Garrett County


The entry on the back in Mother's [Alice Clara (OPEL) NEWMAN] handwriting reads, "Aug 12, 1923, Cove, Md." That was Mother's 33rd birthday. I recognize her sitting in front holding, I guess Albert, and Dad [Clyde Nevin NEWMAN] is second from the left by a bush. The man standing in front, second from the right, appears to be Grandfather, Henry J. OPEL. --Paul Newman

About 1930-1931 at the Newman Sawmill

"Your mother and I were born along Route 40 in western Maryland, just east of Grantsville. My birth certificate reads "near Grantsville, Maryland". Grandfather NEWMAN was in the lumber business, he had a sawmill on the east slope of Meadow Mountain. We lived in a house built at the mill, like a farm house to a barn. Grandpa lost it all as a result of the 1929 crash... Back to the Pike: I am attaching a photo taken at Grandfather's sawmill. At this late date I cannot identify all the subjects, but for the ones I know:

"Standing in the back row, left to right: Dad's younger brother Rowland NEWMAN; Grandfather Nevin R. NEWMAN; Grandmother Mary NEWMAN; not sure of the next 2 ladies, the one with the hat could be Rowland's wife Geneva; standing on the far right is Dad, and I believe a neighbor who lived across the pike and worked at the sawmill, Charley WARREN.

"Middle row L - R: Unknown boy, 3 unknown ladies, They remind me a bit of the OPEL Clan, but not sure; on the right is Mother holding your Mother, Helen;

"Front row L - R: Unknown girl, sister Mildred shading her eyes; brother Byard, me sitting up a level, and brother Clyde Albert 'Fatty.'

"I cannot exactly date the picture, but from the size of your Mother and me, I place it in 1930-31, for the mill was removed and be moved in 1932.

"Love Uncle Paul" --Paul E. NEWMAN

"The notes on the picture are from my Uncle Paul NEWMAN. He was born in Jan of 1926 and my mother, Helen (babe in arms) was born in May of 1929. In his notes: Dad is Clyde Nevin NEWMAN and Mom is Alice Clara Opel NEWMAN. I would love to hear from anyone who might know any of the unknown people in the picture." --Deborah S. Nelson

"Later, Daddy [Clyde Nevin NEWMAN] started working for the sawmill and N. R. Newman & Sons. They built a sawmill on the Turner Farm. The Turner Farm was located along US Hwy 40, west of Frostburg, MD, and just before the intersection of US Hwy 219, which led east to Salisbury, PA. There was a creek with a stone-arched bridge near where the sawmill was set up." --Betty Chavez, Paul's oldest sister

Nevin Russell NEWMAN (born 27 Oct 1862) was married to Mary Estella GLOTFELTY (born 14 Jul 1870). Deborah Nelson is my mother's 6th cousin and my father's 7th cousin. --Don Hartman

Contributed by Deborah S. Nelson

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This page was last updated 10/11/2023