Hoover's Blue Mountain Camp
near Thurmont,
Frederick County, Maryland

Hoover's Blue Mountain Camp
Hoover's Blue Mountain Camp
near Thurmont, Maryland

- contributed by Jerry Davis - jdgoodwrench@yahoo.com

Postcard circa 1950's
  • AAA Recommended, 14 miles north of Frederick and 10 miles south of Gettysburg, PA off US Hwy 15 Modern Cottages, Singles and Family Sizes. Cool and Shady; in the Foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains;
  • Modern Restaurant, seats 75;
  • call Thurmont -4062 for Reservations.
  • Owned and operated by Mr and Mrs. C. E. Kinsey

  • The orginal building (before the additions) is believed to have been the Blue Mountain School in the early 1900's.

Photos at MidMdRoots.com

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