Old News Newspaper Abstracts
Washington Co, Maryland

Maryland Herald
Hagerstown, Maryland

October 24, 1820
  • PUBLIC SALE - KERSHNER - will be sold at public sale on Tuesday, the 28th day of November next, at the house of Mr. Peter LONG, 4 miles from Hagerstown, on the turnpike road leading from thence to Cumberland, the following landed property, being part of the real estate of Martin KERSHNER, late of Washington County, deceased, to wit: One tract of Land lying on the aforesaid turnpike road, containing about 137 1/2 acres, about 90 acres thereof are cleared and under good fence; the balance in timber. The improvements are a comfortable log dwelling house and a log stable, also an oil and chopping mill, in a house 28 by 32 feet; the first story stone, the balance a frame - the waterwheel 21 feet high, on a very constant stream of water. Also, another tract of land adjoining the above mentioned tract, containing about 90 acres, about the one half cleared and under good fence; the balance in timber. - The improvements on this land are a comfortable log dwelling house with a kitchen adjoining, and a tolerable good small barn, with other outhouses. The above lands are handsomely situated and generally fertile. Also, about 350 acres of Timber Land, part of which lies on the turnpike road, about five miles from Hagerstown, the balance in the neighborhood of Messrs. HOFFER and GIBBONY's mills, about five and a half miles from Hagerstown. Those timber lands will be offered in small parcels to suit purchasers. Also, about 900 acres of excellent land, lying in Knox County, state of Ohio. This land is in timber, except about 25 acres of handsome prairie, part of which is under fence; this land is divided into three equal parts, each part having an excellent never failing spring of water thereon, and a luxurious growth of sugar, walnut, white oak and black oak timber; it is situated on the main road leading from Mount Vernon, the county town of Knox, to Newark, about four miles from the former place. Likewise, a house and half lot of ground, in Hagerstown, in West Washington Street, adjoining the lots of Mr. John ALBERT and Mrs. FUNK, it being known on the plat of said town, as Lot No. 209. The house is a log building with two rooms on one floor, and a kitchen underneath, and on the lot is an old log stable. It is deemed unnecessary to say anything further respecting the above property, as it is presumed that any person wishing to purchase, will first view it. The first mentioned tract will be offered in smaller parcels, if requested. Any person wishing to view the above property will please to call upon the subscriber, living near the first mentioned property, who will shew it, except the 960 acre tract, of which he will only be able to shew a draft. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day, when the terms will be made known, by A. KERSHNER, surviving executor of M. KERSHNER, dec'd, - Oct 24.
  • SHERIFF'S SALES - CONNER - On Monday the 13th of November next, I will expose to Public Sale, at the Markethouse in Hagerstown, all the right and estate of James CONNER in and to one negro Woman and her two female Children - Seized and taken by virtue of a Fieri Facias issued out of Washington County court to me directed - Henry STEMPLE against James CONNER. Sale to take place at 1 o'clock, pm. - LEWIS - Also by virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias issued out of Washington County Court, and to me directed. I will expose to public sale, on Wednesday, the 15th of November next, at the Globe Tavern in Hagerstown - all the right and estate of Henry LEWIS, in and to the three-story stone house and brick addition, situate on the north east corner of the public square in said town, with the lot of ground and appurtenances thereunto belonging. - Also, all the right and estate of the said Henry LEWIS, in and to 554 1/2 acres of land, lying withing two miles of Hagerstown, on the Turnpike road. - Also, all the right and estate of the said Henry LEWIS, in and to several Out Lots - and the interest and estate of the said Henry LEWIS, in part of ground rents of Hagerstown. The whole taken and seized as the property of the said Henry LEWIS, to satisfy the said Fifas against John H. HUGHES and Henry LEWIS, at the suit of NELSON, NICHOLS and Company, BRYAN and SCHLATER, Francis BOYLE, and CLAGETT and McGRUDER. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock am when due attendance will be given; by Tho. POST, Sheriff, October 20, 1820
  • Orphans' Court - PRETT This is to give NOTICE - that the subscriber, of Washington County, hath obtained from the orphans' court of said county, in Maryland, letters of administration on the personal estate of Henry PRETT, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said deceased, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at or before the 18th day of April next, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of the said estate. - Given under my hand this 18th day of October, 1820 - Jacob KESSINGER, Administrator N.B. - All those indebted to said estate are hereby notified that immediate payment must be made.
    December 10, 1822
  • Marriages - Valentine WACHTEL and Miss Margaret BOVEY on Thursday last, by the Rev. J. R. REILY. - Isaac HILDEBRANDT to Miss Elizabeth WOLFERSBERGER, d/o John WOLFERSBERGER, all of this county, on Thrusday last.
  • Valuable Property For Sale - GIBBONY The subscriber offers to sell, at private sale, his FULLING MILL, and 30 acres of Land, more or less, situate in Washington County, and state of Maryland, six miles from Hagers-town and about the same distance from Williams-Port. There is, on the premises, besides the fulling Mill, a log Dwelling House. - The Mill house is 50 by 22 feet, two stories high, well calculated for a Manufactory or any kind of water works, as the stream is constant. A further description is deemed unnecessary, as any person wishing to purchase, will come and view the property. For terms, apply to the subscriber, living on the premises. - John GIBBONY, December 10 (The Editors of the "Franklin Republican" at Chambersburg and the "Republican Gazette" at Frederick, are requested to publish the above advertisement, to the amount of one dollar, each, and forward their accounts to this office for payment.)

Old News Abstracts

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Dorinda Shepley
Last revised: January 24, 2024
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