
Garrett County, Maryland Records

The following resources pertain to this county. To find out more about the records, how to obtain copies, fees, etc., please visit the Maryland State Archives web site. Thank you!

Garrett County, Maryland, Street Map
(ADC Street Map Book)
Alexandria Drafting Co., Langenscheidt Publishing Group, Alexandria, VA, n.d.
Call no.: 1062, clamshell
Accession no.: L20020434
Location: 11-2-1
Subject: Garrett County - Maryland - Maps
Notes: 1st edition. Book format not available. Folded map only published. Series shelved together.

Aloysius, Fatherle, Rev. D.M. Cap
History of St. Stephen's and St. Ann's Mission, Garrett County, Maryland
Enterprise Printing Co., Cumberland, MD, 1921
Call no.: 1530
Accession no.: L11945
Location: 12-2-4
Library no.: 5139

American Index Library
Maryland Wills: Index to the Wills of Garrett County, 1872 - 1960, Harford County, 1774 - 1960
Magna Carta Book Co., Baltimore, MD, 1970
Call no.: 0415
Accession no.: L22414
Location: 2-3-4
Subject: Probate records - Garrett County - Maryland; Probate records - Harford County - Maryland
Notes: copy 1
Library no.: 270

American Index Library
Maryland Wills: Index to the Wills of Garrett County, 1872 - 1960, Harford County, 1774 - 1960
n.pub., Baltimore, MD, n.d.
Call no.: 0415
Accession no.: L13223
Location: 2-3-4
Subject: Wills - Maryland; Probate records
Notes: copy 2
Donor: Radoff Collection
Library no.: 11325

American Index Library
Index to the Wills of Maryland: Garrett County 1872 - 1960, Harford County 1774 - 1960
Magna Carta Book Company, Baltimore, MD, 1970
Call no.: 0415
Accession no.: L10073
Location: REF A-1-5
Subject: Probate records - Maryland; Maryland - Genealogy; Hume, Joan, editor
Library no.: 8930

Bloomington Bicentennial Committee
Bloomington Story
Keyprint, Inc., Keyser, WV, 1976
Call no.: 1071
Accession no.: L13110
Location: 10-3-5
Subject: Garrett county - Maryland - History
Library no.: 5091

Brown, Jacob
Brown's Miscellaneous Writings
n.pub., n.pl., 1896
Call no.: 1071
Accession no.: L13098
Location: 10-3-5
Subject: Garrett county - Maryland - History
Library no.: 1577

Daughters of the American Revolution, Youghiogheny Glades Chapter
Maryland's Garrett County Graves
McClain Printing Company, Parsons, WV, 1987
Call no.: 0418
Accession no.: L25240
Location: 2-4-2
Subject: Graves - Maryland - Garrett County; Cemetery records - Maryland - Garrett County
Notes: copy 2
Library no.: 8031

Daughters of the American Revolution, Youghiogheny Glades Chapter
Maryland's Garrett County Graves
McClain Printing Company, Parsons, WV, 1987
Call no.: 0418
Accession no.: L22883
Location: REF A-2-1
Subject: Graves - Maryland - Garrett County
Notes: copy 1
Library no.: 8748

Deep Creek Lake Association
Garrett County, Maryland
n.pub., n.pl., 1947
Call no.: 1071, pamphlet box
Accession no.: L4584
Location: 10-3-5
Subject: Garrett county - Maryland - History
Library no.: 3099

Feldstein, Albert L.
Feldstein's Historic Postcard Album of Garrett County
n.pub., n.pl., 1984
Call no.: 1071
Accession no.: L22154
Location: 10-3-5
Subject: Garrett county - Maryland - History - Pictorial works
Library no.: 4293

Feldstein, Albert L. ed.
Feldstein's Revised Historic Postcard Album of Garrett County
Albert L. Feldstein, Cumberland, MD, 1988
Call no.: 1071
Accession no.: L24396
Location: 10-3-5
Subject: Garrett County - Maryland - History - Pictorial works; Maryland - History
Library no.: 7050

Garrett County Historical Society
Hoye's Pioneer Families of Garrett County
McClain Printing Company, Parsons, WV, 1988
Call no.: 0450
Accession no.: L24379
Location: REF C-3-1
Subject: Family history - Maryland - Garrett county; Maryland - Genealogy
Library no.: 7031

Garrett County Historical Society,
Corrigendum to Maryland's Garrett County Graves
GCHS, Oakland, MD, 1995
Call no.: 0418
Accession no.: L20020553
Location: 1-58-5-40
Subject: Graves - Maryland - Garrett County; Cemetery records - Maryland - Garrett County; Genealogy - Garrett County - Maryland
Notes: Has "graves missed when the original book was published, along with additions and corrections."
Library no.: 14108

Garrett County Historical Society,
Ghost Towns of the Upper Potomac
GCHS, Oakland, MD, 1998
Call no.: 1071
Accession no.: L20020554
Location: 1-58-5-40
Subject: Garrett County - Maryland - Cities and towns; Garrett County - Maryland - Local history; Potomac River - History - Pictorial works
Library no.: 14110

Garrett County Historical Society,
Deer Park, Maryland: Then and Now
GCHS, Deer Park, MD, 1994
Call no.: 1071
Accession no.: L20020556
Location: 1-58-5-40
Subject: Deer Park - Maryland - History; Garrett County - Maryland - Towns and cities; Garrett County - Maryland - History
Library no.: 14110

Garrett County Historical Society,
Garrett County 125th Anniversary Photo Album
GCHS, Oakland, MD, 1997
Call no.: 1071
Accession no.: L20020557
Location: 1-58-5-40
Subject: Garrett County - Maryland - History - Pictorial works; Historic buildings - Garrett County - Maryland - Pictorial works; Historic houses- Garrett County - Maryland - Pictorial works
Library no.: 14111

Garrett County Historical Society,
Deep Creek Lake: Past and Present
GCHS, Deer Park, MD, 2000
Call no.: 1071
Accession no.: L20020555
Location: 1-58-5-40
Subject: Deep Creek Lake - Maryland - History; Garrett County - Maryland - Towns and cities; Garrett County - Maryland - History
Notes: Reprint of 1997 edition.
Library no.: 14112

Hoye, Charles E.
Garrett County History of the Browning and McMullen Families (Reprint from THE MOUNTAIN DEMOCRAT May, June 1935)
n.pub., n.pl., 1935
Call no.: 0450 B, pamphlet box
Accession no.: L21465
Location: REF C-3-6
Subject: Family history; Genealogy
Family Name: Browning, McMullen
Library no.: 3690

Hoye, Charles E.
Indians Camps in Garrett County, (Reprinted from THE OAKLAND (Maryland) REPUBLICAN, May 20, 1937), Part I
n.pub., n.pl., 1937
Call no.: 1050 I2, pamphlet box
Accession no.: L25601
Location: 8-1-5
Subject: Indians of North America - Maryland; Camps - Indians - Maryland
Library no.: 3882

Hoye, Charles E.
Indians in Garrett County, Part II: The Shawnee Indians (Reprinted from THE OAKLAND (Maryland) REPUBLICAN)
The Oakland Republican, Oakland, MD, 1937
Call no.: 1050 I2, pamphlet box
Accession no.: L25600
Location: 8-1-5
Subject: Indians of North America - Maryland; Shawnee Indians - Garrett county - Maryland
Library no.: 2316

Hoye, Charles E., Capt.
General Jones' Raid of 1863 Through Garrett County, Maryland (Reprinted from the OAKLAND (Maryland) REPUBLICAN)
n.pub., n.pl., n.d.
Call no.: 1071, pamphlet box
Accession no.: L3443
Location: 10-3-5
Subject: Garrett County - Maryland - History; Raid of 1863 - Garrett County - Maryland - History
Library no.: 7404

Long, Helen R.
Index for the Garrett County Section of Scharf's History of Western Maryland, vol.2
Copy Center, Manhattan, KS, 1988
Call no.: 0906
Accession no.: L26060
Location: 8-4-2
Subject: Maryland - Western Shore - History - Garrett Co. - Index; Maryland - History - Garrett County - Index
Library no.: 8773

Long, Helen R.
Index for the Garrett County Section of Scharf's History of Western Maryland, vol. 2
Copy Center, Manhattan, KS, 1988
Call no.: 0906
Accession no.: L24662
Location: 8-4-2
Subject: Western Maryland - History - Index; Garrett county - Maryland - History - Index
Notes: copy 2
Library no.: 10794

Maryland Department of Economic Development
Community Economic Inventory, Garrett County, Maryland, June, 1972
Maryland Division of Economic Development, Annapolis, MD, 1972
Call no.: 1071
Accession no.: L9350
Location: 10-3-5
Subject: Garrett county - Maryland - History; Garrett county - Maryland - Economic conditions
Library no.: 2233

Maryland Department of Economic Development
Community Economic Inventory, Garrett County, Maryland, May, 1962
Maryland Department of Economic Development, Annapolis, MD, 1962
Call no.: 1071
Accession no.: L23355
Location: 10-3-5
Subject: Garrett county - Maryland - History; Garrett county - Maryland - Economic conditions
Library no.: 3388

Maryland Historical Records Survey Project, Work Projects Administration
Inventory of the County and Town Archives of Maryland
No. 11: Garrett County, Oakland
Maryland Historical Records Survey Project, Baltimore, MD, 1938
Call no.: 0670
Accession no.: L21881
Location: 5-3-6
Library no.: 641

Meyer, Mary K. ed.
Westward of Fort cumberland Military Lots Set Off for Maryland's Revolutionary Soldiers
Pipe Creek Publications, Inc., Finksburg, MD, 1993
Call no.: 1061
Accession no.: L28841
Location: REF A-4-1
Subject: Land records - Maryland - Allegany county; Pension records - Maryland - Revolution; Land records - Maryland - Garrett county
Library no.: 11727

Michael, Douglas O. compl.
Western Maryland Materials in Allegany and Garrett County Libraries
Allegany County Local History Program, Cumberland, MD, 1977
Call no.: 0906
Accession no.: L14086
Location: 8-4-2
Subject: Western Maryland - Bibliography; Holdings - Libraries - Western Maryland - Bibliography
Library no.: 10319

Ray, Donald ed.
Western Maryland Materials in Allegany and Garrett County Libraries, rev. ed.
Allegany Community College Library, Cumberland, MD, 1987
Call no.: 0906
Accession no.: L23510
Location: 8-4-2
Subject: Western Maryland - History
Library no.: 5395

Robinson, Felix G. ed.
Tableland Trails
vol. 2, no. 2, Summer 1956
Tableland Trails, Oakland, MD, 1956
Call no.: 1071, pamphlet box
Accession no.: L7785
Location: 10-3-5
Subject: Garrett county - Maryland - History
Library no.: 2232

Russell, Donna Valley
Allegany and Garrett Counties, Maryland Genealogical Research Guide
Catoctin Press, New Market, MD, 1996
Call no.: 0400
Accession no.: L29036
Location: REF A-1-2
Subject: Allegany county - Maryland - Genealogy - Guides, manuals, etc.; Garrett county - Maryland - Genealogy - Guides, manuals, etc.; Maryland - Genealogy - research - Guides, manuals, etc.
Donor: Gift of Donna Valley Russell
Library no.: 11832

Schlosnagle, Stephen
Garrett County: A History of Maryland's Tableland
McClain Printing Company, Parsons, WV, 1978
Call no.: 1071
Accession no.: L21144
Location: 10-3-5
Subject: Garrett county - Maryland - History
Library no.: 1578

Schlosnagle, Stephen
Garrett County: A History of Maryland's Tableland, 1st ed.
McClain Printing Co., Parsons, WV, 1978
Call no.: 1071
Accession no.: L14019
Location: REF A-4-2
Subject: Garrett County - Maryland - History; Maryland - History
Library no.: 2307

Stanton, T. Ray and Guy S., Sr.
William T. Stanton Family: Ancestors, Descendants and Related Families of Grantsville, Garrett County, Maryland
Guy S. Stanton, Sr., Grantsville, MD, 1973
Call no.: 0450 S
Accession no.: L9861
Location: REF B-2-5
Subject: Family history - Maryland; Maryland - Genealogy
Family Name: Stanton
Library no.: 2795

Strauss, Mary Miller
Flowery Vale: A History of Accident, Maryland
McClain Printing Company, Parsons, WV, 1986
Call no.: 1071
Accession no.: L23301
Location: 10-3-5
Subject: Accident - Garrett County - Maryland - History
Library no.: 7405

Weeks, Thekla
70 Years of St. Matthews Parish 1870 - 1940
Sincell Printing Co., Oakland, MD, 1950
Call no.: 1071, pamphlet box
Accession no.: L3036
Location: 10-3-5
Subject: Garrett county - Maryland - History
Library no.: 2231

Weeks, Thekla Fundenberg
Oakland, Garrett County, Maryland Centennial History 1849 - 1949
n.pub., n.pl., 1949
Call no.: 1071, pamphlet box
Accession no.: L4844
Location: 10-3-5, REF A-4-2
Subject: Garrett county - Maryland - History
Notes: 2 copies
Library no.: 4292


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Last Revised: Jan

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