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Important Duckworth Family History and Dates


Submitted by Lawson L. (Buddy) Duckworth

[1664] -

[Archives of New Jersey, first series, v. 21, page 61] - Records show that a John Duckworth and 23 other people were imported into the province of New Jersey under a four-year indenturement. This is registered in the "Secretary's books of Records", dated December 1, 1664.

[1665] -

[Deeds and Wills, Book I, 1653 - 1671, page 289] Shows a record of the Will of a William Duckworth, dated July 13, 1665, and was recorder in November 17, 1665 in Westmoreland County, Virginia.

[1714 - 1736] - [From the Parish of Crist Church, Meddlesex, County, Virginia]


1. "Mary" daughter of Abell and Faith Duckworth, June 11, 1714, [page 88]

2. "Abell" son of Abell and Faith Duckworth, born September 13, Baptized September 29, 1717 [page 97]

3. "John" son of Abell and Faith Duckworth, born June 10, Baptized July 3, 1720 [page 105]


1. Thomas Duckworth and Ann Buford married October 4, 1736 [page 169]


1. Faith Duckworth died June 23, and buried June 24, 1720 [page 176]
2. Ann Duckworth died March 19, 1736 [page191]


"Abell R. Duckworth" was a witness to the Will of John Owing of Middlesex county, Virginia on January 20, 1720 [Will Book 1713 - 1734, page 162; Virginia Genealogist, v. 4, page 70]


William Duckworth witnessed the Will of Thomas Fox of New Hanover, Burlington county, New Jersey, January25, 1727 [Ibid., v. 23, page 171]


The personal "Estate of William Duckworth", (*Yeoman) of New Hanover, Burlington County, New Jersey was appraised at L88-9-6, march 7, 1727 by Asher Cleayton, John Wright and Jonathan Fowler. On March 15, 1727 William Cook gave bond as administrator of the Estate. His accounting of March 22, 1730 included charges for "Sundrys furnished to the Widow in her last sickness, two coffins and digging two graves". [Ibid., v. 23, page 144]

* Yeoman - Term according to "New Century Dictionary - Collier Edition" states that a "Yeoman" is a member of the bodyguard of the English Sovereign, instituted in 1485, which now consists of 100 Men [with their Officers]. retaining the picturesque old-time uniform and carrying a Halberd. Also, collectively; hence, a British Volunteer Cavalry Force. Origin, composed of Yeoman, Farmers and County Gentlemen, which now forms part of the British Territorial Army.


In the May Term 1728 the County Court confirmed William Bowgar and William Dean were appointed by Grace Duckworth, widow, during her last illness, as guardians for Joseph Duckworth, Anna Duckworth and Mary Duckworth [Burlington County, New Jersey "Minutes of Common Pleas, 1717 - 1733, page 330] These were under 14 years of age, Orphans who are over 14 years choose their own Guardians.


Lewis Morris issued a Marriage License for "William Duckworth of Nottingham, in the County of Burlington, "Yeoman" of the One Party, and Mary Wright of the same place "Spinster" of the other Party. December 6, 1731 signed "Robert Pearson".


In the Office of Secretary of State at Trenton, 1665 - 1800 the "Index of Marriage Bonds and Marriage Records" Show

1. William Duckworth and Hannah Clevenger [both of Burlington], August 21, 1731, [page 110].


2. William Duckworth and Mary Wright - December 6, 1731, [page 110]

3. John Duckworth and Sarah Hankins - March 20, 1734, [page 110]

4. Joseph Duckworth and Ester Ong - June 1, 1737, [page 110]

5. George Duckworth and Jamima Williamson - June 26, 1739, [page 110]

6. Samuel Rose and Anna Duckworth - February 26, 1739, [page 120]

7. Hugh Hartly and Mary Duckworth - December 29, 1740 [page 140]


By "Deeds of Lease and Release" of August 16th and 17th 1736 "William Phillips of Orange County one Part sold to Thomas Duckworth of Middlesex County of the other Part", for L88 "Sterling Money of Great Britain" 300 Acres "in the Little Fork of Rappahannock River and on the Lands of David Phillips and Thomas Downer lying in Orange County and part of a Patent to the said William Phillips". John Bufors was a Witness. On August 17, 1736 "William Phillips" acknowledged his Deeds of Lease and Release for the Land indented to "Thomas Duckworth which on the motion of 'Robert Turner' in behalf of the said Duckworth are admitted to record" [Orange County, Virginia, Deed Book 1, page 322 - 325; Order Book 1, page 105]

[1737 - 1738]

March 21, 1737/38 in Essex County Court, William Baskett was named Administrator of an Estate of a "Thomas Duckworth" deceased and gave Bond of L40 Sterling, with William Davis co-signer. [Essex County, Virginia Orders 1736 - 1738, page 239, 1738 - 1740, page 118; Will Book 6, page 118 - 119, 125, 164 - 165] No Probate Records was found.


Frederick County in Virginia was authorized in 1738 to be cut off from Orange County, the New County Court was not Functioning before 1743. In the first 25 years of Frederick County operations, there appears in its records, as adults, two possibly three John Duckworths and a Joseph Duckworth and two William Duckworths.


William Duckworth is a co-signer with Elizabeth Baxter of Hunterdon, New Jersey on her Bond of March 30, 1749 as Administrator of the Estate of her brother, James Danford of Burlington County, New Jersey. [Ibid., v. 30, page 131]


William Duckworth left his wife Mary (Wright) Duckworth and Children in New Jersey and went to Virginia and the following "Deed" was Surveyed for him.


The above William Duckworth is in Virginia and has a Survey made for a "William Duckworth" in October 1750, who had bought the interest of George Heist in a 235 acre tract in Frederick County (North Neck Plats and Certificates, Grants issued, William Duckworth), in the [Virginia Archives, Richmond]. The same bounded.............Moseley's Corner to Evan Thomas's......Containing 235 acres, George Cunningham and Robert Cunningham "Chain man". The said William Duckworth (Marker) Captain Low present to witness (Mark). On the outside fold, "Deed Drawn and Recorded" July 5, 1755.


In a debt action a Joseph Duckworth is named defendant in several actions, and as usual failed to appear in Court. In the October Term 1752, William Patterson vs. Joseph Duckworth in a jury trail, plaintiff recovered l10 - 3 - 1 1/2, with interest from November 1, 1749, from Joseph Duckworth or his Surety James Crabtree.


A John Duckworth was "Appointed Constable" for the ensuing year, in Frederick County, Virginia.


April 1753, "Given under my hand, and Seal of Proprietors Office", G. W. Fairfax authorized Robert Rutherford to make a survey. "where John Duckworth of Frederick County hath informed that there are about, 400 Acres of Waste, and Ungranted Land, in the said County adjoining the North Side of Casper Mires late Survey on Drie Run - and desiring a Warrant to Survey the same in order to obtain a Deed,.....provided this be the first warrant from the Proprietors Office Granted to John Duckworth of Frederick County. I have surveyed for the said Duckworth 4809 Acres in said County, on westerly side of Shenandoah, on a branch of Crooked Run.....(joining) Land Survey for Samuel Morse...for Captain John Hite.... for Casper Mire. Chainman were "Samuel Morse and Edward Cartmel". No other action seems to have taken place on the final Title until after the Revolution. Then similar notations are added to the outside fold of each of the old 1753 survey Warrant and Plat; "John Duckworth....480 Acres....Frederick... recorded (Payment and Request for Title). October 21, 1788 "Grant issued September 29, 1789". [Northern Neck Surveys, Frederick County Virginia, Box D - E, John Duckworth].


A Joseph Duckworth is in Court, August 1753, holding the "Defendants note of Hands", Thomas Hampton recovered L4-14-and Costs. Virginia.


James Peters, assignee of James Neill, suing Joseph Duckworth in October and in December 1753 William Cook was awarded L2-11-4 and costs against Joseph Duckworth.


William Duckworth served as "Constable" in Frederick County, Virginia.


William Duckworth received a Fairfax Land Warrant in Virginia.


Mary Yates was suing Joseph Duckworth, but in the June Court withdrew her suit [Ibid., Order Books 4, page 335; and Order Books 5, page 134, 235, 486]. Joseph Duckworth is no longer on record in Virginia. This is probably the Joseph Duckworth who served as a "Chain-Man" on a 1769 survey for a Land Grant in Cumberland County, North Carolina, for a Joseph Duckworth Jr.


May 1764, William Duckworth being summoned by the Sheriff "to attend this Court as a Juror... failing to appear" was fined 400 pounds of Tobacco.


November 1754, William Duckworth the Grand Jury's Presentment, he was fined 15 shillings for failing to keep his section of the Road in repair (Frederick County, Virginia Order Book 4, page 405; 5, page 469; 6, page 135).


A John Duckworth was named "Overseer of the Road" from "Captain Jacob Funks to his own house" [Ibid., Order Book 3, page 18, 46 page 377; page 311] in Virginia.


Thomas Lord Fairfax signed a Grant to William Duckworth July 6, 1755 and the tract is then described as 235 Acres in Frederick, adjoining Evan Thomas's and John Ridgeway's (North Neck Plats and Certificates on which Grants Issued, William Duckworth; North Neck Grants, Book H, page 654; Abstracts of Land Records, No. 14, Frederick County, page 22; Archives Division, Virginia State Library).


August Term there came before the Frederick Court a case of Trespass of "William Duckworth and Alice" (his wife is Plaintiff) against "Patrick Duncan and Catherine his wife as Defendant", and also a counter suit of "Patrick Duncan and Catherine his wife" against "William Duckworth and Alice his wife". The Suit was renewed by the Duncans in the following March. In both "Terms" the "parties failing to appear this suit was dismissed".


March Court, William Duckworth was appointed Constable and also on a Commission to mark a road from "Joseph Edwards to the main road to the bridge over Opechon Creek".


August John Jones charged that "William Duckworth has made a breach in his Office as Constable", and ordered to appear at the next Court to "answer the Complainant". Then "Failing to attend and prosecute his Complaint the Case was Dismissed".


August Michael Kelley complained to the Court that William Duckworth detained him unlawfully as a servant [Ibid., Order Book 7, pages 19 - 20, 93, 206, 232.]


Accounts of the Executor of Joseph Steward of Burlington County, New Jersey, August 29, 1730 show payment on behalf of the Estate to William Duckworth. An Executor accounting, dated April 13, 1756 but, running back to the probate of "William Earll's Will on July 22, 1740, includes payment to William Duckworth as one of the numerous creditors. [Ibid., v. 30, page 457, 459].


Elizabeth Baxter formally of Hunterdon County, New Jersey is dead in Frederick County Virginia [Order Book 7, page 154] by February 1, 1757. This is the Elizabeth Baxter of Hunterdon, where William Duckworth was co-signer for Elizabeth as administrator of the estate of her brother, James Danford. This is the Mother of Alice Baxter who is living with William Duckworth in Frederick County, so she must have moved to Virginia with William Duckworth and her Daughter when they left New Jersey. Letters of Administration for the "Estate of Elizabeth Baxter" deceased.... granted to William Duckworth and Alice his wife, "Daughter of the Deceased"....granted Thomas Docter and Edward Blair their Securities. Appointed to appraised the Estate, were John Rogers, Josiah Ridgeway and Edward Dodd, or any three of them.


A John Duckworth was dead intestate April 5, 1757, when his Widow Sarah was named Administrator of his Estate. This John was never spent much time in the Court System. His was mostly an occasional action in debt. [Ibid., Order Books 3, page 219; page 164; 5, page 312]. William Duckworth and Joseph Vance was a suretly on her Bond. James Hoge, Robert Worth and Edward Cartmell made the Appraisal, totaling L140-12-8, recorded June 7, 1757. With subsequent adjustments for L21 "Recorded of Mr. Robert Rutherford on account of the "Public" and "Debts" of some 89 pounds, the balance was L72-7-9 and so accepted by the Court on March 6, 1761 (Frederick County, Virginia Will Book 2, page 233 - 235, 471 -472; Order Books 7, page 221; 9, page 276].

This John married Sarah Hankins in New Jersey in 1734, and William Duckworth was his brother. Children to this marriage can be located in Cumberland County North Carolina.


Uriah Duckworth leased 235 Acres in Frederick Parish, Frederick County, to "Aminidab Seekright" - this is a "Fictitious Leasee in accordance with the "Common Law Procedure" for 20 years. (This had to be the 235 Acres that was Surveyed for William Duckworth and Alice, which means that Uriah and the children knew were their father was and because of the Estate, was laying a claim to it). {Note This is my Opinion Only.]

The above Lease had 14 pages and dated June 10, 1758. [Ibid., Land Book 1, 1758; page 1 - 14] and appear later in the Virginia Courts.


Uncertain Land Titles caused many Settlers to move on farther South and West. William Duckworth may have bought his "Land" twice. First from the "Hite Interest" and then from "Lord Fairfax". As a Land-owner, this is probably the William Duckworth included in a list of Voters in Frederick County dated July 24, 1758 [Ibid., v. 6, page 171].


Records show that a "William Duckworth" and a John Duckworth in September 1758 in the Roster of Captain Thomas Speak's Company of the Frederick County Militia and was at the time named in an appropriation bill as due 8 Shillings for "Services for the defense of the Frontiers of this Colony. [W. A. Crozier, Virginia Colonial Militia, 1651 - 1776; W. W. Hening, Statues at Large....Laws of Virginia, v7, page 217].


July, on presentation for Adultery by the Grand Jury against William Duckworth, "The Court being of the opinion that the presentment cannot be maintained....Ordered this Case be dismissed. {Note I wonder if this was again Uriah?} I must read everything again some day.


August 9, 1759 show a "Grace Duckworth" Trenton, New Jersey, is named, in a "List of Letters remaining in the Post Office in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [New Jersey Archives 1, v. 12, page 190; 20, page 370]. This Grace Duckworth was the wife of William Duckworth "Yeoman" in March 1727.


August the Duncan vs Duckworth family altercation, was back in Court, but the "Plaintiff (Patrick Duncan) being dead, the Lawsuit was Ordered to Abate". [Ibid., Order Books 6, page 351; 7, page 23 - 24, 154; 9, page 135].

Note This is the "Fictitious Leasee Case of 1758", where Uriah Leased 235 Acres for 20 years to Duncan, to establish a claim against William and Alice, and he is charged with Trespassing.


Josiah Ridgeway appeared on his "own recognizance" on suspicion of braking into the house of William Duckworth and stealing therefrom "Nine Pounds Current Money" and "Sundry other things". The Witnesses being "Sworn" and "Arguments of the Parties Heard", it is Ordered that he be "Discharged". William Duckworth is ordered to pay 50 pounds of Tobacco to each of the six Witnesses "for the two days of attendance as in evidence for him against Josiah Ridgeway".


William Duckworth was named "Overseer" of the road from"Samuel Littler's to Robert Cunningham's" and September 3, 1760 was on a "Petit Jury".


Chester County Pennsylvania, January 10, 1761 William Duckworth's will is made and reads "I William Duckworth of Frederick County, in Virginia.....being weak in body....well disposed in mind and memory " make this my "Last Will". This Will is being transcribed in, Chester County, Pennsylvania by a friend. "it continues to state that after payment of all my just Debts together with my Funeral Charges....I give and Bequeath to my loving wife Eailse (Alice) Duckworth all that Plantation or Tract of Land in Frederick County in Virginia that I now dwell on......(and to her) all my Rite Title and Interest to the other of my Estate both real and personal in Frederick County in Virginia....unto my five Children to wit Uriah, Aaron, Grace and Rody Duckworth all that Estate in Trent Town, New Jersey, to be divided share and share alike....My loving Eailse (Alice) and my loving friend Hugh West of Frederick Town in Virginia Esquire Executors. William signed by "Mark" and the "Will" was proved on January 30, 1761 in Chester County, Pennsylvania, by the witnesses, John Kerlin and James Sinkler.


On January 30, 1761 in his Capacity of Deputy Register "for the Probate of Wills and Granting letters of Administration in and for the Province of Pennsylvania, Henry H. Graham, certified there "was prove, and approved and insinuated that the "Will and Testament" of William Duckworth sometime ago of Frederick County Virginia, but late of West Cater in the County of Chester, Pennsylvania a true copy where of is "Here unto annexed.......his loving wife Alice Duckworth executrix......" was ordered to make an appraisal on or before March 1, 1761 for the "Register Generals Office" at Chester and also, an accounting by January 30, 1762.


March 3, 1761 in Frederick Court, Virginia, Alice Duckworth (Widow) and Relict of William Duckworth deceased Produced in Court and "Attested Copy" of the "Last Will and Testament" of William Duckworth, "Deceased" together with a "Certificate" of her having given security for the Administration of the said Estate in the County of Chester and Province of Pennsylvania. "It is Ordered that Thomas Calon, Robert Cunningham, Francis Lilbourn and Hugh Handley or any three of them being first sworn to appraise in Current Money the Slaves (if any) and Personal Estate of William Duckworth deceased and return an Inventory therefore to the Court of which Lewis Stephens and William Miller Gent. Pray'd their presence to be "Entered and Record" [Ibid., Order Book 9, page 261].


On March 4, 1761 George Cunningham was appointed as "Overseer" of the road from Robert Cunningham's to Littler's Mill in the absence of "William Duckworth deceased. [Ibid., Order Books 8, page 62; 9, page 74 - 76, 127, 150].


August 9, 1761 this disposition of William Duckworth's Virginia Estate was challenged by "Mary Duckworth (Widow) and Relix....(and) Uriah Duckworth eldest son and Heir at Law of the said William Duckworth in a poser of attorney from Mary Duckworth, from Burlington County, New Jersey subsequently, a long drawn out "Suit" is ejected into Frederick County Court, Virginia [Frederick County Virginia Land Book 1, pages 1 - 14].


August 5, 1762 an "Inventory of the Estate Goods and Chattels of William Duckworth deceased as appraised by us......Thomas Calon, Francis Lilborne and Robert Cunningham" set a total value of L48-5-6 and was returned to Frederick Court for Recordation. A marginal note reads "1761 March 23, Duckworth Appt", probably indication date of appraisement. The interesting presumably from the William Duckworth Estate and handed down thorough the family from John Duckworth (Yeoman) {was in the inventory "Military Hardware", of 12 Shillings Value, "One Halbert and Brass Mounted Swords"}. This is the proof that William was a descendant of John Duckworth of New Jersey Province of 1664 who's Estate was appraised March 7, 1727/28 in New Hanover, Burlington County, New Jersey and part of this Estate Titled him as (Yeoman by Trade). [Ibid., Will Book 3, page 71- 72].


A Suit is injectment of "Uriah Plaintiff against Alice Duckworth Defendant" was before the Frederick Court. "On the motion of the Plaintiff (Uriah Duckworth) Ordered that a "Dedimus Issue" directed to the Commissioners in New Jersey for the Examination of Sundry Evidences on behalf of the Plaintiff". In August Uriah and Mary had power of attorney as before mentioned an in August 9th appeared before the Court in Frederick County, Virginia. It reads ...."I Joseph Wright of the County of Burlington (sis) in Hanover Township in New Jersey Attorney in Fact for "Mary Duckworth (Widow)...and Relix of William Duckworth as also Attorney in Fact for Uriah Duckworth Eldest Son and Heir at Law of the said William Duckworth "do Nominate and Appoint John Smith of the County and Colony a fore said Attorney act and do touching the Estate of the said William Duckworth which in Virginia as fully to all intents and purpose's in the Two Certain Letters of Attorneys...." This Instrument was proved in the Frederick County Court and Witnesses were Rueben Paxson and Josiah Ridgeway, and ordered recorded {Ibid, Order Book 9, page 334; Deed Book 7, page 342].


January 29, (X) Danford, of "Upper Freehold in the County of Monmouth, in the Province of New Jersey "gave a deposition that 'on or about December 16th, 1731 he was present at the Home of Samuel Dansford (Father of the Deponent and Grandfather of Alice Baxter) in the Township of Nottingham in the County of Burlington and did then and there see Robert Pearson Esquire marry William Duckworth (Laborer) unto Mary Wright.....that the said Mary Duckworth at the time of taking deposition is "Living and Personally present at the taking thereof.....that he knew Alice Baxter, at the time of the said Alice and William Duckworth leaving this Province, and verily believes that the said Alice is acquainted that the above named Mary Duckworth, was wife of him the said William Duckworth at that time.


January 29, Sarah Pittman of New Hanover in the County of Burlington, New Jersey, gave her "Solemn Affirmation" that on or about December 16th, 1731 she was present at the home of Samuel Danford in Burlington and there saw Robert Pearson, Esquire marry William Duckworth (Laborer) unto Mary Wright....she knows Uriah Duckworth....was born in the Month of January 27 years past......and that he the said Uriah was the Eldest Son of the said William and Mary Duckworth.


January 29, Jane Davis gave a "Solemn Affirmation" that in the month of January 27 years past, the affirmation was present at the Birth of Uriah Duckworth, the son of William and Mary Duckworth....and that he the said Uriah Duckworth was then the only son of the said William and Mary Duckworth and.....Mary Duckworth at the time of taking this affirmation is alive and present at the taking thereof.......


January 29, Theophilus Severns gave deposition that he was a Deputy Surrogate in New Jersey and familiar with the handwriting of "Col. Lewis Morris late Governor of New Jersey.......(and) Robert Pearson Esquire deceased.....Justice of the Peace for the County of Burlington" and believes these records correct, and also "he knew William Duckworth and Mary his wife, and also Uriah Duckworth the reputed Elder Son of the said William and Mary Duckworth, and that he believes the said Uriah to be more then Twenty-one years of age......


Minutes of the County Court noted in November 1762 that "the Executor of William Duckworth deceased being Summoned to Render an Account of the said Decedents Estate failed so to do". At the same time "Hugh West gentlemen came into Court and Relinquished any right to the Administration of the Estate of William Duckworth deceased as an Executor to the "Last Will and Testament of the said decedent". [Ibid., Order Book 10, page 351].


Alice (Baxter) Duckworth had married Daniel McGinn before November 10, 1762, when "Alice McGinn wife of Daniel McGinn of Frederick County in the Colony of Virginia", for a stated consideration of L73, gave Joseph Beele also of Frederick, a bill of sale for much personal property including .....150 bushels of Corn, now in the house loft, one brown Mare and Saddle and Bridle, one Feather Bed and Furniture, one Chafe Bed and Furniture, one stack of Hay, Two Bed Stands and Cords an Account against John Daughery.......near five pounds, Two Spinning Wheels, One Cow, One Plow and Geears Pewter Dishes, Plates, Spoons, Knives and Forks, five Tongues Tea Ware, Punch Bowles, 2 Calves, 4 Hoges the third part of Corn due from Thomas Berrys part for Rent all the Fodder on the Plantation Except Thomas Berrys Part, and all other things of any value in the House or on the Plantation as also the Rents and Profits of the Plantation.....until Joseph Beeler shall be paid "Seventy Three Pounds......" This Mortgage is to cover debts, of L15-10 to Beeler, L9-10 to William Neal, and L5 to James McCormack (Beeler being security for the latter two debts, or judgements) and to keep Beeler "indemnified from Certain Suit brought by one John Corlin (and Kerlin) in Pennsylvania against my Husband....and a Bond for Forty Three Pounds as Executor of William Duckworth". Alice signs by (Mark), with Enos Thomas and John Tomas witnesses [Ibid., Deed Book 8, page 139 - 140].


February 21, 1763 In Pennsylvania "by Virtue of a Writ of Dedimus from the Court of Frederick County, Virginia directed to his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of call and examine....all such Witnesses as well on behalf of Uriah Duckworth "Plaintiff" and Alice Duckworth "Defendant" ...."John Culbertson and William Cligan two of his Majesties Justices" for Chester served as the required Commission. After due notice Uriah Duckworth on behalf of "Daniel McGinn and Alice his Wife", the Commissioners called "John Kerlin Innkeeper in whose house William Duckworth deceased did die....(who) says that in the latter end of December 1760 and the beginning of January 1761 William Duckworth then sick likely to die asked this affirmative to write his "Last Will" so that he might secure his Real Estate to his wife, but this affirmative having heard (that) he was not married to Alice the present wife, but that he had a Wife and Children in the Jerseys and.....that this affirmative sent the aforesaid Ealice (Alice) to a neighbors house in order to know the truth of the matter (from the mouth of the aforesaid William Duckworth in private, this affirmative then said "friend Duckworth thou hast often asked me to write your "Will" or get it done by someone body, but I want to be satisfied in a few questions or things concerning you, first I am informed that you have a Wife and Children in the Jerseys and if that is the case they should in my opinion have your Estate. I also told him I would send for them privately if he was willing, he answered it was true there was a women in the Jerseys that he lived with as his wife and had several Children by her but was not married to her, and called on God to witness the truth he then told. Further said he believed he lay on his Death Bed and believed he should never rise till lifted, but Said he the neighbors believed we were married for I got a License and we went to Burlington to be married, but when we went there the Minister was not at home, so we agreed to go home again and say we were married which we did and lived many years until she used me so bad by keeping company with other men and that I was obliged to go away to Virginia and took this woman with me and married her and we were both very poor, and she helped me to get all I have therefore I am determined to give her my Estate in Virginia for she has the best right to it, and then I told him I would write his "Will" and did it according to the best of my understanding as he directed to secure the Plantation for his wife......".


In Frederick Court the Injectment Case came up again against Alice on May 5th and 6th, 1763 and "the Jury......returned their verdict......that the Defendant is guilty of the Trespass and Injectment in the Declaration mentioned......from which said Judgement the said defendant prayed on appeal to the eleventh day of the next General Court which was granted her, she having together with Hugh West her security entered into Bond in the penalty on "One Hundred Pounds" conditioned according to Law" [Ibid., Land Book 1, page 1 - 14; Order Book 11, page 145].


April 1765, Although one William Duckworth had died there is another William Duckworth in the Frederick County Court of Virginia in a case where this "William Duckworth is suing John Bentley and George Lott". Both suits were "Dismissed Agreed", [Ibid., Order Book 12, page 384]. His antecedents or relations is not known of these other Duckworths at this time, I feel certain that he is of "John Duckworth" who is in North Carolina, as stated before.


Alice (Baxter - Duckworth) McGinn is in Court in connection with this Land until April 1765 [Ibid., Order Book 10, page 242, 368; 11 page 47, 136, 401]. She is later the "Widow" McGinn in 1790 Census in Mecklenburg, North Carolina, page 160; in her household are 3 males over 16 years of age and 2 females (there is no know records of the names of these Children, but I feel certain that they are of William Duckworth) Also, in the South Carolina in Laurens County of 1796 District is a Daniel McGinn (page 74), the only white in his household, with one Slave.


February 25, 1767 "Uriah Duckworth of the County of Bucks in the Province of Pennsylvania, Eldest Son and Heir at Law of William Duckworth late of the County of Frederick and Colony of Virginia deceased". for L150, conveyed to "John Neavill" of the Parish and County of Frederick.....a certain tract or parcel of the County of Frederick and Colony of Virginia aforesaid and is thereby the same tract whereon his father the said William Duckworth formerly did live joining the lands of the said John Neavill, George Fallis, John Ridgeway and Isaac and Jacob Rallis and contains 235 Acres and Granted (on July a6, 1755) to the said William Duckworth deceased by....the Right Honorable Thomas Lord Fairfax proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virginia.....beginning at a White Oak corner of Even Thomas's ......and the said Uriah signed of a good and indefeasible Estate of Inheritance in fee simple......." Both instruments were witnessed by William Jolliffe, Mord Walker, John Smith, Bryon McGraw and John Armstrong and Ordered Recorded March 4, 1767. [Ibid., Deed Book 11, page 321, Order Book 13, page 323]. Mary (Wright) Duckworth, of New Jersey was by this time dead, thus terminating her "Downer Rights" and leaving "Clear Title" to the Land in the name of the Eldest Son and Heir at Law, "Uriah Duckworth". If Uriah Duckworth ever lived in Virginia it was only a short time to lay claim in Court to this Estate, which the Attorney Joseph Wright (Relative to Mary??) identified himself as attorney for Mary (Wright) Duckworth and the Eldest Son Uriah (Who was inhabitant of the County and Colony of Virginia, was represented).


September 29, 1769 "Beverly Randolph Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of virtue of a Warrant Issued from the late Lord Proprietors Office of the Northern Neck, and in Consideration of the Ancient Composition of Two Pounds, Ten Shillings Sterling paid by John Duckworth into the Treasury of this Commonwealth, there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said John Duckworth 480 Acres, by Survey bearing the date April 18, 1753, in Frederick County...on the Westerly Side of Shenandoah, on a branch of Crooked Run....joining surveys for Samuel Morse, John Hite and Casper Mire (Northern Neck Grants, Book U, page 198; abstracts of Land Records, No. 14, Frederick County, page, 93). Virginia took over ungranted "Fairfax Lands" after the Revolution and although many conflicting land claims remained unresolved, John Duckworth seems to secured his grant, why this 35 years delay is uncertain. This John Duckworth is not the man of the some name who died intestate in Frederick in 1757. {It was the opinion of Miss Daphne Gentry, the Virginia Archives' Specialist in Land Grants, Grovenor Randolph issued the 1789 Grant to the same John Duckworth for whom the 1753 Survey was prepared, not to an Heir at Law or a Grantee, and this tract lay in Frederick's 1789 Boundaries, and not in a successor County created between 1753 and 1789}.


New Jersey, A John Duckworth was a Witness to the Will of Peter Dilts of Amwell, Hunderton County, New Jersey, proved January 24, 1770, date drawn not given [Ibid., v. 33, page 117]


Maryland - while the whole part of Western Maryland was Frederick County there was a rush to secure "Land Grants" in what is now Allegany and Garret Counties. At this time Robert Smith was "Surveyor General" of the Land Office for the Western Shore and John Hanson Jr. his Deputy for Frederick County, Maryland. The Land Office's business for these Grants was interrupted by the "Lord Dunmore War" and then came the Revolution. Lots of Lands west of Fort Cumberland Maryland were offered by the Sate Government to Volunteers in the Continental Army. In 1788, Francis Deskins laid out 4,165 of these Military Lots. Aaron Duckworth ended up with Military Lot #33 on Georges Creek. There is no records located as yet to show he served in the Continental Army, but remember there were Wars going on with the Indians of the Frontier, and he may have served in a Militia, there was a James W. Duckworth who served with George Rogers Clark's Militia against the Indians, whom the British had to hired to implement a War against the Settlers in the West. This kept a lot of people in the West from joining the Continental Army.



Lord Dunmore's Campaign against the "Native Savages" began In the settlements of Virginia he organized a Force of Militia of sufficient numbers to operate with effect against the "Savages", proved successful, and two bodies, numbering in all 2,500 individuals collected , -- one each in the Counties of Augusta, Bottletourt, another in Frederick and Shenandoah. The First of these was place under the Command of General Andrew Lewis, who rendezvoused at Camp Union, now Lewisburg, while the Governor in person Commanded the Second. By the 1st of September, General Lewis only awaited the arrival of Col Christian, and orders from Lord Dunmore to march. The Battle that followed and what happened can be read in a book published in 1851, by Wills De Hass, Titled "The Early Settlements and Indian Wars of Western Virginia.


The Westerly Limits of Charles II's 1649 Grant of the North Neck, between Potomac and Rappahannock, were long in dispute between the Provincial Government of Virginia and the Lord Proprietors, some questions of "Ownership and Jurisdiction" being still unsettled after the American Revolution. Joist Hite and the Van Meters in the early 1700's obtained preliminary "Grants" from the Provincial Government for large Tracts in the Shenandoah Valley, claimed also as part of the Northern Neck by the Proprietary, the Culpeper-Fairfax interest. (S. P. Smith, "The Northern Neck's Role in the American Legal History"). [Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, V. 77, pages 277 - 290].


Richard Beam is in Loudon County, Virginia. Records show he was born in Pennsylvania February 7, 1755, he had married Elizabeth (Green) Beam who was born October 11, 1755. [National Archives and Records of Service, Washington, D. C. show that Michael Beam is listed in "Pension Claim No. 2986", that he enlisted in Loudon County, Virginia in June 1777. D. A. R. Records show Michael Beem in Book 66, page 276 under Vilda Prescott Beem No. 65800].


New Jersey, George Duckworth in Kingwood Township and John Duckworth in Amwell Tax Ratables in Hunterdon County, New Jersey in 1778 - 1780. (Kenn Stryker-Rodda, Revolutionary Census of New Jersey, 1773 - 1784, List II, page 66).


A William Duckworth is described as of Washington County, Virginia when he bought 140 Acres there from John Thomas for L20. The Land lay in the Western Part of the County on both sides of Beaver Creek, a branch of the Holston River, joining Jacob Thomas., Freeman and Henry Grimes. The record list no witnesses. On October 8, 1788 Duckworth, signing by (Mark) sold this tract of land to George Brock of L40. This deed was witnessed by Robert Preston, John Runkhouser and John Teeters, but not recorded until 1806 [Washington County, Virginia, Deed Book 1, page 36; 3, page 462].


William Duckworth in addition to his 140 Acres, he was assessed for 6 head of Cattle and 3 Horses; other then himself, no Tiltable are listed for him. [Ibid., Tax Rolls for the years cited, in Virginia Archives].


William Duckworth is on the County's Tax Rolls, 1787 - 1788, but on neither Land nor Personal Property Rolls 1789. I feel certain that he relocated to Western Maryland.


Jane Duckworth and Mary Duckworth are named in inventory, in August 1, 1791 in New Jersey, of Benjamin Tanner's Estate in Hunterdon County. George Duckworth witnessed the "Will" of Samuel Green of Amwell, Hunterdon County, drawn January 28, 1797, and proved April 254, 1799 and joined John Woolverton in Inventorying Green's Estate, April 18, 1799. George was Bondsman, October 26, 1797 and on March 1, 1799 aided in Inventory of Jacob Keples's Estate in Amwell, Hunterdon County, New Jersey. [Ibid., V. 37, page 350; V. 38, page 149, 214, 410].


New Jersey, In the Hunterdon County Militia were Elijah Duckworth and George Duckworth. In Alexandria Township was Issac Duckworth. In Amwell Township was George Duckworth [Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, V. 9, pages 47 - 50].


During the American Revolution a James Duckworth is listed and in 1799 as Corporal in George Rogers Clark's Illinois Regiment of the Virginia Militia. [Clark's Papers, T-M 1 P 23, Virginia Archives, Richmond; John H. Gwathmey, Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution, page 238].


Aaron Duckworth is now in Maryland and he is married to Anna Beam.


June 1810 a Thomas ("X") Duckworth sold to Lewis Moyers, both of Shenandoah County, 80 Acres for L30 in the County of Shenandoah adjoining the Blue Ridge which said Land was Granted unto Wendle Shenk by Patent Letters on December 7, 1791, joining Martin Shenks and Peter Kibler, acknowledged in Court June 11, 1810. [Shenandoah County, Virginia, Deed Book R, page 341 - 342. The Deed does not recite descent of Title to Thomas Duckworth, and that the Surname does not appear in the County's Land Tax Rolls, 1798 - 1810.


A John Duckworth (CA. 1759 - 1843) applied from Brue County, North Carolina, for a pension for Military Service from Rowan County, North Carolina. His Application gives Virginia as Birthplace and indicates his birth in 1759. [Pension No. 6805, National Archives, Washington; North Carolina D. A. R., Roster of Soldiers from North Carolina in the American Revolution, 1932, page 378, 421, 485, 574 Census of 1840, Burke County North Carolina Dr. John F. Duckworth, Greenville, Tennessee.]



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