Old News Newspaper Abstracts
Frederick Co, Maryland

Maryland Gazette

Annapolis, Anne Arundel Co, Maryland

(contributed by Susan McIntyre)

November 16, 1752
  • MIDDLETON - LAND - To be Sold Two hundred and eighty-seven Acres of Land, called "Pool's Delight", situated in Frederick County, near the main Road, about 10 Miles above Frederick Town, wherein is a Peach Orchard, and some other small Improvements: a great Part of the Land will make choice Meadow, abounds with good Springs, and is well adapted for Farming and raising Stock. The Title is indisputable and for Terms, apply to Samuel MIDDLETON.

December 16, 1756
  • BOWER, BUTCHER Ran away from the Subscriber, living near Frederick-Town, in Frederick County, on the 10th of June last, a Dutch Servant Man, named Michael BOWER (who could not then speak a Word of English); he is a Baker by Trade, of a middle Size, is about 24 Years of Age, full-faced, of a brown Complexion, has grey Eyes, and a very effeminate Voice. He had on a new Felt Hat, a blue Jacket, and two Pair of Trowsers. He is supposed to be somewhere about Patapsco. Whoever takes up the said Servant, and brings him to the Subscriber, shall have Two Pistoles Reward, besides what the law allows, paid by Nicholas BUTCHER.

October 12, 1758
  • DEATHS - HUNTER Annapolis, October 12 - Last Week Died the Reverend Mr. Samuel HUNTER, Rector of All-Saints Parish in Frederick County.
  • LAND - OWINGS To be Sold by the Subscriber, A Tract of Land, lying on Sam's-Creek in Frederick County, called "Joshua's Lot", and contains 360 Acres: The Up-land is good and well Timber'd, and a great deal of choice Meadow Ground, with a Stream of Water running through the Whole, sufficient for a Mill. The Title indisputable. For Terms apply to the Subscriber, living in Baltimore County, Joshua OWINGS.

August 23, 1759
  • STRAY - HEPBURN There is at the Plantation of John HEPBURN, Esq; at Rock-Creek, in Frederick County, taken up as a Stray, a middle sized Bay Horse, with a small Star on his Face, paces slow, and seems to be branded on the near Shoulder with a crooked Iron, thus, The Owner may have him again, on proving his Property, and paying Charges.
  • SALE - BECKWITH, DICKSON By Virtue of a Fieri Facias to me directed, agreeable to an Act of Assembly of this Province, made at February Sessions, 1755, entituled, An Act directing the Commissioners of the Paper Currency Office, Speedily to call in the Interest due on Bonds, and other Securities, and all Monies due on Funds payable into said Office, there will be exposed to Public Sale, to the Highest Bidder, on Saturday the Ninth Day of September next, a Tract of Land called "Garter Lost", containing Two Hundred Acres, lying in Frederick County, on a Branch called the Watery Branch of Rock-Creek, about 12 Miles from Bladensburg, and about the same distance from George-Town, Rock-Creek; whereon is an exceeding good Framed Tobacco House, 40 Feet by 22, a small Dwelling-House, with some small Out-Houses; taken in Execution as the Land and Tenement of Basil BECKWITH, for the Use of the Commissioners or Trustees for Emitting Bills of Credit, established by Act of Assembly. The Sale to be on the Premisses, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon. - James DICKSON, Sheriff of Frederick County.

September 20, 1759
  • STRAY - BOTELER There is at the Plantation of Edward BOTELER, near the Blue Ridge in Frederick County, taken up as a Stray, a Bright Bay Mare, about 13 Hands high, branded on the near Shoulder R C; she has a small Star in her Forehead, and her hind Feet are white. The Owner may have her again, on proving his Property and paying Charges.
  • DEBTORS The Subscribers having been several Years in the Custody of the Sheriff of Frederick County for Debt, and not having wherewith to satisfy their Creditors, hereby give Notice, That they intend to apply to the next General Assembly for an Act for their Relief - Nathaniel WICKHAM - Basil BECKWITH - Samuel DUVALL - John METCALFE - John TURNBULL - Joseph LUXINBURGE - Michael RYSONIR.

March 20, 1760
  • STRAY - MILLER There is at the Plantation of Christian MILLER, in Frederick County, taken up as a Stray, a Bay Mare about 14 Hands high, has a Star in her Forehead, Paces, and has no perceivable Brand, had on an old broken Bell, with a Leather Collar and double Buckle. The Owner may have her again on proving his Property and paying Charges.

November 12, 1761
  • STRAY - HARGAT There is at the Plantation of Peter HARGAT, near the Katockton Mountain, in Frederick County, taken up as a Stray, a middle-siz'd Sorrel Horse, Branded on the Right Shoulder something like I, has much white in his Face, 3 white Feet, a bob Tail, and some Saddle Spots on his Back. The Owner may have him again on proving his Property, and paying Charges.

December 3, 1761
    STRAY - CHANCE There is in the Possession of Henry CHANCE, in Frederick County, about Ten Miles this side of Town, a middle siz'd dark Bay or Brown Gelding, a natural Pacer, has a small Star in his Forehead, and a Slit in the End of his off Ear, but not any perceivable Brand. The owner may have him again, on proving his Property, and paying Charges.

February 18, 1762
  • SALE
    STONER John STONER, living about 24 Miles from Annapolis, on the Elk-Ridge Road, intending to Remove to Frederick County, proposes to sell the Plantation where he now lives, by Public Venue, on Monday the First Day of March ensuing, at Ten o'clock before Noon, on the Premises. He has to sell, About 400 Acres of Land, on which there is and may be soon clear'd Meadow Ground enough to keep 100 Head of Cattle, 30 Acres of new Ground sow'd with Wheat and Rye, a Dwelling-House and Barn, Spring-House, and very convenient Still-House, with a Sixty Gallon Still, Three Pair of Working Oxen, Six cows, a few Hogs, some Horses, Mares, Etc. Two Waggons, and some Plantation Utensils. Also, A Saw-Mill and a Grist-Mill, about 5 Miles Distance, where Jacob STONER now lives, on a good Stream of Water.
    WARDROP, CHARLTON To be Sold at Public Vendue, on Thursday the Eighteenth of March next, at the House of Arthur CHARLTON, in Frederick-Town, in Frederick County, The following Tracts of Land, late the Estate of Mr. James WARDROP, deceased, all lying in Frederick County. - One Tract called "Hazard", lying on Little Conococheague, containing 790 Acres. - One Ditto called "Partnership", lying on the West Side of Manockasy, below the Upper Ford , 280 Acres. - "Dear Bought", lying on a Draught of Anti-Eatam, near the Head of a Spring, 500 Acres (note - the list appears to go on but is not included in my copy).

May 27, 1762
  • PROPOSALS TO LAY OUT LOTS - DULANY, CUMMING May 10th, 1762 - For laying out a Number of additional Lots to Frederick-Town in Frederick County. I. That One Hundred Lots of thereabouts, be laid out contiguous to the Town, and as conveniently as may be; each Lot to contain the same Quantity of Ground, and to be of the same Dimensions with the old Lots. II. That a Ground Rent shall be reserved to Daniel DULANY, Esq; his Heirs or Assigns forever, proportion'd to the Value of each Lot, and as shall be agreed upon between the parties. III. That the Purchaser of every Lot shall pay down one Dollar for the same, and be free of the Ground Rent aforesaid for the Term of Eight Years; and Time of such Exemption to commerce from the last Day of September, 1762, that there may be one stated Term for the payment of all the Ground Rents on the said Lots. IV. That upon every Transfer of Alienation of any Lot after the Commencement of the Ground Rents as aforesaid, a Year's Rent shall be paid to the said Daniel DULANY, his Heirs or Assigns, by the Purchaser. V. That the Proprietors of the Lots shall, in Five Years after taking up their Lots, respectively build a House on each Lot fram'd or of Brick or Stone, to cover Four Hundred square Feet of Ground at the least, and the Chimney of every Dwelling House to be of Brick or Stone; otherwise such Lots to be forfeited. VI. That One Hundred Acres of Land be laid out on "Locust Level", within Three Miles of the Town, for the purpose of furnishing Timber for building on the said Lots, and for no other purpose whatever, and that no Purchasers of Lots, having Land within Six Miles of the said Town, shall be entitled to the Privilege of cutting any Timber off the said 100 Acres, laid out as aforesaid. VII. That the Owners of every Lot shall pay the Quit-Rent to the Lord Baltimore, from the Commencement of his Right. VIII. That an Estate in Fee Simple, subject to the Conditions and Reservations abovementioned, be granted to the Purchasers as afore said, and a Deed executed on Demand, after the Payment of the Dollar abovementioned. The Subscriber will attend at Frederick-Town next June Court, to treat with any Persons who may be inclined to become Purchasers, and the Lots will be all laid out by that Time, and an accurate Plat of the Town prepared for the View of all who shall desire to see the same. - William CUMMING.

May 27, 1762
  • LOTTERY The Managers of the Frederick-Town Calvinist Church Lottery, hereby give Notice, That the Drawing will punctually begin on Monday the 14th Day of June; and they request all Persons who have Tickets unsold, to return them by that Time. Tickets may still be had of the Managers, and at the Printing Office.
  • SALE - RICHARDSON To be Sold by the Subscriber, at Public Vendue, on Saturday the Third Day of July next, Two Hundred and Eighteen Acres of land, in Frederick County, whereon he now dwells, well improved with a good Dwelling House and Kitchen, and Seven other out Houses, and Two good Tobacco Houses, with Orchards of Fruit Trees of all Kinds, with one good Meadow set with Timothy Grass, and a good deal more might easily be made. There is a convenient Place for Erecting a Water Mill on the same. The Subscriber will also, at the same Time, sell One Hundred and Fifty-seven Acres of Land, lying on Seneca Creek in Frederick County, being Part of "Richardson's Range", whereon is a small Dwelling-House, and a Plantation, a Fence newly made, Etc. The Rights are indisputable. - William RICHARDSON

June 10, 1762
  • EXECUTION On Wednesday the 26th of May, Richard CROSBY, alias DEW, was Executed at Frederick-Town, in Frederick County, for the Murder of old Mr. WIRT, on the Road, as formerly mentioned.

September 8, 1763
  • SALE - BAYNES To be Sold, For Bills of Exchange, Cash, or Tobacco - Two Hundred Acres of Land, being Half of a Tract called "Brother's Good Will", about Ten Miles from Frederick-Town in Frederick County, and Five from Patowmack River, on the main Road that leads to Harper's Ferry. The Title is good. For Terms apply to the Subscriber at Piscataway, in Prince-George's County. - John BAYNES
  • STRAY - MILLER There is at the Plantation of Jacob MILLER, in Frederick County, taken up as Strays, a Mare, and a Colt; the Mare of a black Colour, about 10 Years old, branded on the near Shoulder and Buttock NR join'd with a Stroke on the Top of the N. The Colt of a brown Colour, 3 Years old, has two white Feet, and a Blaze on one Side of its Head. The Owner or Owners may have them again, on proving Property, and paying Charges.

July 5, 1764
  • STRAY - There is, at the Plantation of Benjamin CLAY/CLARY near the Widow HOBBS's Tavern in Frederick County, taken up as a Stray, a Bay Mare about 12 Hands high, a Blaze Face, branded on the near Buttock H, and on the off Shoulder with something that cannot be made out.

May 15, 1766
  • RUNAWAY Committed to Frederick County Jail, as a Runaway, Margaret YOUNG, says she belongs to Henry McINTYRE, in Buck's County, Pennsylvania, had on, when committed, a Callicoe Bed-Gown, Linsey-Wolsey petticote, Check Apron, Silk Handkerchief, and a Black Hair Hat. She says she was born in Wales, and brought up in Ireland. She is pitted with the Small Pox, and has a remarkable Scar on her Throat and each Side of her Neck. The Owner is desired to take her, and pay Fees. - Geo. SCOTT, Sheriff.

August 14, 1766
  • RUNAWAY July 26, 1766. Ran away from the Subscriber, living on Anti-Eatem, Frederick County, Maryland, a Salt Water Negro Man, named JAGOE, aged about 23 Years, about 5 Feet 10 Inches high, smooth fac'd, straight limb'd, and Walks very upright; Had on when he went away, a Tow Shirt, an old Blanket Coat, and a Pair of old Leather Breeches. Whoever takes up and secures the said Negro in any Goal within this Province, shall receive a Reward of Thirty Shillings, Current Money, and reasonable Charges; and if taken up in any other Province, and secured in Goal, so that his Master may get him again, the Sum of Fifty Shillings Currency, and reasonable Charges paid by William BEARD.

September 11, 1766
  • RUNAWAY - STILLING, RUTLAND RAN away from the Subscriber, near Annapolis, a Convict Servant man, named John STILLING, a slim made Fellow, about five Feet Six or Seven Inches high; he is of a fair Complexion, short brown hair, is pitted with the Small Pox; his apparel is very remarkable, a Fearnought Jacket, Two Quarters grey, and Two blue, with leather Buttons, Osnabrig Shirt, and Crocus Trowsers; has neither Hat, Shoes, or Stockings. Whoever takes up and secures the said Servant, so that his Master shall get him again, shall have a Reward of Twenty Shillings, and reasonable Charges, paid by Thomas RUTLAND.
  • RUNAWAY - MITCHELL, AYRES COMMITTED as a Runaway, to the Jail of Alexandria, in Fairfax county, Virginia, a likely young Negro Man, who calls himself by the Name of James MITCHELL, says that he is a Convict, and that he belongs to Mr. Abraham AYRES, in Kent County, Maryland. His Master is desired to come and pay the Prison Charges, and take himaway. - Aug. 9, 1766
  • HELP WANTED - BEALL A Good Forge Carpenter, and Good Workmen, who will undertake the Management of One Finery Fire, to Work Double-Handed, will meet with Good Encourgement, if they apply to the Subscriber at Frederick Forge, on the Mouth of Anti-Etam. - Samuel BEALL, junr. - August 16, 1766
  • RUNAWAYS - SIX POUNDS REWARD - Ran away last night, from the Patapsco Furnace, near Elk-Ridge Landing, two English convict Servant Men, viz.
    • William LEWIS, aged about 27 years, about 5 feet 7 Inches high, sparemake, of a fair complexion, thin visage, light brown hair, and grey eyes; he has been under a Doctor for some time, with a sore leg, with chases him to go lame. Had with him, and old Felt Hat, Osnabrigs Shirt, matchcoat Jacket, Rolls Trowsers, and Country made Shoes.
    • John WRIGHT, ages about 25 years, about 5 feet 5 inches high, a bluff faced Fellow, of a fair complexion, light brown hair, grey eyes, and is much Pock-mark'd, has a swelling in his right Knee, with causes him to go lame. Had with him a new Felt hat, Osnabrigs Shirt, a grey Fearnought Jacket, and a blue Cloth under Ditto, Rolls Trowsers, and Country made shoes.
    Whoever takes up and secures the said Servants, so as they may be had again, shall receive for each, if taken 10 Miles from home, Twenty Shillings; if 20 Miles, Thirty Shillings; and if out of the Province, Three Pounds, and reasonable Charges if brought home to the Furnace of Thomas HARRISON, and Company. per. James WALLER - August 9, 1766

October 23, 1766
  • STRAY There is at the Plantation of Richard BROWN, near Great Pipe Creek, in Frederick County, taken up as a Stray, a middle sized Dark Brown Horse, is shod Before, and Dock'd, but not Branded, he Trots and Gallops, and is about 5 or 6 Years old.

August 2, 1770
  • STRAY - LETTON There is at the Plantation of Michael LETTON, living near Rock-Creek Chapel, Frederick County, Maryland, taken up as a Stray, a small black Mare, about 13 Hands high, Six or Seven Years old, has a long Switch Tail, trots and gallops, and is very poor. The Owner may have her again on proving Property and paying Charges.
  • SALE - DIGGES, NEALE, SYLE To be sold, in Pursuance to the last will and Testament of Edward DIGGES, late of St. Mary's County, deceased, Sundry Tracts, lying in Frederick County; One of which, the One Fifth Lot, or Part of a Tract of Land, called "Bedford", containing 1000 Acres, lying on Great Pipe-Creek, about a Mile from the main Road that leads to York-Town; it is extreamly well watered, and appears to be adapted to Farming and Meadowing. Any one inclining to purchase, may depend upon our meeting at Mr. Normand BRUCE's about the 10th of October next. All Persons who have any Claims or Demands against the Deceased, are requested to bring them in, and those who are indebted, are desired to make payment. - Wilfrid NEALE, Eleanor DIGGES, Raphael NEALE, George SYLE, Executors.
  • STRAY - SWIFT, SEMPLE There is at the Plantation of Goodwin Swift, near SEMPLE's Furnace, Frederick County, taken up as a Stray, a brown bay Horse, with a Blaze Face, about Thirteen and an Half Hands high, branded on the off Shoulder C, both hind Feet white, and about Seven Years old. The owner may have him again, on proving Property and paying Charges.

January 24, 1771
  • SALE
    • SWEARINGHAM, SPRIGG, WOOTTON To be Sold at Public Sale on Thursday the __st Day of March next, at the House of Mr. Samuel SWEARINGHAM?, in Frederick-Town, Frederick County, for ready Money, or good London Bills of Exchange. Part of a Tract of land, lying in Frederick County situated on Little Monockosey, called "The Addition to Happy Choice", containing 834 Acres, including Part of the real Estate of Mr. Jacob SPRIGG, late of Prince George's County, deceased; and which by his last Will and Testament was ordered to be sold for certain Purposes in the said Will mentioned. The Land will be sold in Parcels, or the whole together, as it may appear best for the Advantage of the Estate. - W.T. WOOTTON, Executor. N.B. all Persons indebted to the Estate of the said? Mr. Jacob SPRIGG are desired to make immediate Payment and those who have just Claims against said Estate, are requested to let me know them on or before the Day of sale, that they may be settled. - W.T. WOOTTON. - January 16, 1771
    • CHARLTON, GRIFFITH, SPRIGG, CHAPLIN To be sold by public Vendue, on Wednesday the Second Day of March Court next, (if not sold before by private Sale, at the House of Arthur CHARLTON, in Frederick-Town. Part of a Tract of Land situate in Frederick County, and adjacent to Chaplin's Town, called "Addition to Piles's Delight", containing One Thousand Acres. It will be set up either together or in Lots, as may best suit the Purchasers. For Title and Terms of Sale, apply to the Subscriber, or to Mr. Joshua GRIFFITH, at Elk-Ridge Landing. - Frederick SPRIGG N.B. Mr. Joseph CHAPLIN will shew the Land if called on. - December 10, 1770 (note - copy is dark and parts are difficult to read)

Old News Abstracts

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