Old News Newspaper Abstracts
Frederick Co, Maryland

The Valley Register

Middletown, Maryland

August 26, 1881
  • MARRIAGES - Joseph E. STITELY to Miss Mary S. NUSBAUM by Rev. D. R. STITELY on August 9th, all of this county. - John H. WHIP to Miss Jennie DILLEN, both of this county, by Rev. John J. KAUNTNER on August 21st near Brookhill.
  • DEATHS - Mrs. Anna HARMAN, w/o Mr. Jacob HARMAN, burned to death at her residence near Myersville on August 20th, in her 66th year. - Mrs. Elizabeth KINNA, w/o the late James KINNA, of this valley, died at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Martin PERRY, in Polo, Ogle Co, Illinois on August 9th, aged 86 years and 13 days. - Mrs. Elizabeth STEINER O'LEARY, d/o the late William C. HOFFMAN, died August 18th in Frederick after a lingering illness. - Mr. Frederick MOSER died on August 22nd at his residence near Shookstown of consumption, aged about 41 years. - Mr. James VALENTINE died on August 15th at Rocky Ridge, aged 52 years, 5 months, and 6 days. - Ida May ETZLER, eldest child of Ignatius and Henrietta F. ETZLER died on August 12th in Liberty, aged 2 years, 8 months and 26 days. - Dr. William H. WRIGHT, formerly of Liberty in this county, died on August 5th at his residence in Washington, DC of Bright's disease, aged 47 years & 6 months.
  • Equity - TYLER EQUITY# 4716 William E. BOTELER, John HAGAN, Levy SWEARINGER, et al vs Caroline TYLER, el al - EQUITY# 4716 - Aug 1881 George TYLER, dec'd w/ Caroline s/ William Joshua TYLER - Missouri d/ Cora, dec'd w/o William THOMPSON, no issue d/ Hannah, dec'd w/o Osborne CARROLL, no issue d/ Susan TYLER, a minor d/ Hallie TYLER, a minor s/ Horace TYLER, a minor d/ Lucy TYLER, a minor s/ Benjamin R. TYLER, a minor Sale was held on 3 Sep 1881 to settle the estate.

Friday, July 21, 1882
  • Home, Sweet Home - Mr. D. B. D. SMELTZER, formerly of this place, has opened a coal yard in Iola, Kansas. - We are in receipt of several copies of The Register, published at Blackfoot, Idaho, which have been sent here by Mr. J. F. RAMSDEN, who is now a resident pf that far off mining section. Mr. Will C. KOOGLE, who is away out in Texas, also sends us a copy of the Clarendon (Texas) News. These papers are all quite interesting.
  • Personals - Prof. John T. WHITE, Superintendent of the Public Schools at Mauch Chunk, Pa., arrived here last Friday, to spend the Summer vacation with his mother and sister in this place. He is accompanied by his wife. Since his last visit home, Prof. WHITE's father has died, and his return Friday to the old homestead, where it was his wont to meet and hold daily converse with this now departed parent, must have caused him many sad thoughts. - Rev. G. W. COOPER and wife, of Baltimore, are here on a visit to the brother and sister of Mrs. COOPER, Mr. J. H. BECKWITH and sister. - Prof. Thomas J. LAMAR, of Spencer, Clay county, Iowa, is on a visit to his friends in Boonsboro', where he formerly resided. - Rev. D. W. SMITH and family, of Mansfield,Ohio, have arrived at the residence of Mr. SMITH's father, near Benevola, Washington County, and Mr. SMITH will be here next week to attend the reunion of Lutheran ministers. - Pastor B. H. LEE, of the A. M. E. Church, will hold a bush-meeting at Petersville, beginning August 13th. - The residences of Wm. WAGONER and Elias ROHRER, in Hagerstown, and those of Messrs. John L KNODE, T. B. WATTS and Josiah WILLIAMS, in Funkstown, Washington county, were burglarized last Friday night, but the loss at each place was insignificant. - A three-year-old daughter of Mr. W. D. BOWSER, of Downsville, Washington county, caused the death of her baby sister on Friday by pouring the contents of a liniment bottle over her. The sight of one eye was destroyed and all efforts to counteract the effects of that which she had swallowed proved unavailing.

Friday, July 28, 1882
  • Home, Sweet Home - Mr. M. J. SMELTZER, son of the late Daniel SMELTZER, of this vicinity, who has been a resident of Salinas, California, for some years past, is spoken of as the democratic candidate for County School Superintendent of Monterey county at the ensuing election. Mr. SMELTZER served for two years as Auditor of Monterey county, and discharged the duties of the office in a very satisfactory manner. - Mr. D. H. STALEY has resigned as principal of the public school at Boonsboro' and will go to farming. - Gessie KINGSBAKER, aged about 17 years, the eldest son of Mr. Solomon KINGSBAKER, who moved from Frederick to Sedalia, Missouri, last spring, was accidentally killed last Saturday afternoon by the cars, but no particulars of the sad accident had been received at Frederick up to Tuesday morning. - The following teachers have been appointed for the fall term of the public schools in this place, which begins on the 1st of September: John H. T. RUDY, Principal; S. N. YOUNG, 1st Assistant; Miss Nannie RICE, of Jefferson, 2nd Assistant.
  • Marriages - William H. SHANK to Miss Mary L. HUFFER, both of this valley, on July 20th at the Lutheran Parsonage in Boonsboro' by Rev. D. B. FLOYD.
  • Deaths - Melancthon KELLER, infant s/o T. Carlton and Delilah KELLER on July 24th, near Jefferson, aged 9 months and 12 days. - Mrs. Ellen C. HARBAUGH, the beloved wife of Rev. Fullerton R. HARBAUGH, formerly of this place, on July 18th at Red Bank, New Jersey. - Mr. J. W. SHULTZ (a former resident of Creagerstown, in this county), on July 9th, at his residence, in Burlington, Kansas, of kidney disease; aged 55 years, 4 months and 11 days.
  • Deaths - State Happenings - John TROVINGER, a prominent farmer of Leitersburg district, Washington Co, died last Friday from Bright's disease, age 60 years. - Dr. P. A. HEALEY, a prominent citizen of Cumberland, who had practiced medicine there for forty years, died last Tuesday, aged 64 years. Submitted by JK

Friday, August 11, 1882
  • Marriages - William L. NUSZ, to Miss Mollie EICHNER, both of Frederick on July 1st vvat the Lutheran parsonage in Frederick, by Rev. Dr. DIEHL. - Richard P. HAGAN, to Miss Mollie E. KEYSER, both of Frederick,on April 23d vvat the Lutheran parsonage in Frederick, by Rev. Dr. HEDGES.
  • Deaths - Joseph RHODERICK on August 7th at his residence in Jefferson, after a protracted illness of Bright's disease; age 70 years, 1 month and 22 days. - John McPHERSON of William on August 7th at his residence in Frederick, after a lingering illness of dropsy; aged about 65 years. - Henry T. MARLE on August 5th at Montevue Hospital near Frederick, of consumption; aged about 47 years. - Jacob H. WACHTER on August 7th at Utica Mills, of Malarial fever; aged 25 years, 11 months and 4 days. - Robert L. P. WILSON, youngest child of N. J. and Annie WILSON, on August 5th in Frederick, of diphtheria; aged 2 years and 3 months. - Mrs. Louis HAGER on August 1st, in Frederick at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. M. C. BURK, relict of the late Philip BURK; aged 83 years and 11 days. - Jeannette Elizabeth SMITH, only child of Seabury D. and the late Jeannette J. S. SMITH, on August 2d, in Baltimore; aged 4 months and 14 days. - Anna GREEN, d/o Edward and Sophia GREEN, on August 2d, near Myersville; aged about one year. - Charles M. AKERS, infant s/o Abner and Mary C. AKERS, on July 26th near Frederick, of cholera infantum; aged 3 months and 5 days. Submitted by JK

Friday, August 18, 1882
  • Improvement - Mrs. Catharine LORENTZ is having an additional story put on the old "Bolinger property" at the West end of town, which she purchased last Spring. When completed, the improvement will add considerable to the appearance of that part of town.
  • Corner Stone Laying - The corner-stone of the new U. B. Church in course of erection in this place, will be laid to-morrow (Saturday), after a sermon appropriate to the occasion, by Rev. C. M. HOTT, in the M. E. Church, and the public is respectfully invited to attend these exercises. There will be preaching Saturday night and Sunday morning and night. Communion Sunday morning.
  • Death - SLAGLE - Mrs. A. C. SLAGLE, w/o George W. SLAGLE, and d/o Daniel CULLER of Jefferson, died at her residence near that place on last Friday evening, of typhoid pneumonia, in the 42d year of her age. Mrs. Slagle was a most estimable lady, and her untimely death brings a deep grief to a large circle of friends and acquaintances. She leaves two children, a son and daughter. Her funeral took place from the Lutheran Church at Jefferson on Sunday morning, Rev. H. G. BOWERS, the former pastor, officiating.
  • Birthday Celebration - Dr. W. C. BOTELER of St. Joseph, Mo., (formerly of this place,) celebrated his 28th birthday on the 4th inst., on the evening of which day a number of the members of the Knights of Pythias of St. Joe, of which order the Dr. is a past chancellor, called upon him with a number of gifts. Among them was an elegant and beautiful gold charm bearing the initial letters "W. C. B.," handsomely inlaid in three-colored enamel. The St. Joe Gazette says "the affair was a perfect surprise, but fittingly received by the doctor in appropriate remarks."
  • Personals - E. W. McMILLAN, with E. C. Leffell & Co., Springfield, Ohio, who was on a business trip to Richmond, Va., Baltimore, and the Eastern cities, paid Middletown, in whose vicinity he spent his boyhood days, a flying visit on Sunday last. Numerous old acquaintances met him and exchanged most cordial greetings. It is difficult to find a more genial companion than Ed, and hence he makes many friends wherever he goes. We will hold him to his promise to come again soon. - Charles REMSBURG of the firm Remsburg Bros., clothiers, Springfield, Ohio, arrived here on Wednesday, and will spend some days with relatives and old friends and acquaintances. Mrs. REMSBURG, who is the daughter of Thomas SHAFER of this vicinity, has been here a month or more. - Rev. Wm. S. T. METZGER and family of Morristown, Ill., who had been in the valley a couple of months visiting friends, left here Tuesday, and after spending a week in Baltimore, will return to Morristown, where Mr. M. will resume his duties as pastor of the Lutheran Church. - Isaac N. FREY, of Jefferson, favored us with a call on Saturday, and his visit was rendered all the more pleasant because, after renewing his own subscription, he handed us the name of a new cash subscriber. - Warden Chas. T. DARNER, of the Frederick Jail, who had been on a visit to his parents at Springfield, Ohio, returned home last week. It is his intention, we hear, to move to Springfield. - Mrs. STEIN, of Hanover, Pa., and Mr. John FIDDLER, of Arcanum, Ohio, are visiting in the family of Mr. C. A. HEAGY in this place. - Hon. John L. LINTHICUM, U. S. Appraiser at the Baltimore Custom House, is at his home in this place this week. - Charles WHITE, of Washington, D. C., spent a few days this week with his mother, residing in this place. - The editor is enjoying a visit from his mother, the most loving of all earthly friends. - Miss Ella SNYDER has returned from Hagerstown to her home in this place. - Mrs. BOUIS, of Washington, D. C., is a guest in the family of Mr. P. J. LEVY. Submitted by Jack Keller

March 30, 1888
  • The Sick - Mrs. John DERR of this place has been quite sick for a couple weeks, but she is now improving. - Mrs. Catharine CRONE, widow of the late Jacob CRONE, who resides with a couple of her sons about 1 mile west of this place, is extremely ill. She is a lady over 70 years old. - Mr. George COCHRAN, residing about 2 miles south of town, has been confined to his home for some weeks on account of sickness. - Mr. Glenn WORTHINGTON, examiner of the public schools of this county, who has been ill of typhoid fever for a long while, has so far recovered that he expects to be able to resume his duties next week. - Ida GIBBONS, the youngest daughter of Mr. Jacob N. GIBBONS, living hear Braddock, continues quite ill. - Mr. Alton B. CARTY, of the Frederick Times, is on the sick list. - Mr. Issac REMSBURG, of Claggett s Station, Washington county, continues seriously ill. - Mr. Jacob WILLIAMS Sr of Wolfsville is ill and not expected to live according to The Wolfsville News. - submitted by DK

April 6, 1888
  • Marriages - THRASHER - LAKIN Mr. Thomas S. THRASHER and Miss Charlotte B. LAKIN, both of this valley, on April 3d at the home of the bride near Jefferson by Rev. N. H. SKYLES. - GRIFFITH - WARFIELD Mr. Robert GRIFFITH and Miss Katie WARFIELD, daughter of Mr. Garrison WARFIELD, of this county, on March 28th at the M.E. Church, South Hyattstown, Md, by Rev. E. A. WARFIELD, brother of the bride, assisted by Revs. E. R. McGREGOR and W. F. WODDEN. - BEAR - KARNS Mr. Edward G. BEAR of Boiling Springs, Blue Ridge Summit, Pa. and Miss Eliza J. KARNS of this county, on March 19th at the U.B. Parsonage at Boiling Springs, Pa by Rev. A. R. AYERS. - FOREMAN - WADE Mr. George Milton FOREMAN and Miss Mary WADE, both of this county, on March 27th in Frederick by the Rev. Dr. DIEHL.
  • Deaths - Capt. Horatio ZITTLE on April 3d at his residence in Bolivar, this valley, from paralysis, aged 55 years and 26 days. - Mrs. Catharine CRONE, widow of Jacob CRONE, on March 29th, at the residence of her sons, near this place, after a brief illness, aged 78 years, 7 months and 28 days. - Mrs. Elizabeth WARRENFELTZ, widow of Ezra WARRENFELTZ, and d/o the late Peter BISER of this valley, on March 31st at her residence near Hansonville, this county, after a brief illness, aged about 70 years. - Mrs. Susannah ZIMMERMAN on March 25th at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Joseph T. L. RODERICK near Daysville, this county, of paralysis, in the 77th year of her age. - Mr. Henry STOUFFER on March 28th; found dead in his bed at Mechanicstown, this county, aged about 82 years. - Mr. Jacob WILLIAMS Sr. on March 24 at his home in Wolfsville, aged 76 years, 11 mos and 7 days. - Mrs. Mary E. MARSHALL on March 20th at the residence of her niece, Mrs. Robert BOTELER in this, aged 84 years, 2 months and 15 days. - Mr. Silas A. POWELL on March 24th near Creagerstown, this county, after a lingering illness, aged 86 years. - Mr. James KELLY, a former city tax collector, on April 2d at his residence in Frederick, aged about 79 years. - submitted by DK

Old News Abstracts

Frederick MDGenWeb

Dorinda Shepley
Last revised: January 22, 2024
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