Jacob Rohrback
Jacob ROHRBACK, lawyer, was born in Frederick City on August 23, 1863. He is the son of Martin NEWCOMER and Ellen Catherine (BRUNNER) ROHRBACK. His father was a groceryman, noted for his "firmness and strength of character". Mrs. Rohrback's influence was strong for good on the moral character of her son. His grandfather, Major Jacob ROHRBACK of Sharpsburg, Washington County, assisted in the defence of Baltimore in 1814 and was married to Mary SMITH from Pennsylvania.

Mr. Rohrback was "always strong, healthy, and robust as a youth" and delighted in reading and the "usual youthful sports". He writes: "As my profession is the law, legal books have always been most helpful to me. Besides these, I have always believed my Latin and Greek studies have assisted greatly in my professional work." He attended the public schools at Frederick and Frederick college, the old county academy, and then entered Mt. St. Mary's college at Emmittsburg, Frederick county, where he graduated after five years of study in 1882 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. By the same college, the degree of A.M. was given to him in 1884. After graduating from college, he became a student of law at the University of Maryland, which conferred on him the degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1885. Mr. Rohrback then settled in Frederick city as an attorney at law, in which profession he has built up an excellent practice. He entered this profession from his own preference, aided greatly by the advice and wishes of his father. The influence of his home and church life have been determining factors in Mr. Rohrback's career. He is a prominent member of the Evangelical Reformed Church.

On March 1, 1892, he was married to Ida Rebecca RAMSBURG of Frederick. They have no children. Mr. Rohrback has always been a Democrat in politics and, as nominee of that party, was elected a member of the house of delegates in 1887 and of the senate in 1899. He is past junior grand warden of the grand lodge of Maryland A.F. and A. Masons. He is also a member of Enoch Royal Arch Chapter No. 21, Enoch Council No. 10, Royal and Select Masters and Jacques de Molay Commandery No. 4, Knights Templar. In 1905, he was appointed by Governor Warfield, a member of the Maryland State Commission to the Jamestown Exposition, and since then has been an active member of that body.

His favorite relaxation from professional work is found in "reading and participation in church, lodge, or other work of special or local interest". His life has shown him that the best advice which can be given toward the attainment of true success is that one should "wisely and conscientiously improve the present and then those affairs in life which we call failures may prove ultimately but to be soul lessons for us and uplifts to higher and nobler things". True success follows only "industry and honesty, the love of God, and devotion to home life, the cultivation of the friendship and influence of those who stand for all that is noble, good and elevating in all the affairs of life".

pages 306-309

Men of Mark in Maryland - Volume I
- Bernard C. Steiner, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Published by Johnson-Wynne Company, Washington, DC - 1907

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