Penobscot County

The Pilgram Way

A very good book on Chester, Maine, The Pilgrim Way, was written by Marion Reed Kimball in 1962. Portions of the book are transcribed below by Donald & Evelyn Wright with permission from Mrs. Kimball's daughter, Josephine Loupin.

First Settlers of Chester, Maine, USA


One of the first settlers, Frink Stratton and his wife, Lydia L Coombs Stratton, and their family came from Albion, ME. He made a cleaning at the foot of the big hill knows as Thompson Hill near a brook that flows into the Penobscot River. In later years, this house was swept away by on one of the great freshets of the Penobscot. Second settler in Chester was Moses Babcock from Paris, ME who settled on the lot where the family of Joseph Clukey lived for many years. Jesse Babcock also came to Chester in 1823.


John Weston came from Paris, ME in 1824. Others coming to Chester in 1824 were John Brown, Charles Brown and Moses Brown from Montville, ME. Another family who settled in Chester James Scott [some genealogical info available to be added], who came with his wife, Joan Hanson, and their 11 children from New Brunswick.

Benjamin Chesley Sr. moved to Chester from Paris, [ME] in the spring of 1824, being detained at Old Town, [ME] by breaking up of the ice as there was not any other road. His sons were Benjamin Jr, Edward, Belia, and Jefferson. Benjamin was agent with power of Attorney for the Proprietors to Survey and lot out Township No. 3 and sell to settlers on yearly payment in four years by bond at One dollar per acre, reserving timber where there was over Ten Thousand feet. Benjamin Sr. was a selectman of Chester in 1829.

Alfred Gates Esq. of Paris, [ME] moved to Chester also in the spring of 1824 and was burnt out in Feb of 1827. He lost 2 daughters in the fire. [some additional info available] His sons were Zadoc, Solan, Galen, and Homar.


The following settled in Chester: Christopher Jackins, who build a home on the Davis farm afterward occupied by John Libby. Benjamin Walton who cleared the Willis Hamilton lot, came from Dover NH and built a hotel. George and John Lindsey kept a store near the place long owned by William Lovett. Walter Haines came from Dover, ME and made a clearing in the lower part of Chester, near the James Wyman farm. Then in 1834 he built a large set of buildings in the center of the town, which later was occupied by his son Martin H Haines.


In January 1826, Samuel Chesley of Paris, ME moved his family to Chester. He was a Justice of the Peace, and also held many town offices. He lived on the lot later owned by Harry DeWitt. James Bartlett settled on the Goodwin Ireland place near the Penobscot River.


S Warren Coombs of Albion, ME came to Chester. He was a carpenter and surveyor and also taught school. He was probably the first teacher in Chester. David Bunker came from Canaan, ME and settled on the lot later owned by Joseph D Scott. Edward Beathem came from Pittston and settled just above the Ireland lot near the Flemming lot or ferry. Still another to locate in Chester in 1827 was Samuel Chester of Chester, NH. It is said that he built a large house which was used as a tavern. The town of Chester was named after him.


Samuel G Brown came from Albion, ME and settled on the lot just south of Frink Stratton's farm. His son, Abram B Brown succeeded him on this farm.


Deacon John Boober made a clearing on the bank of the Medunkunk Stream near the farm afterwards occupied by the family of Sylvester B Smith.


Dr. Thomas Lindsey with his son Thomas Lindsey Jr. also also a physician came to Chester and engaged in the practice of medicine. He remained here for four years or more.


Penuel Shumway, who was one of the first settlers of Piscataquis Falls (Howland) moved to Chester. He built a house on the lot now owned by Lewis Wyman (1955) and part of the cellar hole can be seen in Wyman's pasture. Shumway Cove, at the foot of the hill, was named after him.


Deacon John O Kyle moved his family from Mattanawcook (South Winn) across the Penobscot River to Chester, where he built a story and a half house overlooking the Penobscot River. The house was occupied in later years by Mr & Mrs Ernest Hunt. Mr & Mrs Llewellyn Harmon resided there from 1904 until 1945. Since then [1955] the house has been razed.


Andrew Fleming, a Scotsman from Ireland, settled on the John G Fleming farm now occupied [1955] by Theodore Fleming.

Among other early settlers of Chester was William Stratton, ferryman for many years of the ferry at North Chester, connecting with Winn.
Paul Stratton also lived in this section, formally a native of Albion, ME.
David Clendenin settled near the Fred Davis farm.
Sylvanis Hatch settled near the bridge on the Medunkunk Stream.
Deacon George Glidden settled on the Woodville Road near the line between Chester and Woodville.

Another settler of Chester was Elder Abel Turner. He was sent to Chester by the Domestic Missionary Society of the Penobscot yearly meeting on or before 1848, to be Pastor of the Free-Will-Baptist Church.

Taxpayers in Chester

Taxpayers in 1834

John Bemis
J Carpenter
David Chesley
Samuel Copeland
Freeman Crocker
William Crocker
James Dudley
William Emerson
William Fleming
Charles Glidden
Amos Haggett
Alvin Haines
David Haines
Hartley Hamilton
Temple Ireland
Charles Scott
James Stevens
Mr. Wadleigh
Edmond Watson
John White
Mr. Wiley

New Taxpayers in 1836

John Babcock
Jere Batchelder
Amasa Berry
Walter B Carpenter
Warren Crocker
M. H. Phillbrock
Clark Hanson
Coburn Ireland
George Jackins
John Jackins
Enos B Leland
Benjamin A Mellen
James Nickels
John Mudd
James Pond
John Scudder
Andrew Spencer
Ebenezer Spencer
Joseph Surins
Daniel Twist
John Weeks
Jeremy Witten
Lewis White
Samuel White
Jonathan White

New Taxpayer in 1837
Edward Thompson

New Taxpayers in 1838
Albert Coombs
Elias Jordan
William Wyman


List of Persons residing in the Town of Chester, of the County of Penobscot, within the limits specified, who are liabel to enrollment in the Militia

Babcook, Ebenezer W - born Apr 21, 1831; age when mustered 31
Beatham, John - born Jan 2, 1844; age when mustered 18
Beatham, Lot - born Apr 12, 1819; age when mustered 43
Berry, Alfred M - born May 15, 1826; age when mustered 35
Bradford, James H - born Apr 1, 1827; age when mustered 35
Brown, Abram B - born Nov 5, 1827; age when mustered 34
Chambers, William H - born May, 1819; age when mustered 42
Chase, William P - born Feb 17, 1844; age when mustered 18
Chesley, Albion P - born Aug 1, 1831; age when mustered 30
Chesley, Nicholas H - born Nov 11, 1829; age when mustered 32
Chesley, Samuel H - born Jan 13, 1843; age when mustered 19
Coombs, John W - born Oct 21, 1832; age when mustered 29
Gerry, Leander - born Jan 10, 1835; age when mustered 26
Glidden, James - born Jan 16, 1832; age when mustered 30
Haynes, Daniel C - born Nov 9, 1831; age when mustered 30
Haynes, George H - born Jun 2, 1842; age when mustered 19
Ireland, Allen J - born Mar 16, 1836; age when mustered 26
Ireland, Hartley - born Oct 3, 1833; age when mustered 28
Ireland, Hezekiah - born May 5, 1840; age when mustered 21
Keen, James S - born Mar 2, 1822; age when mustered 40
Keene, Addison C - born May 28, 1842; age when mustered 19
Keene, Alfred H - born Jan 28, 1834; age when mustered 28
Kyle, Jackson D - born July 11, 1832; age when mustered 29
Kyle, James S - born Feb 18, 1837; age when mustered 25
Kyle, Merrill E - born Jun 21, 1835; age when mustered 26
Lovett, James - born May 20, 1843; age when mustered 18
McCurdy, Daniel - born Apr 11, 1819; age when mustered 43
Nichols, James V - born Aug 1, 1826; age when mustered 35
Scott, David S - born Jun 12, 1842; age when mustered 20
Scott, George W - born Oct 4, 1842; age when mustered 19
Scott, John B - born Feb 28, 1841; age when mustered 21
Scott, Mark - born Jun 6, 1837; age when mustered 24
Scott, Martin B - born Mar 8, 1844; age when mustered 18
Scott, William A - born Jul 20, 1843; age when mustered 18
Scott, William M - born Sep 9, 1822; age when mustered 39
Smith, Sewell N - born Jul 15, 1840; age when mustered 21
Smith, Silas Jr - born Mar 19, 1834; age when mustered 27
Smith, William H - born Aug 28, 1831; age when mustered 30
Spencer, Amaziah - born Jun 6, 1821; age when mustered 34
Spencer, Ebenezer - born Oct 4, 1840; age when mustered 21
Spencer, Matthew - born Jun 5, 1832; age when mustered 29
Thompson, Charles J - born Aug 11, 1823; age when mustered 39
Varney, David V - born Sep 12, 1833; age when mustered 28
Varney, Ebenezer - born Sep 12, 1836; age when mustered 25
Varney, Uriah - born Dec 12, 1839; age when mustered 22
Wyman, Ralph W - born Jun 24, 1834; age when mustered 26
Wyman, Richmond L - born Apr 3, 1823; age when mustered 39
York, Federick - born ; age when mustered 30


Town of Chester April 24, 1862

We, the undersigned, Selectmen of the Town of Chester certify that the limits of the Company to be composed of the individuals within here named, and their successors, and others residing within the bounds herein mentioned, liable to perform Military duty, are hereby established and defined, viz.

Within the boundary lines of the Town of Chester.

Received April 24, 1862

Sam H Chesley
Abram B Brown
J D Kyle

Selectmen of the Town of Chester

Sam H Chesley - Town Clerk
A true copy - Attest:
Sam H Chesley, Town Clerk

These portions of the book The Pilgram Way were transcribed by Donald & Evelyn Wright, with permission from Mrs. Kimball's daughter, Josephine Loupin.

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This page was last updated 08/19/2024