ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND, Volume 75, Page 118

FRANCIS NICHOLSON, Esq; Governor. 1698


An Act ascertaining the Bounds and Limits of Ann-Arundel and Baltimore Counties.
Lib. LL. N° 2. fol. 157.
Passed 4th of April 1698.

Viz. According to a Division made by certain Commissioners in pursuance of an Ordinance of

Assembly Anno 1696, in manner following: Beginning at three marked Trees, (viz.) a White

Oak, a Red Oak, and a Chestnut Tree, standing about a Mile and a Quarter to the Southward

of Bodkin Creek, on the West Side of Chesapeake Bay; the marked Red Oak on the Right Hand

for Baltimore County, the Chestnur Tree on the Left Hand for Ann-Arundel, the White Oak in

the Middle: They standing near a Marsh and a Pond, and running thence West, until it cross

the Road from the Mountains of the Mouth of Magotty River, to Richard Beard's Mill; Then

continuing Westward, with the said Road to William Hawkin's Path, to two marked Trees, the

one for Ann-Arundel County, the other for Baltimore County; thence continuing along the said

Road to John Locket's Path, to two Trees, for the End and Purposes aforesaid; then leaving the

Road, by a Line drawn West to William Slade's Path, to two marked Trees as aforesaid; thence

continuing West, between the Draughts of Magotty and Patapsco Rivers, until it come to a

Mountain of White Stone Rock, still continuing West to a Road going to Patapsco, to Pete

Bond's to two marked Trees as aforesaid; thence continuing West to the main Road going to Patapsco

Ferry, to two marked Pines, standing near the Ready Branch, written at large, on the North Side

of the said Trees, Baltimore County; on the South Side Ann-Arundel County; from thence, with

a Line drawn W. N. W. to Elk-Ridge Road, to two marked Trees, for the End and Purposes

aforesaid; thence continuing the same Course of W. N. W. to Patuxent River, and so up the

said River to the Extent thereof, for the Bounds of Baltimore County. All that Tract of Land,

lying on the North Side of the said Division Lines, &c. to be in Baltimore County, and all the

Land, &c. on the South Side thereof to the antient extent o Ann-Arundel County, to be in

Ann-Arundel County, &c.

N.B. So far of this Act as relates to the South Side of Patapsco River, being added to Baltimore County,
is REPEALED by the Act of 1726, ch. 1.

ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND, Volume 75, Page 364


At a Session of ASSEMBLY begun and held at the

City of Annapolis, in the County of Ann-Arundel,

for the Province of Maryland, on the 12th, and ended

the 25th Day of july, in the 12th Year of the

Dominion of the Right Honourable CHARLES, absolute

Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of

Maryland and Avalon, Lord Baron of Baltimore,

&c. Annoq; Domini 1726, were Enacted the Laws

following, viz.



An Act for uniting Part of Baltimore County to Ann-Arundel County. Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 118

N.B. By this Act (1.) From and after the last Day of May 1727, the Land lying on the

South Side of Patapsco River, and contained within the Bounds following, viz. From the Mouth

of the said Patapsco River, with the said River to the Head thereof; and from thence, bounding

on the South Side of the Main-Falls, being the Southernmost great Branch of the said River,

and running as the said Branch runs to the first Main-Fork of the said Falls; and then bounding

on the South Side of the said Southernmost Fork, till a South Course will intersect the Head

of Snowden's River; and so down the said Snowden's River, till it meet with the now Extent of

Ann-Arundel County, shall be, and for ever hereafter deemed as Part of Ann-Arundel County:

And the Inhabitants thereon already, or hereafter to be seated, are hereby declared to be Inhabitants

of Ann-Arundel County, and entitled to the same Rights and Privileges within the same

Ann-Arundel County, as other Inhabitants thereof now or hereafter may have. (2.) That Part

of the Act (of 1698, ch. 13,) for dividing Ann-Arundel County, which relates to the South Side

of Patapsco River, being added to Baltimore County, is hereby repealed

Passed 25th

July 1726.