FRED MILLER was born April 25, 1874 in Boschel,
Wisconsin and died in Orchard, Nebraska in May, 1958. The family moved from Battle Creek,
Nebraska to a farm near Orchard in Antelope County in February, 1919. In 1932 they moved to Orchard at which
time Fred operated a tavern. After
his death, his two sons Harlan and Earl operated the tavern. Carrie Dinkel was born in LaPorte, Indiana
on January 4, 1877 and died in the Tilden Hospital in June 1965. Carrie and Fred Miller were married August
31, 1898 in Battle Creek, Nebraska. They were parents of five children: The oldest, Mabel, was born July
1898; Rosella Miller was born August 29, 1902, married to Arthur Dorr in
January 1940, one son, Lynn Arthur Dorr; Harlan Miller was born November 24, 1905. He died May 1983, married Ruby Haswell in October 1938, one
son, Jerry Lee Miller; Earl Miller
was born May 18, 1909 and died in May, 1968, served in U S Army during WWII,
Purple Heart, in Burma; Robert Miller was born on the farm west of Orchard,
October 12, 1922 and died in Orchard in March 1977. Harlan, Robert, Earl and their parents are buried in the
Lutheran Cemetery south of Orchard.
Source Unknown: Originally submitted for this website in Dec 2007