Biography of Lem JonesSubmitted by Joy Jones Brandon This was found in a journal kept by my Grandfather Lem Jones. Names mentioned in this are: Fred Hannah, Jim Wiles, Edd Hilton, Henry Monekes , Johnie & Joe McKnally, Rahr boys, Wes Jones, Leslie Brumble, Grant Thompson, John M. & Mary L. Jones, J.W. Jones, Ollie Jones, Bessie Jones, Genie Jones, Gale Jones, Evertt Jones, Stanley Jones, Avery Jones, Austin Jones, Mary Jones, Mary Wiles Slone Jones, Tom Wiles, Mr & Mrs. D.T. Lee, Claud Slone, Arthur Thompson., Joe Boucher, Ersie Dake Lem Jones born April 12, 1892 Written in 1957. 65 years ago today I was born in Miller County about 8 miles east of Iberia on a farm known as the Fred Hannah farm. My father and mother was John M. and Mary L. Jones. I was the sixth child, 5 being born ahead of me. Then a little more that 3 years along came the seventh another boy Gale who was born May 14, 1895 making 3 girls and 4 boys. Gale I think was born on the Gasconade river near a place called Wheeler Mill. Of course I don't remember that. About the first I remember is seeing him wearing dresses then next I recall is living at the Briggs Place near Jim Wiles and Brinktown and there was where my schooling started at a little school house called Salem. I don't think I went to school much there and then we moved to a place in Miller County known as the Edd Hilton Place 6 miles east of Iberia. Then I went to school at Brays until 1900. Then we moved to Maries County 4 miles north of Dixon near Santee school. By then Gale was big enough to start to school. By this time I think my 2 oldest sisters had dropped out of school. The next year 1901 was the Dry Year. We didn't raise anything that year to eat. That was the year they built the Rock Island Railroad from St. Louis to Kansas City so my dad want and worked on it to support us at $1.50 per day. It was about 20 miles to the job but that was a long ways as them days transportation was not so good. It was walk or go horse back or wagon.I think my oldest sister Ollie was married at about this time. After my dad got through the Railroad, he stayed home from then on and farmed. He rented ground down on the Little Maries Creek and all the boys that was big enough went along to help. He would work for other people to get a little money to keep the family together. We only had a 2 room house so he marked out enough lumber at a saw mill at Henry Mankes to build another 2 rooms. We had lots of room then. Me and Gale being the youngest 2 of the family we had to buddy together. We done a lot of playing over the hills and hallows around there. Johnie and Joe McKnally was our pals them days and came along the Rohr boys so we had lots of play partners them. My sister Bessie got married along in these years-don't know the date. My dad bought the farm on this 120 acres we live on for I think about $150.00. Then he sold it in about 1909. My Grandma Jones having passed away in 1907 my Grandpa wanted someone to live with him so my dad bought the old place in Miller County from him - J.W. Jones. We moved in it in 1910. Then we had plenty of good ground to farm. We raised good crops of wheat, corn and oats. Then in January 1913 my brother Arthur got married. He moved on the Wes Jones Place joining this one on the south. Then in the same year my sister Genie got married. Then in March of 1914 my brother Evert got married. Long about this time I took a notion to run around a little so me and Claud Slone went up in Nebraska. Arthur Thompson was up there working on a farm then. Then World War I came along in 1917. June 5 was the Big Registration day. I got my notice to be examined I think in August then was ordered to report for duty September 20 at Tuscumbia and was sent to Camp _______ Kansas. Then my youngest brother Gale was married in November. About this time I was transferred to Camp Pike Arkansas. Stayed there till June 1918 then the whole Division was sent to New Jersey then next I loaded on the Big Boat for England, unloaded the 13th at Liverpool, stayed in England 3 days, them sailed the English Channel to France. Went to Camp Mouterchonr(?) stayed there till the war ended. When we moved toward the ocean. We stopped at a little town and just lived in French houses in rooms. Then in Feb. 1919 we started home. Never seen any Happier Bunch. We left there the 19th of Feb. and got to New York the 5th of March. Leslie Brumble made all this trip with me. Gale also got in the Army and was in France and back home before I was. I got my Discharge at Camp Grant, Illinois March 21, 1919. In the meantime I had got married March the 12, 1918. After my discharge we went to St. Louis for a while I worked at Butler Bros wholesale house then we went back to the farm. The 24 of June 1920 came our son Avery Jones. Then we moved on a farm in the Johnston District north of Crocker. This was where our second son Stanley Jones was born April 23, 1922. Then we left the farm in December and went to Galena Kansas. I got a job with the Empire District Electric Co. & Power Plant 2 1/2 miles west of Galena on 66 Highway. In the end of 1923 we bought our first car, a 1924 Model T Touring car. In the spring of 1924 we made our first trip by car to Miller County. Took almost all day to make the trip. The roads them days was rocky crooked and narrow. The July 31st 1928 our 3rd son got here about 4am. The following November we went to Miller County and I went to Rolla. Stayed 4 weeks and had my eyes treated at the Tra choma Hospital with wonderful results. During this time Her and the boys stayed with my folks and her Parents, Mr. & Mrs. D.T. Lee. In 1931 we traded for a 1930 Model A Ford. It seemed so much better than the Touring car and by this time the roads improved. We could make the trip in 6 hours. In March of 1932 I was laid off at the Power Plant along with many others. So this was in the Depression time and work was scarce and very hard to find. We sold our house and moved to Miller County and we bought the Grant Thompson 40 at High Knob. My father being poorly, I started farming his place in 1933 and my father in law passed away in July of 1933. My dad being poorly, I farmed his place and looked after him. In 1940 World War 2 broke out and they started building Fort Leonard Wood. Me and my 2 oldest boys went to work there. My dad passed away in 1941. Also Avery was called to service in 1941. Before this we made a trip to California in a Model A Ford. 5 of us - Ersie Dake, her little boy and Mearl Jones. That Model A was really loaded. This was in 1936. Mary had a serious operation while out there. We came back to Missouri in October 1937. The boys got home from the Army in 1945. Both having overseas service. Then February 21, 1946 Mary passed away. We had sold our place in Miller County and moved to Maries County. By this time we was living on and had bought the Joe Baucher Place in the Santee School District. Then in 1947 I sold this farm. Me and Austin came to St. Louis where the other 2 boys were. I worked around St. Louis up till 1950 and October 28, 1950 I got married to Mrs. Artie Slone. We moved on Price Road, St. Louis County. I worked for a private school. Stayed there till April 1955. Then we bought a place in Maplewood where I started to work at a radio shop on Big Bend The Electro Comm Co. The reason for making this change was to get where they deducted social security so I could be eligible to draw it. My mother passed away in January 1956 at a very old age 95 years old. Now in this year of 1953 first of September, my wife with her brother Tom Wiles and his wife and their son made a sight seeing trip to California. Taken from a journal written by Lem Jones. This was found in a box of items after his son, Austin Jones passed away and was given to me by my sister, Tonja Jones. Joy Jones Brandon |