John Priebe & Lydia Ziemann

John Priebe was the oldest son of Wilhelm & Wilhelmina Priebe. Johann (John) was born November 8, 1876, in Russia. He married Lydia Ziemann, in Mercer County, N.D., on November 1, 1898. John died on April 24, 1957, in San Bernadino, California.

Lydia Ziemann was the daughter of Christian Ziemann & Julianna Priebe. Lydia was born January 22, 1881, in Bessarabia, South Russia. She made her home in Lodi, California, with her husband John Priebe. Lydia died January 31, 1939.

~Information told to Cindy Highley in a telephone interview with family descendant, Robert Priebe on June 7, 1992

“When the four youngest boys would get together for a birthday or an event our father, Johann, would give a toast “Schon wir ein knecht” (again we have a servant)—this was a reference to the fact that a farmer needed many children to help on the farm and if he had children he didn’t have to hire a farmhand and would save money.

Johann Priebe was a farmer—wheat in North Dakota and sold his farm for a good price and in December 1920 moved to Lodi, Calif.; there he had a vineyard and was well fixed. He was a hard worker and in the stock crash of 1929 lost his stock and overnight became poor. Johann had Christian head but no heart knowledge. He spoke Schwabian German.

My mother, Lydia, was the greatest person; did the most with the little she had. As far as education she had two winters of education but was never satisfied and wanted more. When the children were grown, she went to night school and she had a German accent. (Dad didn’t as he talked to people more) but when she did she had no accent.

When cooking if something didn’t turn out, she would eat that part of the meal. She could knit and crochet. She would work in the early a.m. until late p.m. Dad would say “she could sleep like a log (renewed her strength) before she could get her leg into bed she would be asleep. And Dad would have to cover her leg up. She was an outstanding Christian who helped her neighbors. She didn’t have any idle hands.

She read the Bible after the children grown and was very zealot in her religion. She would give out tracts to people.  If she read in the Bible of baptism she would join a church that believed in baptism, if she read of something else she joined a church that believed that. And then in 1931 she went to a tent meeting of the 7th Day Adventist Church and became an active member of the German 7th Day Adventist. She died of stomach cancer in 1939. Us boys sing the praises of our Mother. We would rather run than fight. She taught us many principals—sweet Mother. Us boys were the type if one of us was in a fight we would cheer for the other guy in the fight.” [end of phone interview quotes]

Johann Priebe also became a 7th Day Adventist, and did building construction work. He built a block of homes in Lodi, Ca., and one short street on the east side of Lodi was named Priebe Street for him.

More information about the Johann & Lydia Priebe children from Robert Priebe:
Freida has no children from her marriage to Joe Crews. She does have step children. As of this writing (June 1992) she is very ill.

Roland married Luella Walker and had three daughters. However, Luella left him and the Priebe family has lost contact with these children. Roland was very heavy set and died in 1985 of a heart attack.

Walter was married (his brother, Robert Eital could  not remember his wife’s name) and has one daughter, Kathy Tonn, living near Napa, California. Walter died in 1950 of brain cancer.

Egon married Marianne Berndt who died in 1972 and remarried to Regina. He has no children.

Robert Eital is a retired 7th Day Adventist pastor. Robert and Joyce, his wife, have one daughter, Joyce Edith.

Wilhem Friedrich was married to Olga Roloff. They have one son, Stanley William and he has two children, Leslie and Michael.

~Source: A Ziemann History, by Cindy Highley & Peggy Renner Howell, pages 161-162

The Children of John and Lydia Priebe:

Wilhelm Friedrich
Emil John
Egon A.
Robert Eital




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