

Court Records

Maryland courts have kept records that may have some genealogical value. Below is an outline of the Major courts in Maryland.

Date Court and Responsibilities
1637-1805 The Provincial Court (later called the General Court) was a state-wide court that ruled on capital crimes, land disputes, and other civil matters.
1637-1851 County Courts were country-wide courts that had jurisdication over criminal and civil cases.
1668-1851 The Chancery Court was a state-wide court with jurisdiction over equity cases, such as divorces, name changes, mortgage foreclosures, civil damage suits, and guardianships.
1776-present The Court of Appeals is the highest court in the state with jurisdication over criminal, civil and probate appeals.
1800-present District Courts have jurisdiction over lesser criminal and civil cases. There are 12 judicial districts.
1851-present Circuit Courts have county-wide jurisdiction over major criminal and civil cases. These courts replaced the county courts.

The Maryland State Archives has all the records and indexes of the Provincial, General and Chancery courts. The archives also has many records and indexes of the county, circuit, and district courts and the court of appeals.

Garrett County Courts

The Circuit court of Garrett County would have divorce records and marriage records.

Garrett County Circuit Court
203 S. 4th Street, Room 209
P.O. Box 447
Oakland, Maryland 21550
Hours of Operation: 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M


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Last Revised: Jan 2025

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