Old News Newspaper Abstracts
Frederick Co, Maryland

The Valley Register

Middletown, Maryland

May 28, 1858
  • Attempted Poisoning - UPDEGRAFF On Sunday morning the 10th, an attempt was made to poison the family of Mr Samuel UPDEGRAFF at Hagerstown. A bucket of water was standing on a bench in the kitchen ready for use in the culinary department when a son of Mr U. procured a glass of water from the bucket and drank it, but had hardly reached the front door before becoming very sick. A physician was sent for and on examination, it was found that arsenic had been placed in the bucket sufficient to have caused the death of the whole family. The child recovered.
  • Marriages - Mr William H. KESSLER of Montgomery County to Miss Ann E. YASTE of Jefferson, in Jefferson, yesterday, the 27th, by Rev John ANDERSON - Mr Jonathan C. MAIN to Miss Charlotte M. TOBLER, both of this County, on the 20th by Rev George DIEHL
  • Deaths - Miss Ann S. FAUBLE, eldest d/o the late Josiah? FAUBLE, in Frederick on the 24th; she was 39 years, ____ months and 24 days.

June 4, 1858
  • Marriages - Mr David R. STAUFER of Utica Mills to Mary C.C. BURRIER of the County, near Walkersville on the 20th last by Rev. W.R. MILLS
  • Deaths - F. Augustus CASPARI, in Baltimore on the morning of the 27th last, after a short but painful illness, age 29. - Lilly May BISER, d/o Mr. Daniel BISER, near Myersville on Sunday last, the 30th; she was 1 year, 8 months and 20 days.

June 11, 1858
  • KOOGLE Christian KOOGLE, the next friend of Mary D.F. KOOGLE, Oliver C. KOOGLE, et al vs Susannah KOOGLE, the widow of Isaac KOOGLE, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity# 2713 - Jun 1858 Christian KOOGLE, Trustee for the sale. The report states the amount of sales to be $400. - B.G. FITZHUGH, Clerk, Jun 11
  • Insolvent Notice - John A. SNOVALL, hearing on 3rd Monday of Oct 1858
  • Marriages - Mr Joseph KENNEDY of Dayton, Ohio to Miss Kate A. CLAGETT, d/o Dr. Grafton A. CLAGETT, near Frederick by Rev. Thomas M. REESE

June 18, 1858
  • Marriages - Mr. Adolphus DEVILEISS of Hagerstown to Miss Jennie WEAST of Boonsboro, Md. at the German Reformed parsonage in Boonesboro on Thursday, the 10th by Rev. L.A. BRUNER
  • Deaths - David Mallaci, s/o Jacob and Catharine CRONE, near this place on Wednesday last, the 16th, of Scarlet Fever; age 2 years, 10 months and 10 days. - Mrs. Nancy KELLER, w/o Mr. Joel KELLER at her residence near this place on Friday last, the 11th; she died at age 42 years, and 2 months.
  • Melancholy During the storm of Friday last, Mrs. KELLER, w/o Joel KELLER, residing two miles south of this place, died in the course of a few minutes, either from apoplexy or disease of the heart - to an affect of the latter of which she was subject. During the immediate approach of the storm, she was actively exerting herself in securing the poultry after which she complained somewhat, and in the lapse of a few moments expired. The deceased was very corpulent, and her violent exertions it is supposed induced the immediate cause of her death; and did not result from fright (or convulsions thereby) as stated, from the fact of having two horses and a colt killed by lightening a week previously, which occurred in the night during a rather moderate storm. The desceased was an estimable lady, and leaves a husband and seven children to sadly realize this melancholy dispensation.

January 22, 1864
  • A Double Murder A young man of about twenty years of age named Granville L. SMELTZER, was brought to Frederick on Wednesday evening last and committed to the county jail upon the charge of having murdered Mrs. Mary NUSSBAUM and son, a child about five years of age, residing about 4 1/2 miles east of Liberty, in this county. The Liberty Banner gives the following particulars: - One of the most cold blooded murders that we have heard of for a long time was perpetrated near Oak Orchard, in this district on Tuesday evening last, about four o'clock, it is presumed. The facts, as far as we have been able to gather them, are as follows: It appears that when two of the children (boys) of the late David NUSBAUM returned from school on Tuesday evening last they found their little brother, aged about 5 years, and the only child at home, lying dead in the yard. This so frightened them that they never went into the house, but immediatelly ran to Mr. Isaac NICODEMUS' living near and told their story. When the neighbors repaired to the scene of death, they not only found the story of the two little boys, but too true, but also that the mother had been murdered in the house, both having been shot, the mother with a slug and the boy with shot. It is supposed that money was the object of the murderer, the widow having lately received the money for her wheat. A young man named Smeltzer, about 20 years of age, living with Mr. Edward WALKER, near Unionville, has been charged with the crime and lodged in the county jail. The circumstance that led to his arrest was, we are told, the fact of his seeming to have more money in his possession on Tuesday night in Unionville than it was customary to see him with. An examination was made of everything that might lead to a deduction of the perpetrator of this horrible deed and it is reported that $150 was found in one of the prisoner's stockings on his foot and also some papers of the murdered woman in his possession; that the tracks in the snow to and from the house of the deceased were precisely like that made by the boot of the prisoner, which had lately been mended in a way that caused it to make a peculiar print in the snow; that the prisoner was seen on the day of the murder to load one barrel of his gun with a slug or slugs and the other with shot, and that the slug taken from the body of the murdered woman was like those in his possession. -------
  • Deaths in the 7th MD Regiment - Private Mahlon AMBROSE, of Company G, 7th MD Vols, s/o the late Jacob AMBROSE, of this Valley, died in the 3rd Division Hospital, at Culpepper Court House, on the 3rd, of chronic diarrrea. - David S. SPIELMAN of Boonsboro, a member of Company I, same regiment, died at the same place, on the 9th, of Rheumatism. ----------
  • Dreadful Accident - The wife of Mrs. Lewis MEALEY, a highly respectable lady, residing near Utica Mills, in this county, was so dreadfully injured last week by fire accidentally communicated to her clothing, that serious apprehensions are entertained that she will loose the use of one of her arms. (Union) -----------
  • Sales of Town Property - A great deal of propety in this town has recently changed hands. We note the following sales - - Mrs. Caroline M. MORY has sold her house and lot, at present in the occupancy of the Misses BECKWITH, to Mr. Samuel BRANDENBURG for $1,875. - Mr. L. K. HOCH has sold his house and lot, situate in Grove's Addition to Middletown, to Mr. Martin BRANDENBURG, for $1,300. - Mr. Isaac MICHAEL, agent for Mr. Isaac BOWLUS, has sold a two-story house on Main Street, to Dr. Thomas SPRINGER, for $1,000. - Mr. James WILLIAMSON has sold his house and lot, situated in Vananda's Addition to Middletown, to Mr. Philip NEMYER, for $500. - Mr. Thomas WILLIARD has sold his house and lot, situated in Vananda's Addition to Middletown, to Mrs. John TRACY for $600. - Mr. Ernst A. C. FOX has sold a small house and lot, situated in the Western section of town, to Mr. Charles NEYMER for $400.

Old News Abstracts

Frederick MDGenWeb

Dorinda Shepley
Last revised: January 20, 2024
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