Deed from George W. Riddle to Richard Bendermine dated 23 May 1872

Document found in Deeds and Mortgages file at the Howard County Historical Society.

Transfer lease from George W. Riddle
Richard Bendermine

Received for record June 8, 1872. Same day recorded in Liber W.W.W. No. 31 folio 55 p vc One of Howard County land record & Examened per W.W. Watkins a $ 1.00 paid

This agreement made this Twenty Third day of May Eighteen Hundred and Seventy Two by and between George W. Riddle of the one part and Richard Bendermine of the other part.

Whereas the said Richard Bendermine did let leave and rent to the said Geo.W. Riddle ___ interest ___ life estate described in the lease from him to Riddle dated on the 18th day of February 1870 which said lease is recorded among the land records of Howard County in Liber W.W.W. no 30 folio 124 and whereas the said Richard Bendermine is desirous to have and reposess himself of said land and ___ and whereas said said Riddle is willing to convey the said lands and premises back to said Berdermine.

Now this ___ ___ that in consideration of the promise, and one dollar in hand paid, and then ___ causes and consideration. The Said George W. Riddle doth transfer assign and ___ over Said lease to Said Bendermine and The Said Bendermine releases The Said Riddle from all obigations to tranform(?) the convenant on his part to pay The Rents agreed to be paid and said Riddle agrees to give said Bendermine possession of said premises on or by The 15th day November next 1872.

Witness our hands and Seals on the above date
George W. Riddle

Richard (his X mark) Bendermine
G.W. Carr

State of Maryland, Howard County
(to wit)
Be it remembered and it is newly certified that on This Twenty Third day of May 1872 Personally appeared before The Subscriber a Justice of The peace in and for Howard County State of Maryland George W. Riddle and Richard Bendermine They being known to me to be the proper parties to the aforegoing instrument of writing, and acknowledge The same to be their act and deed.
G.W. Carr SS

George Washington Riddle is the son of Lawson and Mary Earlougher Riddle.

Contributed to the USGenWeb Project by: Donna Thomas

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