28th August Isaak Reunion


Isaak Family Reunion Official Publication, June 24, 25, 1995

~Valerie Sayler, Secretary

The 28th August Isaak Family reunion was held the weekend of June 24 & 25, 1995, in Center, N.D.  About 250 people from surrounding cities, states and even Germany attended the reunion.

The weekend began with a Golf Tournament at the Square Butte Golf Course in Center with 40 people attending.  Even the rain and wind couldn’t keep these golfers down. It was very exciting, especially the end when the teams had to putt because of a tie. Saturday night the dance was held at the Center City Hall with the Randy Stein Band playing. There was much bunny hopping, butterflies, and bird dancing going on. It was a great time!

Sunday morning a church service was held in the Center Park under the guidance of Pastor David Sailer from Indiana. The offering was donated to the Oliver and Mercer County Ambulance Funds. The Isaak choir directed by John Sailer and accompanied by Kathy Huber added to the Joyful Celebration.  By the way, did we get the 10, 20, 30 minute sermon? Thanks, David! A potluck dinner was served with 4 different lines. That really helped speed things along except for those people that had to go in every line!!!!

President Phyllis Bohrer opened the meeting by giving the cooks a hand for all the good food. We also observed a moment of silence for those who have passed away, especially Rebecca Bauer Isaak and Art Isaak.

BUSINESS MEETING (in part the text is below)

Fred Isaak played some German songs on his accordion. Lucille Isaak Hickok’s granddaughter, Alexandera Pattenn, from Germany sang “O Tannebaun” in German.

The Dave Isaak family presented a good program describing Rose and Dave Isaak. Leona Isaak read a poem. Armond Isaak read a brief history about Rose and Dave. Others that gave information were Hildegard Wallender, Selma Unterseher, Lorentina Weisz, Dale Ziemann, and Walter and Hulda Isaak. Walter Isaak had set up a display of pictures and many items made by Dave Isaak. He also gave a good description of each item. It was very well done and greatly appreciated by the folks.

Cheryl Isaak, DeAnn, Stacy and Cassie Busch had games lined up for the children. The adults got in on the big parachute game. It was a ball!! Thanks, Ladies!

The next reunion (1997) will be a tribute to Richard Isaak, so we will need anyone that has information, pictures, history, etc. on Richard to start getting it together. Please let one of the board members know who will be in charge of getting that started and organized.

The Golf Tournament did have some awards to give out at the golf course. All the names for the second place team were not given to this writer.

1st Place:  John Sayler, Ted Huber, Randy Belstad, Richard Sarratt
2nd Place: Loretta Zarambo, Jeff Elwein, and others
3rd Place: Maxine Beckwith, Jack Ziemann, Bruce Isaak, Byron Isaak


**Anyone with pictures and/or stories to share, please email Linda Ziemann with your information. JPG images are what we need. Thanks!

Email Mrs. Richard (Linda) Ziemann

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