Deed for "Ridgely's Great Park" and part of "Snowden's Range"

Archie C. and Cora V Hartsock grantors to Fulton R and Burnice B. Slagle, Grantees
dated 27 Feb 1920

Deed from Archie C. Hartsock and Cora V. Hartsock, his wife, to Fulton R. Slagle and Burnice B. Slagle, his wife. Received for record 3 March 1920 at 3:15 o�clock pm. same day recorded in Liber H.B.N. no. 109 folio 310 etc. one of the Howard County land records and examined by Hart B. Noll, clerk. Cost of record $2.00. (James Clark, Attorney at Law, Ellicott City, MD. This deed, made this 27th day of February in the year nineteen hundred and twenty, by Archie C. Hartsock and Cora V. Hartsock, his wife, both of Howard County and the State of Maryland. Witnesseth, that in consideration of Five Dollars ($5.00), and other valuable considerations, the said Archie C. Hartsock and Cora V. Hartsock Do grant and convey unto Fulton R. Slagle and Burnice B. Slagle, his wife, as tenants by the entireties, in fee simple, all that piece or parcel of ground, situated and lying in the Fourth Election District of said Howard County, comprising a part of the tract called "Ridgely�s Great Park", and part of the tract called "Snowden�s Range", and more particularly described as follows, that is to say: Beginning at a large black oak tree, it being a boundary of a tract of land called "Bite the Skinner"; and running thence, binding on said land, (1) North thirty five degrees East eighty perches: (1320.00�) thence (2) North seventeen degrees East thirty seven perches, to the beginning of the second part of a conveyance from Dr. Peregrine Warfield to Philemon Warfield; and binding on the given line thereof reversely, (3) West (crossed out and North inserted) thirty one and three quarters degrees East eighty one and three quarters perches (1348.875�), to a chestnut three at the end of the sixth line thereof; thence reversely of said line, (4) North forty degrees East forty six and three quarters perches (771.375�), to a stone; thence (5) South sixty three degrees East eighty two and one quarter perches (1357.125�), to a stone near a white Oak tree; thence (6) South thirty three and one quarter degrees West fourteen and one quarter perches, to the end of the fifty fourth line of �Ridgely�s Range�; and binding on said line reversely, (7) South twenty two degrees West sixty perches (990.00�) to the end of the fifty third line of said land; thence (8) South thirty seven degrees West forty six perches (759.00�); thence (9) South fifty five degrees West forty nine perches (808.50�), to a stone planted at the beginning of the first part of said conveyance from Doctor Peregrine Warfield to Philemon Warfield; and then binding on a line of the land of James Meredith, (10) South seventy three degrees West one hundred and fifteen perches (1897.50), to the place of beginning containing one hundred and six and one half acres of land, more or less. Saving and excepting from the land above described, a tract of eleven acres, two roods and thirty one perches thereof, which by deed dated the 27th day of April, 1898, and recorded among the Land Records of said Howard County in Liber J.H.O. No. 68, folio 538 etc., was granted and conveyed by Daniel Hartsock and others, to Perry Dorsey. The land above described and hereby conveyed, comprises the farm of ninety four acres, three roods and nine square perches of land, more or less, which by deed dated the 15th day of August, 1901, and recorded among said Land Records in Liber J.H.O No. 74, folio 186 etc., was granted and conveyed by Daniel Hartsock and Barbara Hartsock, his wife, to the said Archie C. Hartsock and Cora V. Hartsock, his wife. Together with the buildings and improvements thereon, and all and every the rights and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. To have and to hold said land and premises unto and to the proper use and benefit of the said Fulton R. Slagle and Burnice B. Slagle, his wife, as tenants by the entireties, forever in fee simple. And the said Archie C. Hartsock and Cora V. Hartsock covenant that they will warrant specially the property hereby conveyed, and that they will execute such further assurances of said land as may be requisite. As witness their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. Archie C. Hartsock (seal) Cora V. Hartsock (seal) Test (can�t read) State of Maryland, Howard County Sct. I hereby certify that on this 27th day of February 1920, before me, the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace of the State of Maryland, in and for Howard County aforesaid, personally appeared Archie C. Hartsock and Cora V. Hartsock, his wife, and each acknowledged the aforegoing deed to be their respective act. Edward M. _______m Justice of the Peace.

Letter from James Clark, Attorney at Law, Ellicott City, MD, February 13, 1920. to Mr. Archie C. Hartsock, Lisbon Maryland.
Dear Mr. Hartsock:
I enclose you herewith deed from you and Mrs. Hartsock to Fulton R. and Burnice B. Slagle, which you requested me to draw a few days ago. I think you will find this deed in proper shape. I have so drawn the deed that is should be executed before and Justice of the Peace, as I presumed that would be more convenient for you. In executing said deed, you and Mrs. Hartsock will please sign your names exactly as they are written therein. According to my recollections, the purchase price of this property was $10000.00, and if that is correct, you will have to have ten dollars worth of Internal Revenue stamps on the deed. I would like to see the deed before it is recorded, and make sure that it is properly executed. I am also returning the papers which you left with me. Yours very truly, James Clark

Deed Transcript contributed by Sarah Fitzgearld