Early Photos


August Isaak Reunion

These black/white pictures appear to be those taken at an early August Isaak Reunion. All of these pictures were found in Gertie Ziemann's collection. If these are not Isaak Reunion pictures, do not hesitate to let me know. I welcome all suggestions and corrections. Thanks.

#1. At far left is Gertie Ziemann, one of her sons is apparently on her lap, next to her on the bench is her husband, Eldor Ziemann. The three ladies also on the bench are so far, unidentified. It appears that across the table from Gertie is another one of her sons. It is believed to be Jack Ziemann. ***There appears to be a decorated cake (front center) of this photo. This may be an anniversary celebration?

#2. Not the most flattering of views but I included this picture because it MIGHT be the backside of the people seated at the bench in the first picture. That does appear to be the case. Does having this second photo help to identify the others in the picture?

#3. This young man has been identified as Dale Ziemann, the oldest son of Gertie (Isaak) & Eldor Ziemann. In the background appears to be that picnic table with the wooden canopy over it from pictures 1 & 2. Could that be right? Help please.

#4. This picture appears very ISAAK. On the front side of the bench is seated Rose Isaak and her daughter, Delores.

**It is believed that the woman seated at the right from Delores could be Gertie Ziemann. One of Gertie's boys has his head in her lap. In these two photos Gertie is NOT wearing the lovely hat from picture #1, but it does appear that she is wearing the same dress.

#5. This picture was taken at the same time as number 4, just minutes apart. Hope we can date this one and identify the others in the picture, besides Rose & Delores & Gertie. Aren't the cars in the background just fabulous!!


Please help with the identity of people in the pictures. Also help to identify the year the pictures were taken. Refer to the # next to the picture when emailing Linda. Thanks.

Email Mrs. Richard (Linda) Ziemann

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NDGenWeb 2012