Melville Ezra DOLL, banker, was born near Frederick, Frederick county, Maryland, March 4, 1837. He is the son of Ezra and Harriet (Zieler) DOLL. His father was a merchant, farmer, and common councilman of Frederick City; a careful man in all details. He traces his father's ancestors back to the Palatinate. His mother's ancestors were also German.

Before reaching his eleventh year, he went to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to live with his sister, whose husband edited the "Gettysburg Compiler", and remained there until he was 28 years of age, working constantly in a printing office when not at school. Ceaseless occupation left him no time to play. His reading was chiefly in newspapers and periodicals, and his education was received at the common school only. His father died when he was but five years old, leaving a small estate, so that the son was forced to earn his own living from an early age, and acquiring habits of economy, he saved one-half of his first year's wages.

At a later period, Mr. Doll returned to Frederick where he engaged in the drygoods business in partnership with a brother, under the firm name of G. J. DOLL and Brother. This partnership lasted until 1876. Mr. Doll was in the real estate and insurance business in Frederick from 1877 to 1900, in the firm of Doll & Albaugh, and was made president of the Fredericktown Savings Institution in 1896, which position he now holds. He is a Mason, and in politics a Democrat. In religious faith he affiliates with the Evangelical Reformed church, having held the offices of deacon and elder in that chuch. Mr. Doll's favorite modes of relaxation are driving and walking. He gives the following advice to young men starting out in life: "Stick closely to one business at a time; put conscience in all work; spend less than your income."

On September 19, 1867, he was married to Hannah Margaret DANNER. They have no children.   (pg 96)

Men of Mark in Maryland - Volume I
- Bernard C. Steiner, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Published by Johnson-Wynne Company, Washington, DC - 1907

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