This is parts of the newspaper from Lisbon High School for the school year 1926-27. This is the second year of publication and is full of information about the students and even former students.
We the students of Lisbon High School take the opportunity to thank the class of '26 for the clock which they so willingly gave us on their departure showing the deep love they had for their school. It not only makes the High School more attractive but is also very useful and already we find it a necessary part of us.
Senior Class News
On September 7, 1926 the Jolly Juniors became dignified Seniors, with an enrollment of eleven. We were very sorry to lose four of our members, Margaret Blanford and Dwight Burroughs who moved to Emmittsburg. Lois Peddicord who is now attending business college in Baltimore and Amoss Holland who is working on the farm. We were very lad to add to our number this year Rachel Martin.
The class of officers elected for the ensuing year were:
President���Charles Fleming
Secretary���Helen M. Brandenburg
Treasurer���Julia Pearre
This class has undertaken to print the second volume of the school paper. We have worked very hard and are going to try to print eight editions, and have a large amount of money to make in order to finance it.
On Wednesday, October 6, the Senior Class gave a social for the benefit of the school paper. We cleared about twenty-two dollars, and have been serving hot lunches each day. We have served hot cocoa and hot weiners, hot soup and hamburger sandwiches. With the co-operation of every one we have been able to profit by this device.
The first of November we expect to give a play entitled "Which is Which".
We are endeavoring to make this the most profitable year in the history of Lisbon High School.
Junior Class
If on the seventh of September you had been in the rooms of Lisbon High School you would have seen the faces of the majority of the Sophomore Class of '25 and '26 or the last school years. A few who could not stand the shock of getting back on the old job again so suddenly (and it was suddenly the vacation this years seemed to last only several weeks) straggled in the second and third week after school had opened so that at the time this report is being written nearly all, in fact all except one of the class of last year, and to be seen in and about Lisbon High School. At the present time the class has a total enrollment of eighteen. At the first opportunity the class was called together and was organized: the following officers were elected for the coming year: Frank J. Brandenburg, president; Howard L. Stier, vice president; Katie Warfield, secretary. Al this meeting a reporter was also elected to write the report of the class each month for our school paper, namely Howard L. Stier.
The year, as last year is contributing some of its members to the Athletic Association, and tow of its members are captain and manager of the soccer ball team. They are Frank Brandenburg captain, and Howard Stier, manager. And nearly all of the class members are taking part in the soccer and field ball teams.
Agricultural Report
Last year vocational agriculture was started at Lisbon High School Animal husbandry and plant husbandry are offered on alternate years.
This is the year for studying animal husbandry. To date the following are the main topics studied this year:
1. Breeding of farm animals.
2. Types of cattle.
3. Theory of judging cattle.
4. Culling and selecting layers.
We expect to test herds of cattle to secure funds needed for our department.
The students are very much pleased to have Mr. Magruder for agriculture instructor this year.
Charles Fleming
Sophomore News
We are no longer Freshmen but now have advanced to the wisest of all classes and are now called Sophomores.
The first week of school we organized our class and elected the following officers:
President - LeRoy Schauer.
Vice president - Beatrice Warfield.
Secretary and treasurer - Leona Gaver.
We had a short business meeting and decided to buy a class banner for the school. We are planning to make this a worthwhile year and one of the best in our school life.
News From the Elementary Room
Our New Orchestra
Faculty Report
Literary News
Board of Editors
Editorial - School Notes
Where Are Our Alumni?
News From The Primary Room
This summer the patrons of Lisbon High School gave a card party at the home of Mrs. J.M. Delashmutts in order to make money with which to buy play ground equipment. The thins arrived at Woodbine several weeks ago and were brought over to the school in a truck.
We are all very much pleased with them and we shall be very happy when they are ready for use.
Miss Aaronson has started a new orchestra in our school. Every Monday our music teacher comes and we always learn new and useful information about the instruments which we play. Our orchestra consists of combs, drums, bells and many other instruments.
Lisbon High School opened its new years with three new members on its faculty. We have had as our principal Mr. Robert Likely, formerly of Jarettsville, Harford Co., Miss Florence Massey, our English and French teacher, and Miss Edythe Winger, who teaches the forth and seventh grades. We were glad to welcome back our former teachers, Miss Dorothy McAlphine, history and science, Miss Virginia Aaronson, music, Mr. John Magruder, agriculture, and Miss Pearl Mercier, primary teacher.
We hope there will be a congenial spirit among the students and faculty and make this the most prosperous year the school has ever witnessed.
Rachel Martin
The Shakespeare Literary Society was called to order by Mr. Likely, September 14, 1926.
The purpose of this meeting was to elect new officers and initiate the Freshmen.
The officers elected were as follows:
President: Rachel Martin
Vice president: Gilbert Burdette.
Secretary: Louise Wright.
Treasurer: Irvin Bowman.
Program committee: Helen Brandenburg, Emily Ripley, Richard Pindell, Batey Siebert.
We decided to meet every two weeks and the meeting was adjourned.
Editor-in-chief����Louise Wright
Business Manager�.�.Gilbert Burdette
Circulation Mgr.��.�.Helen Brandenburg B
Millard Slagle
Associated Editors Rachel Martin
Charles Fleming
Nellie Lee Pearre
Mary Warner
Ruth Warner
We again come back to dear old Lisbon High School hoping to accomplish greater things this year than we have in the past years. We are glad to welcome the Freshmen into our number and we hope they will cooperate in all our work and play.
One of the big things we wish to do this year is to establish a larger and better school paper, a paper that will represent the real school spirit of Lisbon High School, but in order to do this we must have the cooperation and help of not only the students but of all our friends and teachers as well.
We hope to make the High School the center of social activities in the community this year. We believe in the old saying "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
At different intervals during the year a play will be presented to the public by the different classes.
Our athletes are better organized this year and our boys and girls have been practicing faithfully, soccer ball and field ball. We wish them all success in the coming season.
We have just received some new play equipment for the little folks for which we are greatly indebted to the Parent Teachers' Association.
We are very proud of the clock the class of '26 gave to the school and we take great pleasure in expressing our thanks and appreciation to that class.
Leota Kolb and Eleanor Musgrove of '24 are now juniors at Western Maryland College.
Mary Crumm of '24 is attending Bryant & Stratton Business College in Baltimore.
Julia Crumm of '24 is attending normal school at Towson, Baltimore County.
Mrs. Dorsey Martin Jr. (Marjory Townsend) of '24 is residing at Daisy, Maryland
Louise Paul of '24 is at rest in the M.E. cemetery at New Windsor.
Katherine McKracken of '25 completed her course at Stewards Business College in Washington.
Raymond Hardy of '25 is expecting to accept a new position in Baltimore.
Roby Hardy of '25 is helping his father on the farm.
Mary Catherine Warfield of '25 is a sophomore at Western Maryland College.
Amy Molesworth of '25 has accepted the position of secretary with the Woodbine Canning Company.
Mrs. Frank Greenwood (nee Gertrude Smith) of '25 is residing at Lisbon, Maryland.
Helen Jamison of '25 is living at home with her parents.
Evelyn Amoss of '25 is holding a position with Montgomery Ward & Company in Baltimore.
Ina Slagle, Rachel Gaver and Dorothy Kolb of '26 are attending normal school at Towson, Baltimore County.
Selena Pickett of '26 is a freshman at Western Maryland College.
John Gaver of '26 is a freshman at University of Maryland.
Fred Slagle of '26 is a freshman at Johns Hopkins University.
Quay Rogers of '26 is attending Steward's Business College in Washington.
Anna Selby, Marie McDonald and Carl Hood of '26 are attending Business College in Baltimore.
Katherine Prenger of '26 is holding a position in Baltimore.
Theodore Prenger of '26 is at home helping his father on the farm.
The primary room has a large enrollment, all the desks being filled.
A kind patron has presented fifteen books to the library of the primary rooms, for which the pupils and teachers extend many thanks.
Mary Warner
Rudy & Burdette, Furniture, Hardware, Etc. Complete Furnishings for the home. Mount Airy, Md.
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Quality Groceries and Service With a Smile. Mgr. Phebus, Mt. Airy, Md.
Wm. H. & Chester R. Hood. Purina Cows, Coal, Etc. Backed up with regular service.
Automobile Accessories and Tire Changing. Standard Oil Service Station. N.H. Holland, Ellicott City, Md.
We Are Prepared to Fulfil all Jeweler's Requirements. Prompt and Accurate work in Optics. M.E. Watkins, Mount Airy, Md.
The Woodbine National Bank. Woodbine, Maryland
C.L. Skeggs, J.G. Poole. Skeggs & Poole. Dealers in Groceries, Meats, Fruits, Confectioneries. Phone 136-J. Mount Airy, Md.
J.M. Delashmutt & Son. Buyers & Distributors of Grain, Hay, Feed, Seeds, Fertilizer, Coal. Since 1895.
Ridgeville Garage. Phone Mt. Airy 39-W. Auto Accessories, Expert Mechanics. C.W. Jones. Towing. 24 hr. service.
Charles Delashmutt. General Merchandise. Lisbon, Md.
Claude E. Brown. A good place to eat. Just around the corner. Soda, Ice Cream, Lunchenette, Cigars, Cigarettes, Candy. Ridgeville, Md. Service Courtesy Quality.
Harry F. Evans. Dealer in General Merchandise. Woodbine, Md. Telephone, Sykes. 3F-13
Roy Grimm. Woodbine Grocery. Dealer in Stale and Fancy Groceries. Ice Cream. Soft drinks and Tobacco. Woodbine, Md.
Christmas Greetings Cards. I now have a full line of 1926 Xmas cards, both personal and regular, all lined envelopes, look for circular. Howard U. Warner. Lisbon, Md.
Headquarters for everything in Hardware and Paints. We are distributors for Davis 100% pure paint, the present paint made. Myers Brothers. Mt. Airy, Maryland.
J.J. Doherty. Florence, Md. General Merchandise. Country Produce - A Specialty.
The People's Lumber & Supply Company. Mt. Airy, Md. Lumber, Hardware, Coal, Building Supplies, Delivered Everywhere.
George R. Beall Garage. Dodge Bros. Motor Vehicles. Graham Bros. Trucks. Woodbine, Maryland. Telephone Sykes 3-F-22. General Repair Work.
All Things Electrical. Atwater Kent. The Electric Shop. Radio. Contractor Dealer. Washing Machines, Vacuum Sweepers, Motors, Electric Fixtures, Motor and House Wiring. Agents for Westinghouse Light and Power Plants. Mount Airy, Maryland.
Coming in a few days. The Viva Tonal (Columbia Phonograph) Like Life itself. A full line of Crossley Radios. See these new models at our store before buying or phone us and we will let you hear them in your home without any obligation on your part. Norman Mullinix. Daisy, Md.
This transcript was provided to the MDGenWeb Howard County by: Sarah Barnes Slagle Fitzgerald
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