John B. Moser, son of John and Caroline Moser, was born at
Raeville, Nebraska on October 30, 1888. Clara Henkenius, daughter of Henry Henkenius and Mary Grote, was born
at Breda, Iowa, on November 10, 1889. She moved with her parents to a farm east of Elgin when she was 11
years old. John and Clara were
married on February 6, 1912. They
lived on a farm east of Elgin until their retirement in 1951 when they moved
to Elgin. John passed away in 1953
and Clara in 1962. They were the
parents of 12 children: Louis, died
in infancy; Ray, twins Peter and Paul, Linda, Paul, Marie, Genny, Rose,
Agnes, and Clara.
Source Unknown: Originally submitted for this website in July 2007