Crawford County Missouri
Photo Album

Cuba High School's Boys' Basketball Team (1929-30)

Submitted on 4 Sept 2006 by Albert M. Lewis

Cuba High School's Boys' Basketball Team (1929-30), which took 2nd place in Consolation flight of Missouri State Boys' High School Championship Tournament.  This was before high schools in Missouri were separated into size categories for purposes of team athletic competitions and this accomplishment of Cuba High's team was remarkable at the time for such a small school.


Front Row L to R:  Herbert lewis, Ralph Fishwick, Erwin Long, George McMillan, Earl "Nippy" Lewis
Back Row L to R:  cecil Markley, wilbur Cook, Bradford Markley, Coach Fox

Source of photo:  excerpt from pictorial supplement to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 6 Apr 1930

Cuba High School's Girls' Basketball Team

Submitted on 28 July 2009 by Karen Kennedy

The center person on the top row is Lois Weigle and directly in front of her (holding the ball) is my aunt (and Lois's cousin) Pearl Taylor.  As you can see on the ball, the year is 1927-28. 


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