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State Coordinator:  Jeff Kemp
Assistant State Coordinator:  Denise Wells
County Coordinator:  Denise Wells


Photos on this page were submitted by
 Nac Favre

"Bill Farve"

"Bill Farve"
These two pictures are supposed to be that of WILLIAM MARK FAVRE of Mulatto Bayou in Hancock County.  The
picture was posted at one time in the NASA Office at Gaineville.  Several family members have doubts this is my grandfather. Does anyone have proof?

William Mark Favre and Emalina Cuevas Favre
Circa 1930's
My grandparents.
William Mark Favre was the son of William Henry and Mary Fox Favre.
Emalina Cuevas Favre was the daughter of
Rosamond and Angeline Anaise Nicaise Cuevas