Old News Newspaper Abstracts
Frederick Co, Maryland

Valley Register

Middletown, Maryland

February 21, 1890
  • Marriages
    - Mr. Hazelius H. MANN and Miss Emma K., second daughter of Mr. John H. LIGHTER, all of this vicinity, on February 18th, at 7 p.m., at the Lutheran Church in this place, by Rev, L.A. MANN, of Mt. Jackson, Va., father of the groom, assisted by Rev. T. F. HOFFMEIER and Rev. Dr. P. BERGSTRESSER. - Mr. Harry GRIMES and Miss Lizzie CRAMER, both of Graceham, this county, on February 19th, at the home of the bride. - Mr. Daniel LEOPOLD, of Knoxville, and Miss Annie E. NELSON, of Weverton, Washington County, on February 16th, at the residence of groom's brother, in Knoxville, this valley, by Rev. C. O. ISAACS. - Mr. John H. STOTTLEMYER and Sarah L. SHELTON on February 9th, near Garfield, this county, by Elder James O. HARNE. - Mr. William J. SLAGLE and Miss Annie C. ROSER, both of this county, on February 5th, in Woodsboro, by Rev. S. A. DIEHL.

February 28, 1890
  • Sales of Real Estate - On Monday Last, Mr. Wm. H. ROUTZAHN sold his house and lot, a two-story frame building adjoining the Reformed cemetery, on East Main street, to Mr. William E. SMITH, of near town, for $1,800. Mr. ROUTZAHN will remove to Hagerstown. - Mr. A. W. SMITH has sold his out-lot of 7-1/2 acres, fronting on the North Commons, in this place, to Mr. Joshua H. MAIN, for $1,050. - The valuable corner property in Burkittsville, this valley, belonging to the estate of the late Roseni BISER, has been sold to Mr. Martin L. HORINE, a young merchant of that place, for $1,475. - A farm containing 156 acres, situated near Woodsboro, this county, was sold on Monday last by Charles G. and Noah E. CRAMER, to George W. BEST, for $11,000. - The Emmitsburg Chronicle reports the sale of Wm. C. SCOTT's farm of 40 acres, near that place, to Mrs Laura V. WHITMORE, of Creagerstown district, for $2,300. - The News reports the sale of the Linganore Mills and 182 acres of land, about four miles east of Frederick, to Mr. Joseph CRONISE, for $35 per acre. - The Times states that Mr. Paul HAUSER has purchased the "Black Horse Hotel" property on West Patrick street, Frederick, for a private residence.
  • War Claim Allowed - Among the executive communications presented in the House of Representatives last week, was the finding in the following war claim: In the case of Herman L. ROUTZAHN, administrator of John ROUTZAHN, deceased, the court finds that from the claimant, residing at Middletown, Frederick county, Md., the government forces took and used stores and supplies amounting to $248.
  • Personal Mention Pleasant Paragraphs About Those Who Come and Those Who Go - Miss Ella COOK, of this place, is visiting relatives in Lovettesville, Va. - Miss Amy DOUB, of this vicinity, is visiting the Misses KLINE at Adamstown, this county. - Miss Mary HAMMER, of Frederick, is a guest of the family of Dr. J. W. GETZENDANNER, in this place. - Mr. T. H. B. FEETE, of this place, is visting relatives at Hagerstown and at Shepherdstown, W. Va. - Mr. John L. LINTHICUM, of Baltimore, came up Tuesday to visit his aged mother, residing in this place. - Mrs. Mary RHODERICK, of Frederick, mother of the editor, is at present a revered guest in the latter's family. - Mr. Joshua SNYDER, son of Mr. M. H. SNYDER, of near Myersville, left Tuesday last for Darke county, Ohio. - Mr. Lewis C. SMITH and family, of Graceham, were visiting relatives in this vicinity during the present week. - Messrs. Charles and Jeremiah RICE, of near Ellerton, spent Sunday last with their sister, Mrs. C. E. IFERT in this place. - Mrs. Minnie KOOGLE, late of Texas, is again visiting relatives in this vicinity. She expects soon to return to Texas. - Mr. William MOSER, son of Isaiah MOSER, of Myersville, this valley, left for Kansas City, Mo., on Tuesday last, to reside. - Messrs. Albert BRANDENBURG, Henry TOMS and Albert W. TOMS, of the upper part of this valley, left last week for Ohio. - Mr. Howard L. HUFFER, of near Mt. Tabor, and George L. SHOEMAKER, of Zittlestown, left on Tuesday last for Polo, Ill., to work. - Mr. Edward SWOMLEY of New Market, this county, is visiting his sister, Mrs. William E. HUFFER, near Downsville, Washington county. - Mr. Jerry M. DUTROW and sister, of Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., who had been visiting friends hereabouts, returned home last week. - Mr. Hazelius H. MANN and his bride have returned from their wedding tour and are now at the groom's home between here and Jefferson. - Messrs. Harry CORRICK and W. E. DULINE, of Knowles, Montgomery county, were visiting friends in this place on Wednesday and yesterday. - Mr. George C. AHALT, who had been residing in Baltimore for eighteen months past, removed his family back to this vicinity on Tuesday last. - Mr. Clarence E. WISE, who had been spending a couple of months at the home of his parents in Bolivar, this valley, returned to Polo, Ill., on Tuesday last. - Mr. Ezra M. REMSBURG, of Baltimore, has been indisposed for several weeks past, and has been at the home of his family, near Bolivar, this valley, during that time. - Mr. Henry JOHNSON, colored, who removed his family to the vicinity of Jefferson last summer, returned last week and is again occupying his house in Vanandah's addition. - Miss Ella YOUNG, of this place, returned home on Saturday, after a pleasant visit to friends in Frederick and Harmony Grove, and was accompanied by her niece, Miss Mary KEFAUVER, who is spending the present week with Miss Hattie SHAFER. - submitted by Jack Keller

October 3, 1890
  • Marriages - MEHRLING - LOYNS Mr. August MERHLING and Miss Carrie O. LOYNS, daughter of Mr. James LOYNS, all of Frederick city, on September 30th at the Lutheran parsonage in Frederick, by Rev. Luther KUHLMAN. - WALKER - BARTGIS Mr. J. C. WALKER of Unionville, and Miss Clara BARTGIS of Frederick, on September 30th in the Lutheran church at Frederick by Rev. Luther KUHLMAN. - DETROW - CHILDS Mr. Joseph G. DETROW of Blue Ridge Summit, Pa. and Miss Ella G. CHILDS of Baltimore, on September 26th at Hagerstown, by Rev. Henry S. FRANCE. ZIMMERMAN - MOBERLY Mr. David ZIMMERMAN and Miss Nannie R. MOBERLY, both of Frederick City, on October 1st at the residence of the bride. - STORM - SCHANK Mr. Charles Otto STORM and Miss Clara SCHANK, both of Washington, DC, on September 25th at the Reformed parsonage in Frederick by Rev. Dr. E. R. ESCHBACH. - HASLBECK - SUMMERS Mr. Matthew J. HASLBECK and Miss Susie E. SUMMERS, both of Baltimore, on September 29th at St. John s Catholic Church, Frederick, by Rev. Father BRANDT.
  • Deaths - Mr. Jonathan HAUPT on October 1st, at his home, in this place, of paralysis, aged 71 years, 2 months and 21 days. - Mrs. Ann Esther SMITH, widow of Joseph SMITH, of this vicinity, on September 25th at her home in Springfield, Ohio, aged 88 years, 2 months and 11 days. - Mrs. Annie WIENEY, widow of Andrew WIENER (formerly of this place), on September 25th at her residence in Frederick of consumption, aged 60 years, 7 months and 29 days. - Mrs. Mary FREY, widow of Alfred FREY, on October 30th, at her residence, near Myersville, from a complication of diseases, aged about 67 years. - Arthur H. FIGGINS, only son of Mrs. Ellen and the late James FIGGINS, on September 26th at the residence of his mother in Jefferson, this valley, of hemorrhages superinduced by typhoid fever, aged 18 years, 11 months and 1 day. - Mr. George H. TAYLOR on September 25th at the residence of Mr. Victor NEIKIRK near Williamsport, Washington county, of consumption, aged about 50 years. - submitted by DK

October 24, 1890
  • Deaths - Mrs. Susannah HELLER, wife of Mr. Jacob HELLER, late of this vicinity, died on Wednesday of last week at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Oliver SMITH, near Doub's, this county, in the 78th year of her age. Mrs. HELLER was a sister of Mrs. Joseph LONG, residing near this place, and was a highly esteemed lady. She had suffered several attacks of paralysis during the past few years, and her death resulted therefrom. The deceased was confirmed as a member of the Lutheran Church of this place in 1830. Funeral services were held in this church on Friday morning and interment was made in the Lutheran cemetery. Rev. Dr. BERGSTRESSER officiated. - Mrs. Susanna HELLER, wife of Mr. Jacob HELLER, late of this vicinity, on October 15, at her home, at Doub's, this county, after a long illness of paralysis; aged 77 years, 5 months and 2 days. - D. Martin SENSENBAUGH, son of Mr. Westly SENSENBAUGH, formerly of Wolfsville, this valley, on October 18th near Downsville, Washington County, from blood poisoning, caused by the accidental prick of a pin near the knee; aged 28 years, 1 month and 27 days. Interment Sunday afternoon in the Lutheran cemetery at Wolfsville. - Mr. Philip ROHRER on October 14, at his home, in Boonsboro, from the effects of "LaGrippe," in the 70th year of his age. He was a member of the Lutheran Church, and leaves a wife and eight children. - Martha A. wife of Mr. William M. BOVEY and daughter of Mr. Geo. W. FREEZE, of Eyler's Valley, this county on October 5th at Chewsville, Washington county; aged 24 years, 7 months and 5 days. - Mr. Daniel RHOADES, (formally of this county), on October 16, at his residence, in Lancaster, Pa. of general debility, aged 82 years. He was the father of Mrs. David WHIP, of Hagerstown. - Franklin L., son of Philip B. and Anna M. HEFFNER (formerly of Frederick) on October 7th, in Dayton, Ohio, aged 2 years, 4 months and 14 days. - Mrs. Elizabeth H. BALTZELL on October 18th, at her residence, in Frederick, of general debility; aged 78 years, 6 months and 25 days. - Mrs. Mary S. MURPHY on Octobr 19th, at her residence, in Frederick, of typhoid fever; aged 67 years, 4 months and 27 days.

May 8, 1891
  • Personals - Personal Paragraphs About Those Who Come and Those Who Go Mr. Daniel M. HUFFER, son of Mr. W. E. HUFFER of Downsville, Washington county, and Mr. John A. BROWN, both students of New Windsor College, Carroll County, and each the possessor of a new Victory Safety bicycle, came whirling up Main Street about noon Monday and stopped at our office for a rest. They went from New Windsor to Gettysburg, Pa. on Saturday, from thence to Hagerstown, and left the latter place on Monday for New Windsor. Messrs. John O. HAYS, John H. MAUGANS, C.C. STOTLEMYER and Samuel E. MYERS, of Wolfsville, spent a little while in Middletown last Saturday afternoon and made a call at The Register office. We enjoyed the visit of these gentlemen and would be glad to welcome them to our town more frequently. Once in twenty years, as in the case of Mr. Maugans, is putting the visits too far apart. Capt. A. C. BRAGONIER, of Baltimore City, an ex-postmaster of Middletown, arrived here Wednesday evening, to spend a couple of days with friends at the old home. He reports his Oil business as prospering, which will be pleasant news to his many friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Alfred TOWNSEND, of Gapland, were in this place on Thursday of last week. Mr. Townsend honored us with a brief call and during his conversation said our town looked prettier than he had ever seen it. Mr. Wm. G. BISER and wife of Lovettesville, Va. were visiting friends here on Saturday and Sunday last. Mr. B's mother, who had been spending some weeks in Lovettesville, returned with them to her home here. Capt. John H. ZITTLE of Shepherdstown, W. Va. arrived here Monday morning, and will spend some time with friends at the old home. He has just recovered from an attack of the grip of six weeks' duration. Mr. George W. THOMAS, formerly of this place, who had been in Baltimore for several years past, has gone to Washington City, where he is employed in a printing office. Rev. Wilson L. REMSBURG, of Beatrice, Nebraska, who is a native of this vicinity, is expected here next week, to remain over the following Sabbath. Mr. J. C. HARPER and Mr. EMMERT of Hagerstown, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James V. BARE, near Harmony, this valley, on Friday night last. Mr. Reno S. HARP, of Washington, D.C., came up Saturday last on a visit to his parents, residing at Myersville, this valley. Mr. Simon L. WASTLER has gone to Downsville, Washington County, where he is employed at the carpentering business. Mr. Sylvanus G. REMSBURG and wife, late residents of Jefferson, left last week for Clarke County, Ohio. Messrs. Wm. ENNIS and J.J. BEAM, of Burkittsville, were in this place Tuesday. - submitted by Jack Keller

Friday, January 29, 1892
  • Deaths - Mrs. Joseph LONG Surely, death is very busy in our midst, and is taking from among us many dearly beloved ones--our neighbors and friends. The latest death to occur here was that of Mrs. Maria LONG, wife of Mr. Joseph LONG, residing one mile west of this place, at 7:15 yesterday (Thursday) morning, in the 76th year of her age. Mrs. Long had been complaining for ten days or two weeks with grip, but was still able to be up and about the house on Monday last. She was then taken with pleurisy, which was followed by paralysis of the brain on Wednesday night, and death resulted at the time above stated. The deceased was well-known and highly esteemed in the community. She had been a life-long and consistent member of the Lutheran church, and was an exemplary woman in all respects. She was a loving wife and mother and a kind neighbor and friend. She leaves an aged and invalid husband, three sons and four daughters. The sons are postmaster D.C. LONG and John W. LONG of this place, and Oliver LONG, residing in Missouri. The daughters are Mary, wife of Eli MILLER; Lydia, wife of John STIVER, and Fannie wife of Mr. J. Harman REMSBURG, all of Farmersville, Ohio. One brother John BUSSARD, living on the Manor, and one sister Mrs George WILLARD, of Frederick, survive her. Funeral services will be held at the Lutheran Church here at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon.

March 23, 1894
  • WEDDINGS - TOMS - WACHTEL Mr. V. Lemuel TOMS, s/o ex-county commissioner Ezra TOMS, and Miss Annie L. C. WACHTEL, eldest d/o George W. WACHTEL, Esq, a leading citizen of Myersville were married by Rev. A.M. SMITH, the bride's pastor. The organ played by Mr. Martin REMSBURG of near Middletown, a cousin of the bride. Bridesmaids were Miss Margie E. WACHTEL, sister of the bride and Miss Bettie S. ISEMINGER of Hagerstown. The ushers were Harman L. AHALT of near Middletown, J. Frank BUTTS, Sidney SMITH and Eston A. SMITH of Myersville. Assisting the reception were Misses E. Josephine HILDEBRAND, Edith ZIMMERMAN and Bessie BUTTS. After the reception, Mr and Mrs TOMS left for Hagerstown, from which point they took a train for Gettysburg and other places in PA. Upon their return they will, at an early date, take up their residence on the farm of the groom's father, who will retire and move to Myersville.
  • FLOGGED for CHEWING GUM in SCHOOL In the Middletown public school on Wednesday, one of the lady teachers flogged about 20 pupils for "chawing" gum during school hours. In the principal's room, two male and three female pupils were compelled to stand on the floor and "chaw" their gum for half an hour.
  • DESTRUCTIVE FIRE - Ezra M. THOMAS' Large Barn Burned near Jefferson - Loss $6,500 The large bank barn of Ezra M. Thomas, a prominent farmer residing about one mile south-east of Jefferson this valley, was discovered to be on fire about 10:15 pm Thursday night of last week. In a short time the entire structure and contents was in ashes. The saddest feature of the disaster was the roasting to death of 13 head of the finest farm horses in the valley including a stallion valued at over $500, 11 head of cattle, and two fine shepherd dogs. By the time the fire was discovered, a rescue was too late, many of the animals being tied in their stalls. In addition, 1600 bushels of wheat, 20 tons of hay, one steam engine, one new corn crusher, one stick wagon, etc was destroyed. Six head of cattle managed to escape. The barn was built about 15 years ago and was 45x100 feet. The fire is charged to work of incendiaries. There is every indication that the barn was fired at both ends at the same time.
  • DEATHS - Captain Daniel Hezekiah FLOYD, Assistand Quartermaster, US Army, s/o Hezekiah and Lydia (BITTLE) FLOYD was born on September 25th, 1848, near Middletown, Frederick County, Maryland. He died on March 10th 1894 of paralysis, superinduced by a spinal infection, in Indianapolis, Indiana, at the residence of Captain Sanford FORTNER, his brother-in-law, aged 45 years, 5 months, and 16 days. He was the youngest brother of Dr. John T. FLOYD, of Noblesville, Indiana and Major Mahlon H. FLOYD of Indianapolis, both of whom preceded him to the grave; the former on July 2, 1867, and the latter on August 21st, 1891. His only surviving brother is the Rev. David B. FLOYD of Newville, PA and his two living sisters are the wives respectively of Cpt. Sanford FORTNER of Indianapolis, Indiana and Rev. Martin L. CULLER of Apollo, PA. In childhood, Daniel H. FLOYD removed with his parents to Hamilton Co, Indiana, where he remained until his 18th year. His youth was spent in Clarksville and Noblesville, Indiana and in the fall of 1866, he entered US Military Academy at West Point, NY as a cadet by appointment from the Eleventh Congressional District of Indiana. Upon graduating in 1870, he received commissino of second lieutenant in the regular army and was assigned to the 9th US Cavalry and seved four years on the frontiers of Texas and new Mexico fighting the Indians.

Friday, January 11, 1895
  • Marriages - Mr. John H. KITZMILLER of Keedysville and Miss Annie May BEACHLEY, d/o the late John Henry BEACHLEY of Boonsboro, Washington county, on January 1st, at the home of the bride, by Rev. E. J. MEESE. - Benjamin S. RIDENOUR of Hagerstown and Miss Emma F. BROWN of Brownsville, Md, on December 25th by Rev. E. E. AYRES.
  • Washington County - Henry Clay HUGHES, a tobacco merchant of Hagerstown, died Sunday of Bright's disease, aged 51 years. - Mr. Wm. GATES, who had been in the employ of the B. & O. Railroad Company for over 40 years, died last Tuesday at his home, in Hagerstown of paralysis, aged 66 years. He was the father of Mr. Asbury GATES, B. & O. agent at Gapland.

Friday, January 18, 1895
  • Marriages - Elias E. PARMER of near Downsville, and Mrs. Emma STULL, of Boonsboro, Washington county, January 16th, at the bride's home by Rev. M. L. BEARD.
  • Deaths - Mrs. Mary A. Brown on January 9th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Emanuel JENNINGS in Brownsville. She died of caterrh of the stomach, in her 83rd year.
  • Washington County - Seth W. W. BUCHANAN, bailiff of Williamsport, aged 64 years, dropped dead of apoplexy last week. - Mrs. Agnes STEVENS, for fifteen years a public school teacher, died last Friday at Keedysville, aged about 50. - Mrs. Elizabeth DAYWALT has been sentenced to the House of Corrections for three months for keeping a disorderly house on North Jonathan street, Hagerstown. - Harvey HOCKMAN, an employe of the Norfolk and Western Railrod, was murderously assaulted with a pitchfork by an unknown man, wednesday night of last week, while passing FENNELLs livery stable in Hagerstown. - submitted by Jack Keller

Friday, January 25, 1895
  • Washington County - Last year 110 houses were erected in Hagerstown. - Henry STAUCH, aged 78 years, died suddenly of paralysis on the 16th inst., at his home, in Hagerstown. - Mr. Samuel LINEBAUGH, Sr., for a long term of years, employed with BOYER & HEARD, Hagerstown, dropped dead on the street last Tuesday; he was aged about sixty years. - Dr. Andrew Johnson JONES, s/o Dr. D. W. JONES, died Thursday of last week at his home in Hagerstown, after several weeks illness with rheumatism, pericarditis and pneumonia, aged about thirty years. He leaves a wife and two children. - Joseph E. WYAND, son of Aaron C. WYAND, of Antietam, enlisted on Jan. 9th, in the U. S. Marines for a term of five years. - Emma, eleven-year-old d/o Miller SNAVELY, of Sharpsburg, while coasting on the cemetery road, fell and broke her collar bone. - Mrs. Lilly V. CHANEY has sued for a divorce from her husband, Otho H. CHANEY, of Clear Spring, on the grounds of alleged abandonment. - submitted by Jack Keller

Friday, April 12, 1895
  • The Reaper of Death - Joseph LONG This community has suffered the loss of another of its oldest, best known and most highly esteemed citizens, in the person of Mr. Joseph LONG, who departed this life about 5 1/2 o'clock last Tuesday evening, at his home, one mile west of town, at the age of 79 years and 1 day. Mr. Long had been a great sufferer for some years from bladder and kidney troubles, and on several occasions of late years had been dangerously ill. He was a well-known blacksmith, which calling he followed for many years and then engaged in farming, which latter pursuit he relinquished a few years ago. He was honorable and upright in all his dealings, kind, genial and sympathetic, and in his death the community loses a good citizen. He leaves two sons and four daughteres, viz: John W. LONG, of this place; D.Calvin LONG, of Waynesboro, Pa.; Mary wife of Eli MILLER; Lydia, wife of John STIVER, all residing at Farmersville, Ohio, and Miss Martha LONG, living at home. He is also survived by three sisters: Rebecca, widow of Henry CASTLE of Baltimore; Sarah, widow of Daniel CASTLE of O., of the valley; and Mrs Elizabeth LIGHTER, of Conrad Grove, Iowa. Deceased was a devoted and consistent member of the Reformed Church of this place, where funeral services were held yesterday morning. His pastor, Rev. T.F. HOFFMEIER, officiated. The pall-bearers were John E. CRONE, John H. SIGLER, John H. LIGHTER, Philip SHEFFER, George E. RUDY and Lewis P. DOUB.

Friday, June 7, 1895
  • Deaths - Dr. James H. MAYNARD of Hagerstown, who was paralyzed on the 26th ult., died last Friday morning, aged about 62 years. Deceased was a former resident of Frederick. He is survived by a wife and one daughter, the latter being the wife of Mr. Henry B. REMSBURG, of Frederick. His remains were taken to Frederick on Saturday and interred in Mt. Olivet Cemetery on Sunday. - Mrs. Jerome POFFENBERGER, near Mt. Carmel, Washington county, of consumption, on the May 29th, aged about 24 years. - Mr. Joseph GANTZ, a prominent citizen, May 31st, at his residence near Boonsboro, of heart failure and liver trouble, aged about 62 years. - Henry GAITHER, a colored inmate of Montevue Hospital, from Frederick, died at that institution a few days ago, aged about 80 years.
  • Home, Sweet Home - Confederate Memorial Day at Frederick will be observed next Thursday, June 13th. - Letters remained in the Middletown post office on Monday last for George W. BLACKWAY, John BANKARD [and] Miss Cormine COCHRAN. - The Emmitsburg Water Company has purchased Francis J. TRESSLER's farm for $1,000, with the intention, it is said, of building a reservoir thereon.
  • Marriage Licenses - Elmer HOUSE, of near Burkittsville, this valley, and Miss Susan GORMAN, of Welsh Run, PA - license was issued at Hagerstown
  • Personals - Rev. M. L. YOUNG, D.D., of Meyersdale, Pa., who had been visiting his parents at Halfway, Washington county, and his brother, Dr. J. D. S. YOUNG, at Creagers- town this county, preached in the Lutheran church at the latter place last Sunday morning. - Mrs M. Annie TRAPNELL, who had been visiting her nephew, Dr. J. E. BEATTY, in this place, left Tuesday to be present Wednesday at he wedding of Miss Eleanor WHITE, of Carroll's Manor, and Mr. James S. ROGERS, of Detroit, Michigan. - Mr. William E. LIGHTER and wife of near Funkstown, Washington county, were visiting relatives in this place on Sunday and Monday last.
  • Washington County - Mrs. Joseph GORDON, well known as "Granny" GORDON, died at her home at Brownsville on Monday, May 27, aged about 89 years. - Susan D. WHITE has filed a bill in the Circuit Court at Hagerstown for a divorce from her husband, Frederick L. WHITE on the grounds of abandonment. - Alice JAMES has brought a suit in the Circuit Court at Hagerstown for an absolute divorce from her husband, Frederick Lee JAMES, on the grounds of adultery, cruelty, and abandonment. - Mrs. Mary MOTTER, widow of Isaac MOTTER, died suddenly last Saturday morning of heart disease, at her home, in Williamsport, aged 81 years. She is survived by three sons and four daughters, one of the latter being the wife of Mr. W. H. C. KEMP, of near Williamsport. - submitted by Jack Keller

December 4, 1896
  • Wedding Announcements Invitations have been issued by Rev. and Mrs. T. Frank HOFFMEIER, of this place, for the marriage of their accomplished daughter, Miss Gertrude HOFFMEIER, to Dr. Upton A. SHARETTS, a prominent physician of Frederick. The event will take place in the Reformed church, Middletown, on Thursday, Dec 10th, at 3 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas REMSBURG, residing at Braddock, between this place and Frederick, have issued invitations for the nuptials of their daughter, Miss Lillie R., and Dr. Horace B. COBLENTZ, of Washington, D. C., son of Mr. Louis P. COBLENTZ, of this place. The ceremony will occur on Thursday, Dec. 10, at 10 am, at "Pequea", the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Remsburg.
  • Deaths - Mr. Elias C. DUSING, a respected citizen of Chambersville, Va, where he had been engaged in the lumber and saw mill business for many years, dropped dead last Monday (Nov 30) afternoon while sitting in a chair at his home, conversing with friends. Heart disease was the cause of his death. Mr. Dusing was a native of near Wolfsville, this valley, and was about 50 years of age. - Mrs. APPLE, wife of Prof. J. H. APPLE, of the Woman's College, Frederick, died yesterday morning (Dec 3) of consumption, aged about 24 years. - Mr. Jacob A. MILLER, a prominent citizen of Washington County, and a former member of the Legislature, died last Friday morning, (Nov 27) at his residence, near Sandy Hook, of asthma, aged about 84 years. He leaves a widow, one daughter and three sons. One of the sons is Rev. Oliver C. MILLER of California. - submitted by Jack Keller

December 11, 1896
  • Personals - Pleasant Paragraphs About Those Who Come and Those Who Go Mrs. Eva L. BANSON and little son of Delaware, arrived at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. SHAFER, in this place, on Wednesday evening, for a few weeks visit. Mr. George Baltzer SMITH of Springfield, Ohio, who had been visiting friends in the valley for some time past, returned home last week. Miss Caroline HORSEY, daughter of Hon. Outerbridge HORSEY, of Needwood, this valley, has gone to California to visit friends. Mr. H. J. BEACHLEY, of Columbia, Pa. returned Wednesday to spend the holidays at the home of his parents, at Bolivar. Miss Mattie COST, of Lovettesville, Va., is on a visit to her married sisters residing in this place. Miss Nannie ROUTZAHN, of Frederick, spent the past week with friends in this place. Miss Carrie McQUADE, of Rohrersville, was here this week on a visit to her parents. Mrs. Jane R. NYMAN, of Washington City, is on a visit to friends in this vicinity. - submitted by Jack Keller

December 11, 1896
  • Petition for Divorce Mrs. Joseph HOUCK, daughter of Dr. Edward BOWLUS, of Frederick, through her counsel, John C. MOTTER and Jacob ROHRBACK, has filed a petition for divorce a mensa et thoro from her husband, Charles HOUCK, of this county, on the ground of "incompatibility." Both parties are young and members of prominent families. They have been married about four years and have two children. (NOTE: The two different first names for the husband are correct as published. Which name is actually that of the husband, I do not know. submitted by Jack Keller)
  • Pensions Granted - Mrs. Susanna BOWERS, of near Wolfsville, this valley, has been granted an original widow's government pension. - Capt. Rufus A. McLANE, of Frederick, has been granted an original government pension. - Mrs. Ellen DINTERMAN, of Adamstown, an original widow's pension. - submitted by Jack Keller

Dec 17, 1897 (also in Banner of Liberty, Dec 16, 1897)
  • A Girl Locked in a Room Jumps from the Window and Joins Her Lover Rosa TOMS, age 15, who still wears short dresses, eloped Sunday Morning with Victor ALEXANDER, age 19, of Middletown. The girl, whose mother died 12 years ago, lived with her married sister, Mrs. Daniel BIDLE, between Middletown and Myersville on Hezekiah ROUTZAHN's farm. Mr. Bidle heard on Saturday of the proposed elopement and locked the girl in a room. Sunday morning while he was in another room talking to a neighbor, the girl opened the window and leaped out and fled through the fields, several miles distant to the National Pike to Daniel MILLER's, where Alexander was in waiting with a buggy. They drove to Frederick where they were married by Rev. Dr. E.R. ESCHBACH of the Reformed Church. On Saturday, Alexander had gone up the mountain on horseback to see the girl's father in the northern part of the valley. He asked the girl's father for permission to marry her and told him the Bidle's approved and were going to give them a cow to get them started. After hearing this, he signed for permission for his daughter to marry. He then got written permission from his parents as well, then got somebody to obtain a license. The couple are staying with friends or relatives of the groom. [The girl's name was Rose Adella Toms, d/o William and Eve Ann (Misner) TOMS. William later married Minnie PEARL and then Annie BUHRMAN. Rosa married John Victor (Vic) ALEXANDER. - Submitted by Ben Palmer via Irvin F. Muritz]
  • Death - Miranda JOHNSON, colored woman, was found floating in the city spring on West Patrick Street by two colored boys who immediately seeked assistance. She was able to be revived and was taken to Montevue Hospital, but died a few minutes later. She had wandered away from her home on All Saints Street.

Friday, April 28, 1899
  • Found Dying on the Railroad - John WARNER, aged about 25, of Johnsville, this county, was found lying on the B&O Railroad track at Mt Airy, Carroll County, just across the Frederick county line, last Monday morning, with his skull crushed and one arm mangled. He was taken to the Maryland University Hospital in Baltimore where he died a few minutes after his arrival. It is supposed he was struck by a train.
  • Fell Dead in Her Yard - Mrs. Sallie McABEE, who lived with her son, Mr. John McABEE, in Cannon's Addition, fell dead while working in the yard last Monday morning about 6:00. She had been fixing her flower beds and in stooping at her work, doubtless suffered a fatal attack of vertigo. When found she was lying under the front porch and life was extinct. In falling, her head struck the sharp part of the hoe she had been using and cut an ugly gash in her chin. Her age was 47 years. - Brunswick Herald
  • Death of Mrs. John H. BITTLE - Mrs. Caroline BITTLE, widow of John H. BITTLE, who died suddenly only a few months ago, died about 10:30 last Wednesday night, at her home between Ellerton and Harmony, this valley; aged about 68 years. Mrs. Bittle, who was a most estimable lady and held in high regard by a large circle of friends, had been in ill health for a long while. She was a Miss GROSSNICKLE, sister of Mr. Peter GROSSNICKLE of J. of near Ellerton, and leaves one son and one daughter, both at home. She was a consistent member of the German Baptist Church and her funeral will take place this Friday afternoon at 2:00 from Grossnickle's Meeting House.

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Dorinda Shepley
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