Garrett County


1827 - 1878

Ernest HETRICK and two STANTON boys.
One of them may be Melvin STANTON, but we are not sure.

We believe Conrad came from Zielbach, Hesse, Germany, with his family. We don't know the names of his parents, but Conrad's siblings were Anna Mary, Martin, Charles, and John. Conrad arrived in the US in the late 1850's. He married Anna Marie "Nancy" UPHOLD of Bavaria, but we don't know if they married in this country or in Germany. Conrad HETRICK drowned during a flooding of the Casselman River near Jennings, Maryland, in 1878.

Melchior HETRICK, Jun 1872 - 09 Jul 1936, was the son of Conrad and Nancy HETRICK. Melchoir was the father of Ernest HETRICK, who was the father of Lois STEWART, who provided these pictures.

Can You Help Identify?

Here are a couple of tintypes sent to me by Ida Mae (KEEFER) COYNER. I believe these were possibly Mae's grandparents on her mother's side, but she didn't know who they were. It appears that Ida Mae was named after my g-uncle John's wife, Ida (LININGER) HETRICK. Ida and Mae's mother were very close friends.

The story goes . . . according to Mae, that her parents moved to Kansas in the late 1800's or early 1900's. Her mother left Kansas and returned to MD with Mae and her older brother and sister. Mae was about two or three at the time. Mae was listed as a border with John and Ida Hetrick at the 1910 Cenus. Mae's mother couldn't care for her children and boarded them out and of course asked Ida if she would take Mae.

From what I gathered, Mae's mother was around and even wanted Mae back after she got on her feet, but Mae stayed with the HETRICKs and to her, they were her parents. Ida gave Mae these tintypes, but Mae doesn't remember who they are and sent them to me to keep. Mae is now 93 and she bears a strong resemblance to the unknown woman tintype. These must be her grandparents, very possibly her mother's parents, but I don't have her mother's maiden name.

Do you know who they are?

Contributed by Lois Hetrick Stewart

Design by Templates in Time
This page was last updated 10/11/2023