Howard county Maryland Ancestors

Howard County


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McComas Deed 1784

Deed from William & Hannah McComas & Stephen Onion to Thomas Turner 1 June 1784

THIS INDENTURE MADE this first day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty four (1784) between William McComas and Hannah his wife lately Hannah Onion of Harford County in the State of Maryland, widow and relict of Zacheus Onion, Deceased and Stephen Onion, Eldest son and heir of the sd Zacheus Onion, Physician*, of the one part and Thomas Turner of sd county & state, Innkeeper, of the other part. WHEREAS, the sd Zacheus Onion in his lifetime was seized in his Domain ----that tract of land called Envils Chace situate lying and being in Harford County-- (then follows a lengthy legal description of the land),-- and whereas the sd Zacheus Onion made his last will and testament & therein devised the sd land to be sold to pay his debts by the sd Hannah Onion and Stephen Onion and died and whereas the sd Hannah Onion and Stephen Onion in pursuance of the trust aforesd have sold all the tract of land except fifty-five acres to a certain Abner Cloud and also whereas the sd Hannah Onion and Stephen Onion in pursuance of the trust aforesd have likewise sold a part of the tract of land to the sd Thomas TURNER comprized and contained within the following lines-- (more land description)--fifty-five acres of land be the same more or less and whereas the sd Hannah hath since intermarried with the sd William McComas NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that the sd William McComas and Hannah his wife for & in consideration of the sum of One Hundred & Eleven pounds seven shillings & six pence to them in hand paid & the same Stephen Onion for & in consideration of the same sum of money to him in hand paid by the sd Thomas TURNER at or before the sealing and delivery and these presents ---(then follows much legal language related to releasing, confirming, etc. the land to sd Thomas Turner, his heirs & assigns forever)


Signatures of two witnesses, John Ramsey and Alex. Cowan**, and of William & Hannah McComas and Stephen Onion follow, as well as the date and seals.


A final paragraph states that Hannah, wife of sd William McComas and Katherine*** wife of sd Stephen Onion appeared separately, & were examined privately and out of the hearing of their sd husbands" and agreed that they freely release all their rights whatsoever of in & to the within land to the sd Thomas Turner --without being induced by threats or fear of ill usage by them or either of their husbands or fear of their or either of their displeasure".


Note: No other legal or church record had been found as of Sept 1996 to establish the marriage date of Hannah to William McComas except this transaction on 1 June 1784. According to the archivist at MSA this is the first of several court cases that took place over a period of time. At least, we now know they were married by this date. The marital agreement referred to in Hannah's will of 1792 has not been found at MSA, either.

* First time "proof" that this Stephen Onion became a doctor.

** Also a witness to Zacheus's will in 1781.

*** Probably the Kitty Crone identified in Robert W. Barnes, Maryland Marriages 1778-1800 (Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co.)

ONION INDENTURE from Harford County, Maryland Land Records, No. F, 1774-86, Belair Courthouse. (Md. State Archives) Copy extracted by F.P. and B.L. Hudson Sept.,1996.

Contributed to the MDGenWeb Project by B. L. Hudson


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Howard county Maryland Ancestors