Dewey Hebeler & Amelia Knecht Hebeler

My mother and father were Christopher and Christine (Machau) Knecht. My mother was a sister to Mrs. Malke. I was born in a sod house near Krem, North Dakota, the 21st of May 1904 and attended country school through the eighth grade. Father died when I was fourteen years of age and I helped my brother on the farm. I plowed the fields and also later cut and racked hay and of course helped with the harvest, milked cows, etc. 

Then the following years a couple of the girls from Krem had gone to Sioux City, Iowa, to get jobs. So one day we boarded the train in Hazen, my sister Melita, Ida, and I for Sioux City. It was hard for our mother to see us go. She fell on her knees right there in the yard and asked God to watch over us, and her prayers were answered. We got jobs and later on to better ourselves. I went to Business School and Ida went to Beauty School to become a hairdresser.

My first job was at the Western Union as assistant bookkeeper, and later also worked for New York Life Insurance Company until I met a wonderful man, Dewey Hebeler and we were married the 28th of February 1928. In 1978 we celebrated our Fiftieth Anniversary. We had been married for fifty-eight years when Dewey died in January 1986.

We were blessed with a good life and traveled to Europe twice, to the Holy Land, Hawaii and a cruise to the Bahamas, spent winters in Florida, Texas, etc.

We have four children: 1) Audrey Peterson, who lives in Cedar Rapids. Her husband is with the DeKalb Seed Corn Co.;  2) Carol lives in Dallas. Her husband, Ron Miller, is with electronics and Carol is office manager at the famous Erobic Center, Dallas; 3) Our son, Dewey Jr., lives in Tacoma, Washington, and manages Scarf Motor, selling Fords; 4) Our youngest lives on a farm near Dakota City, Nebraska. Her husband, Ken Bartels, is an excellent farmer. Prior to farming they both taught school.

I have seven grandchildren.

~Biography written by Mrs. Dewey (Amelia) Hebeler


Children of Dewey & Amelia Hebeler

Audrey Hebeler Peterson
Carol Hebeler Miller
Dewey Hebeler Jr.
(Youngest daughter) Hebeler Bartels




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