Deed for "Ridgely's Great Park" and part of "Snowden's Range"

Samuel B. Martin, Grantor, Aeschylus and Elijah Winchester Grantees
dated 16 May 1873

Deed from Saml B. Martin to Aeschylus B. Winchester. Received May 16th 73. Same day recorded in Liber WWW no. 32 folio 427 &c one of Howard County land records and examined per W. W. Watkins clk $2.00 pd.

This deed made this second day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy three by Samuel B. Martin of the city of Baltimore in the state of Maryland. Witnesseth that in consideration of Nine Hundred and fifty dollars the said Samuel B. Martin doth grant unto Aeschylus Winchester and Elijah Winchester of Howard County in the state of Maryland their heirs and assigns in fee simple all that parcel of land lying in Howard County and state of Maryland being part of a tract of land called �Ridgely Great Park� and part of a tract called �Snowdens Range� contained within the following metes and bounds courses and distances to wit: Beginning at a large black oak tree it being a boundary of a tract of land called �Bite the Skinner� and running thence binding on said land, first North 35 degrees east 30 perches thence (2nd) North seventeen degrees east 37 perches to the beginning of the 2nd part of a conveyance from Dr. Pereguin Warfield to Philimon Warfield and binding on the given line, then of reversely (3rd) west thirty one and three quarters degrees east eighty one and three quarters perches to a chestnut tree at the end of the sixth line thence reversely of said line (4th) north forty degrees east forty six and three quarter perches to a stone thence (5th) south sixty three degrees east eighty two and one quarter perches to a stone near a white oak three thence (6th) south thirty three and one quarter degrees west fourteen and one quarter perches to the end of the fifty forth line of �Ridgelys Range� and binding on said line reversely (7th) south twenty two degrees west sixty perches to the end of the fifty third line of said land blank thence (8th) south thirty seven degrees west forty perches thence (9th) south fifty five degrees west forty nine perches to a stone planted at the beginning of the first part of said conveyance from Dr. Pereguin Warfield to Philimon Warfield and then binding on a line of the land of James Meredith (10th) south sixty three degrees west one hundred fifteen perches to the place of beginning blank containing one hundred six and one half acres more or less it being the same land which by deed bearing date the thirteenth day of April one thousand eight hundred and sixty was conveyed in fee by Samuel H. Martin to Samuel B. Martin of the first part and recorded in the land records of Howard county the seventeenth day of April one thousand eight hundred and sixty in Liber WWW no. 20 folio 564 &c. Together with buildings and improvements thereupon erected made or being and all and every, the rights, roads, ways, waters, privileges appurtenances and advantages to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining.

This conveyance being made subject to a mortgage and judgment binding said land for money due to the Chesapeake Bank of Baltimore City and which the said grantees hereby covenant to pay ______________ to protect and save harmless the said Samuel B. Martin then from and to have and hold the deed in testimony thereof and the said Samuel B. Martin covenants that he will warrant specially the property hereby granted and that he will execute such further assurances as may be requisite.

Witness their hands and seals this second day of May A.D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy three, Samuel B. Martin (seal) Elijah Winchester (seal) Aeschylus Winchester (seal) Test: J.M. Myers. Test as to the signatures of Elijah and Aeschylus Winchester, Reuben Warfield.

State of Maryland Howard county to wit: I hereby certify that this sixth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy three before me the subscriber and Justice of the Peace of the state of Maryland in and for Howard County aforesaid personally appeared Elijah Winchester and Aeschylus Winchester and each acknowledged the afore going deed to be their respective act. Reuben Warfield. ___________________________________________________

Deed Transcript contributed by Sarah Fitzgearld