Old News Newspaper Abstracts
Frederick Co, Maryland

The Semi-Weekly News

Frederick, Maryland

January 19, 1912
  • COLDEST SPELL IN 56 YEARS Mr. F. C. RENNER Sends the News Notes From His Diary Mr. F. C. RENNER, of New Midway, this county, who has kept a record of the weather for over 40 years, sends to the News some interesting items taken from his diary. He says that on Sunday last, January 14, was recorded the lowest temperature in 56 years, while the hardest freeze in the same length of time was on Friday, January 5. On the last named day the thermometer stood at 2 degrees at 6 a.m., 2 degrees at noon, and 2 degrees below zero at 8 p.m., while a 45 mile wind added fury. Frost he says penetrated houses where it had not frozen for 50 years. According to Mr. RENNER's records, Saturday, January 13, at 6 a.m. the mercury stood at 19 degrees below zero, rising to 10 below at 8 p.m. Sunday smashed all records with the thermometer, at 6 a.m., 24 below zero at New Midway. Here are some interesting data taken from Mr. RENNER's diary: February 8, 1868, 6 a.m., thermometer stood 14 below zero, 3 inches of snow, drifting. January 29, 1873, 6 a.m., clear, 10 below zero; at noon, 10 above. January 30, 1873, 6 a.m., clear, 25 degrees below zero. There was no snow in the winter of 1876 until February 3 of that year. A cold, wet spring followed. April 28, 1878, very early spring, everything fully a month ahead. Blizzard of 1899. February 13, 1899, terrible snowstorm, coming from northeast. It raged 56 hours without abatement; thermometer 8 below zero. Friday it was 14 below zero, Saturday 16 below, and Sunday it was still snowing and drifting fearfully. The snow was 3 feet and a half deep. All roads were closed and there were no trains on the P.R.R. from Frederick from Saturday to Saturday, one week. Many potatoes frozen. Potatoes, as scarce as they are, are bringing distress to many an owner of the tubers. These precious products have suffered from the cold and, indeed, many have been nipped by the penetrating frost, so that it is hard to find on the market or at home a potato that does not need attention. Storekeepers say that it is almost impossible to get potatoes that have not been frozen. It is not thought that many potatoes will be ruined, entirely by the freeze, although reports from some places say that the loss has amounted to considerable. The Weather Moderates Thermometer Above Freezing Point For First Time in Two Weeks. For the first time since Thursday, January 4, the thermometer on Thursday registered above the freezing point. The contrast to the biting cold during the frigid weather of the past two weeks, which Frederick people have shivered through, was quite noticeable and the air felt quite moderate. Things began to thaw out and you were reminded that there will in all probability be but few, if any more cold snaps like the one just ended, for the sun is each day showing more strength and winter will soon be on the wane. - submitted by SS

Old News Abstracts

Frederick MDGenWeb

Dorinda Shepley
Last revised: January 20, 2024
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