Pendleton Family
Submitted by Bob Prater Mary (Barnhart) Pendleton, (Pension)
Certificate #131971 was the second wife of Zachariah
Pendleton. Zachariah Pendleton was one of 5 children
of William Pendleton and Florentine Sarah Dillard
Isbell: William Pendleton c. 1822 Zachariah Pendleton c. 1824 Frances Pendleton c. 1824 (married Lewis
G. Wiles) George W. Pendleton c. 1825 Richard Pendleton c. 1828 Zachariah married (1) Barbara Ann
Barnhart daughter of Mathias Barnhart and Elizabeth
Seaton. Barbara
and Zachariah had three children: William H. Pendleton Oct 3, 1849, married
Martha Ann Moss Frances Emiline Pendleton June 2, 1852
who died at 2 years of age in 1854 James R. Pendleton Dec 24, 1854. Zachariah's wife Barbara died April 14,
1858 and Zachariah married his deceased wife's
sister Mary Barnhart November 25, 1858. They had
three children: Sarah J. Pendleton Oct 13, 1859 who died
at 17 years of age in 1876. George Pinkney Pendleton Aug 21, 1861 Martha Elizabeth Pendleton Feb 7, 1863
who married William Henderson Williams. I received this following information of
Zachariah Pendleton from a lady in Virginia with
whom I was exchanging Pendleton history with. Zachariah served in the Union forces in
the Civil War.
He was a Corporal, Company E 11th Missouri
Cavalry Volunteers.
He entered service as a resident of Maries
County, MO Post Office Address Manton, Maries Co.,
MO. He was enrolled October 15, 1862 and
discharged at the General Hospital, Little Rock,
Arkansas in July 1865. He was mustered out July 28,
1865 diagnosed with a disability. Zachariah
died on a boat trying to get home after he was
discharged from the service. He asked
to be discharged because he was dying from smallpox
and wanted to get home. He is buried at Jefferson
Barracks National Cemetery, St. Louis, MO. His
friend William May was with him and his statement is
one of the affidavits in the file. He is
listed in the U.S. Quartermaster's Department "Roll
of Honor" book for his service. State of Missouri County of Cole} On this 23rd day of July 1866, personally
appeared before me the undersigned clerk of the
Circuit Court within & for the County &
State aforesaid, the same being a court of record,
William May, of Maries Co., Missouri, who being by
me duly sworn, says that he was well and personally
acquainted with Zachariah Pendleton, now dec'd late
a Corporal in Co. E 11th Regt. Mo. Cav. Vols. Affiant
states that he, himself, was formerly a member of
Co. M. 3rd Mo. Cav. Vols, and was afterwards
assigned to Co. C. 11th Mo. Cav. Vols. -- That about
the 14th day of March 1865, at Little Rock,
Arkansas, said Zachariah Pendleton took the Small Pox,
and was sent to the Small Pox hospital, when he
remained for about two months, under charge of Dr.
Jennings. During
the time he remained at the small pox hospital he
lost the use of his right eye, in consequence of
having the small pox, and contracted chronic
diarrhea, in consequence of which, he was
transferred from the small pox hospital to the
General hospital.
He remained at the latter place until about
the 27th day of July 1865, when he started for his
home in Maries County, MO. having been previously
discharged from the U. S. Service. He was
carried out on his mattress to the ambulance which
conveyed him to the boat, being entirely unable to
walk. His
health was at the time very low. Affiant
waited on him during the passage until his death,
which occurred not far below Cape Girardeau, MO. on
the 2nd day of August 1865. Affiant
was present and saw him die, and his body was buried
in St. Louis Mo, affiant having given the body in
charge to the Medical Director for the purpose of
internment. All
of which (with the exception of the burial) affiant
states as within his personal knowledge. Affiant
states that he is not interested for pension. /S/ William May State of Missouri County of Cole} On this 22 day of July 1867, before me a
notary public within and for the County and State
aforesaid and by law duly authorized to administer
oaths for general purposes personally appeared
William May, of Maries Co., MO. whom I certify to be
respectable and credible, who being by me duly sworn
deposes and says, that he was personally acquainted
with Zachariah Pendleton late of Co E 11th MO Cav
Vols. That
said Zachariah Pendleton was discharged at his own
request, he being very anxious to reach home before
he died, that at the time of his discharge this
affiant ... believes he was in such a state of
health as to render his final recovery very
doubtful. /S/
William May Subscribed and sworn to before me this
day and year first above written, and I certify that
I am not interested in Pension Claim of Mrs. Mary
Pendleton for pension. Witness my Hand & Notarial seal. /S/
Allan McDowell Notary Public |