Westover School

Submitted on 16 April 2009 by Deb Legg

(From the text beneath the photo in the news article)

The picture above, brought to us by Cecil Westover is of the Westover School, about 1905 or 1906.
From left to right:  Earl Roberts, teacher; Back row:  John Waller, Ray Halbert, Leslie Branson, ? Lemaskies, Archie Kehner, ? Jones, Willie Kehner, Everett Ives, ? Jones, Herman Ives, Ferd Waller,
Next row:  Seldon Ives, Lemaskis, Mary Kimberlin, Lizzie Hendrix, Alice Halbert, Hallie Ives, Lola Williams (Giles' sister), Bessie Williams, Pearl Viehman, Grace Ives, Alice Achurch
Front row:  Addie Halbert, Nellie Halbert, Vinny Waller, Tressie Halbert, Madge Ives, Velta Ives, Alta Westover, Cecil Westover, Ida Hendrix, Warfel Halbert, (could be Clarence Viehman moved ?), Oren Williams (Giles' brother ?)

Lola, Bessie, Giles, and Oren Williams were brothers and sisters;
Bessie was my grandmother. Deb

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