socials, Red Cross booths at the Fair, auction sales of various kinds, proceeds from lecture courses and numerous other sources, the funds poured into the treasury. The membership committee deserve much credit for the way they organized for the best results. The civilian relief committee was to furnish help and comfort to the families of absent soldiers. The publicity committee informed the people of the great needs and also of the vast work that the Red Cross was carrying on. The Junior Red Cross interested the younger folks, and some form of work was conducted in every school district. The first aid committee was organized for the purpose of interesting the people in the need of a knowledge of the first aid, and to enroll such persons in such classes. Through the liberal support of the members in a financial way the Burt County Chapter furnished to the great cause amounts aggregating $150,000.00. To the Nebraska Base Hospital about $1,000 was furnished. The following articles were shipped to headquarters: Knitted articles 8,383, surgical dressings 36,457, hospital garments 13,202, refugee garments 1,517, layette 2,996, comfort kits 257, booklets 355. The civilian relief committee was able at various times to render valuable service to families having absent soldiers. This committee was also instrumental in urging all soldiers serving from Burt county to take out war insurance. Many enrolled in the first aid class. It was especially gratifying to have so many women from the rural districts take interest in this phase of the work. Surgical dressing classes were also formed under efficient instructions. Relief was tendered many families during the influenza epidemic by special committees. Through the membership campaign of 1918, Burt county reported 100 per cent. The Burt County Chapter was awarded a Red Cross flag, by the state chairman, F. W. Judson for having obtained the largest per cent membership in 1917. For the success of this organization we are indebted to the co-operation of practically every man, woman and child in Burt county.