Last Will and Testament of HETTIE NORWOOD of Howard county
dated 24 May 1844

In the name of God Amen; I Hettie Norwood, of Howard County State of Maryland, being now of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding do make and execute this my last will and testament.

First: I hereby devise to Lithuanna Shipley of Howard County, Md. - (my dear Niece) all of those tracts or parcels of land left me by my father the late John Norwood, being the land on which I reside and a wood lot near - I also desire that my brother John Norwood shall have a home on the said property as long as he may live, enjoying all the privelages(sp?)he has always enjoyed - I hereby constitute Lithuanna Shipley of Howard County to be my Executor of this my last will.

Witness my hand and seal this 24th day of May 1844.

Hettie X Norwood,

John P. Wilson,
Seth N. Warfield,
J.W. Nebb

Reference: Last will and testament of Hettie Norwood of Howard County, MD, Wills of Howard county, MD Liber TBH2, folio 323

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