This is the First Christian Church, Orchard, NE. At some point the name was changed to the Church of Christ. The bricks were made by Charles Sholes. According to family stories Charles made the bricks in the basement of a building that was on the main street of Orchard. To get the bricks out of the basement Charles had some kind of a pulley system which he put the bricks on. The pulley was harnessed to two horses to make it move. This went thru the basement window. Charles and Laura (Pattan) (Manning) Sholes are my ggrandparents. ~Shared by Sandy Dempsey

* AWESOME old news items were found in Orchard News -- read below detail as chronicled in the old news!
Orchard News, June 17, 1910
--The mason work on the new Christian church was commenced on Thursday by mason from Creighton. The structure is to be built of cement blocks. W. E. Butler will have charge of the carpenter work.
Orchard News, June 22, 1910
--The ladies of the Christian church will hold a social in the grove near the Fraternal hall on Saturday afternoon and evening, serving ice cream and cake. The proceeds will be used towards furnishing the new church and every one is cordially invited to attend. |
Orchard News, September 16, 1910 (top half of the image below)
Orchard News, November 18, 1910 (The bottom half of the above image)
Orchard News, December 2, 1910
--The First Christian church of Orchard was dedicated on last Sabbath, three services being held, the sermons being preached by Rev. W. A. Baldwin of Bethany. The congregation was very successful in the matter of raising funds to pay off the indebtedness. Outside of the $500 secured from the church extension board there remained about $1600 to be raised to free the church as it stands from debt. This amount was raised during the day. The furnishings have not yet been provided for but this will be a small item when it is considered, the balance of the debt is paid off.
Orchard News, January 11, 1911
--The ladies of the Christian church will serve dinner and supper at the millinery store of Mrs. Frank Ellis, first door west of the Orchard State Bank, on Monday and Tuesday, February 6 and 7, the days of the Farmer’s Institute. The patronage of the public is invited. |