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Look-Up Resources

The following 'Look-up' offers are old and may no longer be valid, if you are unable to contact any of the following, please let the coordinator know so it can be further investigated and possibly removed from the list. 

If you own or have access to materials relating to Oxford county Maine, consider being a Look-Up volunteer, contact the coordinator.  It is important to follow copyright law, click here for more information.

Please follow these rules when requesting a Look-Up:

When requesting a lookup from any of the offers listed below, remember they are volunteers, ask politely and remember to thank them. Include the name of the book or resource in your message. Limit requests to an individual, couple or family unit. Provide given names, surname and birth dates (if known) or approximate ages during a certain year. Do not ask for things like "all information about the Smith family", briefly explain what you are seeking. 

1906 Greenwood Town Register Chris Dunham
1911 Town Register Chris Dunham
A Genealogy of Edward Chapman of Ipswich, Mass Pam Weeks
A History of Otisfield Marilyn Strout
Bethel, Maine Cemeteries Cheryl Kelso
Bethel, Maine, an Illustrated History Deborah Paige
Blueberries and Pusley Weed, the Story of Lovell, Maine Don Lord
Buckfield - Buckfield History Books as well as the Cemetery books. Phil McAlister
East Bethel Road Jim Brown
New Pennacook Folks: Early Rumford Deborah Paige or Jennifer Godwin
Oxford County, Maine: A Guide to Its Historic Architecture Cheryl Kelso
The Life and Family of John Bean, of Exeter Mariana Bean Ruggles
The Richardson Lakes: Jewels In The Rangeley Chain Cheryl Kelso
Vital Records of Otisfield, Maine to the Year 1892 Charlotte Croshaw or Marilyn Strout

Off-Site Resources

Books We Own for Maine

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