Charles W. Graham, son of Samuel and Sarah Graham, was born
August 6, 1848 in Lincolnshire, England. He died November 10, 1947. At
the age of eight years he came to America with his parents, five brothers and
one sister. They settled on a farm in
Wisconsin. In 1875 he came to
Nebraska and then spent some time prospecting in the Black Hills. He was a freighter. On December 28, 1879, he married Emma
Miller at Charles City, Iowa. They
were parents of four boys and four girls. Walter, Edith, Ethel, Elbert (died in infancy), Arthur, Harry, Elsie, and
Eunice. They lived on a claim
northwest of Clearwater. In 1919 they
retired to Clearwater. Emma died in
January 1936. Charles married Lou
Libby. They had two children: Esther and Elmer. Esther died when age 12. Edith married Ernest Nolze, five
children. Ethel married Charles
VanVleck, four children. Arthur and
Harry did not marry. Elsie married
Orville Neal, seven children. Eunice
married Clyde Wells, two children.
Source Unknown: Originally submitted for this website in July 2007