Lincoln County MEGenWeb is a free genealogical site about the history of the county.
We hope you find helpful clues for your research of Lincoln county ancestors.
Are you familiar with the area? Do you have a family tree connection to the area? Please consider contributing your pieces of Lincoln County family history. Corrections, updates, and additions to this site are always welcome. Our combined efforts can make this a great site for all who visit!
County Coordinator: Rebecca Maloney for Lincoln County MEGenWeb
State Coordinator: Norma Hass
Assistant State Coordinator:
Susan Salus
If you are interested in helping, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Lincoln County (1760 map) was established as the eastern county from York County (York and Cumberland were the western Counties) of the Province of Maine's three counties on June 21, 1760. Pownalborough Courthouse was built in 1761. In 1790 Hancock and Washington were established from Lincoln County (1790 map). In 1799, Kennebeck County was established from the remainder of Lincoln County (1799 map). In 1827 Waldo was established from part of the remaining Lincoln County (1827 map) . In 1854 Sagadahoc and part of Androscoggin were established from the remaining Lincoln County (1854 map). In 1860 Knox was established from the remaining Lincoln County (1860 map). Thus the original Lincoln County which covered almost 90% of Maine has been divided into many other counties between 1790 and 1860. Your search must take into account the time frames of your ancestors and not just the current boundaries (current county map - No changes since 1913).
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This page was last updated 10/28/2024