
Old News Newspaper Abstracts
Frederick Co, Maryland

The Examiner

Frederick, Maryland

Wednesday, September 14, 1881
  • Marriages - William N. FAUBLE to Miss Annie E. BETZENBERGER, both of this county on the 6th at the Lutheran Parsonage in Lewistown by Rev. S. A. HEDGES. - James T. WHITE and Miss Amanda H. HAUPT, both of Middletown, on the 13th in Middletown by Rev. L. A. MANN. - John HUFFER and Miss Lavinia C. SHANK, both of Broad Run in Middletown Valley on the 6th by Rev. J. Spangler KIEFFER. - Martin L. WINTERS of Carroll County to Miss Laura V. DEVILBISS of this county on the 15th of September 1881 in Westminster by Rev. J. T. MURRAY, D.D. - T. J. MILLER of Sharpsburg, Md, to Miss Jane KING of Jefferson, this county, on the 8th by Rev. J. C. BOWMAN. - Ezra L. CRAMER to Miss Ada M. CRAMER, both of this county, on September 17, 1881 at United Brethren Parsonage in Georgetown by Rev. J. D. FREED. - George H. PARKER to Miss Rosa V. WASTLER, both of this county, on September 15, 1881 at United Brethren Parsonage in Georgetown by Rev. J. D. FREED. - Elder R. H. MILLER of Ashland city, Ashland county, Ohio to Miss Emma NORRIS of this county on the 15th at the residence of the bride's mother, near Ladiesburg in this county, by Elder D. P. SAYLER. - Benjamin CUTSAIL to Miss Mary E. BURK, both of this county, on the 15th in this city by Rev. C. W. STINESPRING. - Henry NELSON to Mrs HALL, both of Linganore in this county, on the 13th in this city by Rev. Dr. LEECH. - Davis CARTER of Fauquier county, VA to Miss Lillie FORD of this county on the 12th in this city by Rev. Dr. DIEHL.
  • Deaths - Benjamin W. DUVALL on the 2nd at his residence near Urbana in this county; aged 54 years. - Susan L. GREEN on the 13th at Highland in this county; aged 14 years, 10 months and 6 days. - Bertha Augusta, infant daughter of Augustus W. and Elmira NEIDHARDT on the 2nd in New York; aged 10 months and 7 days. - Mrs. Adaline A. MARTIN at Hope, Arkansas, on August 23rd, 1881, of inflammatory rheumatism in the 50th year of her age. Was buried at Little Rock, Arkansas beside her first husband, Martin A. HAGER, both formerly of this city. - William A., s/o Andrew and Mary RENNER on the 13th in this city after a brief illness of dephtheria; aged 5 years, 5 months and 23 days. - Charles N., oldest ch/of C. Nimrod SHIPLEY on Sunday, the 18th, in this city in the 5th year of his age. - Philip Henry NUSSBAUM on September 14, 1881 in this city; aged 51 years, 2 months and 17 days - Barbara Alice ZIMMERMAN departed this life on Sep 11, 1881 in this city; aged 36 years, 4 months and 17 days. - David BIRELY on the 13th near Haugh's church in this county very suddenly of heart disease in the 68th year of his age. - John H. HAMILTON fell asleep in Jesus on the 9th of September 1881 near Bartonsville in this county; aged 60 years, 10 months and 20 days. - Isaac HOWARD on the 2nd, suddenly, at his residence near Lewistown; aged 72 years.
  • Equity #4330 - SMITH David O. SMITH and wife Georgiana F. SMITH and others vs Clara C. SMITH, Granville M. SMITH and Franklin E. SMITH Ordered this 23rd day of August 1881 that on the 24th of September next, the Court will proceed to act upon the Report of Sales this day filed by Joseph G. MILLER and Mary A. SMITH, Trustee, in the above case, unless cause to the contrary be shown before said day; The Report states the amount of sales at $17,000. - Adolphus FEARHADE, Jr, Clerk
  • Equity #4721 - BISER, SHAFER, etc Henry H. BISER and Peter SHAFER, Sr, Administrators of Elizabeth BISER, dec'd, and others vs Daniel G. BISER, Mahlon K. BISER and others The object of this suit is to procure a decree to distribute monies previously distributed to Daniel G. BISER and Mahlon K. BISER, brothers and next of kin of Elizabeth BISER, which the complainants, as Administrators, had retained to pay cetain debts due by them to the estate. The bill states that Elizabeth BISER died in the month of December 1879 and letters of administration were granted to Daniel G. and Mahlon K. BISER by the Orphans court of Frederick county and certain notes or securities of them are as follows: 1. Daniel G. BISER, sealed note dated April 1, 1864 at 6 months, $500 2. Daniel G. BISER, sealed note dated June 1, 1866 at 6 months, $500 3. Daniel G. BISER, sealed note dated February 15, 1867 at 6 months, $100 4. Mahlon K. BISER, sealed note dated November 7, 1856 at 6 months, $670 All notes with interest from date. That the said Administrators proceeded with the settlement of said estate on the 4th of January 1881 and after paying all expenses, distribution of the residue among the next of kin, that the among thus distributed to said Daniel G. BISER and Mahlon K. BISER, was the sum of $903.31 each. That the notes aforesaid not being paid and said Administrators not being able by law to enforce payment of the same, the said Daniel G. BISER being insolvent and unable to pay and the said Maholon K. BISER being a non-resident and also insolvent and unable to pay, and being advised that they as Administrators of said Estate had a right to retain said portions, in payment of the respective indebtedness of said distributees, did under the orders of the Orphans' court of Frederick County, retain said sums of money that said Elizabeth BISER, the decedent, died as aforesaid, leaving the following named brothers and sisters and children of a deceased sister, her next of kin, who after the payment of the expenses of said Estate and all debts, are entitled to have the residue of said Estate distributed among them: bro/ Henry H. BISER, lives in Frederick County bro/ Daniel G. BISER, lives in Frederick County bro/ Mahlon K. BISER, nonresident of Maryland sis/ Matilda w/o Peter SHAFER, who died since Elizabeth, leaving only her husband who under the laws of Maryland is entitled to her share and resides in Frederick County sis/ Maria KEAFAUVER, lives in Frederick County sis/ Anna HERSHPERGER, deceased sister - her children - .......... Fannie w/o William STALEY, resides in California .......... Tilghman B. HERSHPERGER, resides in Colorado .......... Daniel B. HERSHPERGER, resides in Colorado .......... Annie M. HERSHPERGER, resides in Frederick County .......... Elizabeth HERSHPERGER, resides in Frederick County The said Daniel G. and Mahlon K. BISER are largely indebted to said estate by their sealed notes aforesaid, and that the amount of their respective indebtedness is largely in excess of their interest in the estate of said Elizabeth and that said Administrators are unable by legal means to enforce payment, that they are desirous of distributing the said sums of money in their hands among the parties entitled thereto - and that in making such distributution they desire to have the said distribution made under the order and decree of the said court, that they may be fully protected in so doing from any claim of the parties to these proceedings. Ordered that notice of same be published in Newspaper to request said nonresidents to appear in court in person or by solicitor before the 3rd of January 1882 to answer petition. - Adolphus FEARHAKE, Jr., Clerk

Wednesday, September 21, 1881
  • Deaths - Mrs. Ann ETZLER, w/o Dennis ETZLER of Liberty, died on the 12th, in her 67th year.

Wednesday, April 26, 1882
  • Deaths - Dennis ETZLER on the 16th in Liberty; age 69y.6m
  • Equity No. 4778 - WACHTER, STRAFFER In the Circuit Court for Frederick county in Equity - Joshua WACHTER and wife Ann Maria WACHTER and others vs John STRAFFER and wife Julia STRAFFER and others The object of this suit is to procure a decree for the sale of certain Real Estate situate in Frederick county of which Daniel STRAFFER died, seized and possessed, and for distribution of the proceeds of sale among this heirs at law. The bill states that a certain Daniel STRAFFER was in his lifetime seized and possessed of a certain piece or parcel of land; situate and being in Fredeirck county, being parts of several tracts of land called "Vulvershum", "Bull Frog", and "Clem's Chance", containing 21 acres, 2 roods and 7 perches of land, described in deed from John HARDY and wife to said Daniel STRAFFER. That said Daniel STRAFFER on the 12th day of May 1881, made his last will and by it bequeathed pecuniary legacies to the various legatees therein named, but made no dispositon of the Real Estate, and as to said real estate, he died intestate, and that the said lands descended to his brothers and sisters and descendants of deceased sisters, he having died without leaving a widow and children, as follows:
    1. Ann Maria w/o Joshua WACHTER
    2. John STRAFFER and wife Julia
    3. Jacob STRAFFER and wife Harriette
    4. Michael STRAFFER and wife Elizabeth
    5. Henrietta KLINE, dec'd; her children -
    .......(1) Willie Ann S. KLINE
    .......(2) Charles M. KLINE
    .......(3) Clara M. w/o James SHAFER
    .......(4) Ester w/o George WILES
    .......(5) Daniel C. KLINE
    6. Susan STULL, dec'd; her children -
    .......(1) Joanna M. w/o Daniel CRAVER
    .......(2) Willie Ann S. w/o John CLEM
    .......(3) Jeannette M. STULL
    7. Margaret CURFMAN, dec'd; her children -
    .......(1) Sarah A. R. w/o James LOYNS
    .......(2) Charlotte M. w/o Peter H. BUSSARD
    .......(3) Mary R. w/o William FRY
    .......(4) Harriette CURFMAN
    That all of said heirs at law are of full age and reside in Frederick, Washington and Montgomery counties, Maryland, except John and Julia STRAFFER and Jacob and Harriette STRAFFER, Michael and Elisabeth STAUFFER, Charles M. KLINE and Harriette CURFMAN, who are all nonresidents of the State of Maryland. Harriette CURFMAN left the state many years ago and her whereabouts is unknown and whether she is dead or alive is unknown.
    That the said lands cannot be divided without loss and injury to the parties interested and that it would be to their interest and advantage that the lands and premises be sold and the proceeds divided among the heirs.

Wednesday, May 3, 1882
  • Marriages - Alfred C. WELLER to Miss Jennie A. UNGER, both of this county, on the 13th ultimo, in Mechanicstown (present-day Thurmont) by the Rev. E. W. SHIELDS.
  • Deaths
    - George L. BARRICK, second s/o George W. and Susan BARRICK, on the 2nd ultimo, near Rocky Ridge in this county in the 29th year of his age. - Harry, beloved ch/o William and Kate WERNSING, suddenly on the 27th ultimo, in Baltimore; aged 3 years and 9 months. - Ella, widow of the late Abraham ROSENSTOCK, on the 21st ultimo, in Baltimore in the 68th year of her age. - Miss Mary Ann COPPERSMITH on the 26th ultimo at the residence of George W. HANN, in Creagerstown; aged 67 years, 1 month and 16 days. - Katie May, youngest ch/o Jacob and Emma GRABILL, on Friday, April 21, 1882, in this city, of congetion of the brain; aged 2y 11m 6d. - Samuel Randolph WALLING on the 20th ulto. in this city; aged 5 months, 2 weeks and 3 days.
  • Heavy Damages Awarded - The trial of the case of the children of Luther M. HAUER against the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company for $30,000 damages for the killing of their father, by alleged culpable negligence, at Weverton, on the 4th of June 1880, was commenced in the circuit Court of this county, sitting in special session, on Tuesday last, and concluded on Friday morning by the rendition of a verdict of $15,000 for the plantiffs. Hauer was about 49 years of age, and the son of Rev. D. J. HAUER, of Hanover, PA. At the time of his death, which resulted from being struck by a freight train, while crossing the track to board a passenger train, he was connected as salesman with a house in Baltimore. In rendering their verdict, the jury in compliance with an Act of the General Assembly made the follwiing distribution of their award for the unfortunate occurrence to the several children: - To the eldest daugher, aged 25 years, $600 - to Henrietta, aged 23 years, $600 - to Charlotte, aged 20 years, $1,200 - to Mana, aged 18 years, $1,800 - to Benjamin, aged 14 years, $1,800 - to Daniel, aged 9 years, $3,000 - to Anne, aged 7 years, $3,000 Counsel in the case were Capt. James McSHERRY and Col. H. Kyd DOUGLAS for plantiffs and Hon. A. K. SYESTER and Charles W. ROSS for the defendants. A motion was made for a new trial. The jury deliberated in their room from 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon until 9 o'clock Friday morning, and it was currently reported that the delay was caused by those who favored a much larger sum. The amount of the verdict is said to be the largest ever awarded in this county.
  • Proceedings of the Orphan's Court - Present: Judges John T. LOWE, Daniel CASTLE of T. and Augustus W. NICODEMUS; Register, James P. PERRY. The following Letters Testamentary on the estate of: - John LUTZ, dec'd; Mary E. LUTZ, acting Executrix; Edmund F. MEYER, Agent
    - Lewis M. THOMAS, dec'd; Susan THOMAS, Executrix; S. S. MAYNARD, Agent
    - Thomas HALLER, dec'd; Thomas H. HALLER, acting Executor
    - Arabella West McGILL, dec'd; Sarah A. E. McGILL, Executrix
    - Julia JORDAN, dec'd; William Graham, Executor
    - Michael C. ADELSBERGER, dec'd; Daniel G. ADELSBERGER, Executor; Mary E. ADELSBERGER and Maria L. ADELSBERGER, Executrixes Letters of Administration on the estate of:
    - John HAMILTON, dec'd; John H. HAMILTON and George W. HAMILTON, Administrators D. B. N., C. T. A. - Harriet GALLION, dec'd; Olevia J. LEASE, Adm'rx; Thomas U. LEASE, Agent
    - Samuel TRUNDLE, dec'd; Alice TRUNDLE, Adm'rx; William T. CHISWELL, Agent
    - James W. HYDER, dec'd; Annie R. HYDER, Adm'rx; Samuel F. REPP, Agent
  • Marriage Licenses The following marriage licenses were issued by Adolphus FEARHAKE, Jr., Clerk of the Circuit Court during the month of April 1882: - James LIGHTNER and Clara WELTY - John M. NIXON and Laura M. ORME - Nathan B. HARRISON and Anna S. HALL - John M. POWELL and Emma L. SHORB - Edward E. ADAMS and Vinnie K. ETCHISON - Thomas F. WILSON and Laura NELSON - Milton M. ROWE and Annie NICODEMUS - James CARTNAIL and Anna MAYERS (both colored) - George M. CLARK and Florence BUTLER (both colored) - Samuel BUTLER and Mary BOWIE (both colored) - Thomas PALM and Elizabeth WILLIAMS (both colored) - Joseph A. RIDENOUR and Ida Virginia WISE - David CRAMER and Minnie E. HEDGES - Louis A. BURKE and A. Lilly KOONTZ - Hamilton SNOWDEN and Ann ROBINSON - James GRESHEN and Mary G. DIGGS - Benjamin OGLE and Maria DORSEY - Derward A. BOONE and Laura A. KLINE - Charles C. FOGLE and Ellen M. BOWERS - William A. HOFFNER and Anna M. GERLACK - Frank DOWNEY and Fannie LAWRENCE - Edward ODEN and Adda E. WELTY - Alfred C. WELLER and Jennie A. UNGER - Charles F. KREH and Henrietia D. SHULTZ - James H. MORAN and Mary A. HOKE Total 25, being two less than issued in April 1881

Wednesday, August 31, 1887
  • Marriage Licenses - John KEFAUVER and Ida WILSON - Wm. B. KEY and Sarah LUCKETT - Robert D. WINEBREANER and Stella LEWIS - Reuben D. FOLKS and Rachael HEVENER - J. Thomas JENKINS and Eliza BROWN - John H. JONES and Annie M. PARKER - Peter S. GROVE and Lucy H. SHAFER - Charles J. D. STRAILMAN and Lydia BEAR - Millard S. PRYOR and Carrie F. REDMAN
  • Marriages GROVE-SHAFER - Peter S. GROVE to Miss Lucy H. SHAFER, youngest d/o George W. SHAFER, all of Middletown Valley, on August 25th, 1887, at 7 1/2 o'clock am, at the Reformed parsonage in Burkittsville by Rev. H. I. COMFORT. SNOOK-BOTHNER - Josiah E. SNOOK, formerly of Middletown Valley and this county, to Miss Mary A. BOTHNER of Dayton on August 16th, 1887 at Dayton, Ohio by the Rev. Father HANE. STRAILMAN-BEAR - Charles J. D. STRAILMAN to Miss Lydia E. BEAR, both of this city, on August 23rd, 1887, at the Lutheran parsonage in this city by the Rev. Dr. DIEHL. SHORB-TROXELL - Joshua F. SHORB of Keysville to Miss Elizabeth TROXELL of Emmitsburg on August 11, 1887, at the Reformed parsonage in Emmitsburg, this county, by the Rev. C. Henry HEILMAN. PATTINGALL-EYLER - Winfield Scott PATTINGALL to Miss Maggie Annie EYLER, both of Walkersville, this county, on August 24th 1887, at the Lutheran parsonage in this city by the Rev. Dr. DIEHL.
  • Deaths - DERN, Mrs. Mary E., w/o John W. DERN, on August 22, 1887, in Walkersville of this county; age 36 years and 27 days. - HOKE, Jacob on August 13th 1887, near Emmitsburg; age 79 years, 4 months, 7 days. - HYDER, Isaac on Aug 15, 1887 in Emmitsburg in his 69th year. - McCORMICK, John Newton, s/o Rev. John N. McCORMICK, formerly of this city, on Aug 18, 1887 at Green Garden, Loudoun Co, VA; age 6 months, 12 days. - WHITE, Annie E., d/o J. T. WHITE, on Aug 19, 1887 at Ijamsville, this county; age 1 year and 3 months. - SMITH, Henry, on Aug 18, 1887 at this residence near Burkittsville, Middletown Valley; age 75 years, 3 months, 11 days. [from Valley Register - Mr. Henry SMITH, a well-known resident of this valley, died on Thursday of last week at his residence along the mountain near Burkittsville in the 76th year of his age, and was buried Friday in the Lutheran Cemetery at Burkittsville. Deceased was twice married and was the father of 18 children.] - BABINGTON, Harlin Oscar, s/o William and Amanda BABINGTON, on Aug 15, 1887 near Harmony, this county; age 3 months and 2 days. - STOTTLEMYER, Josiah Lester, s/o William T. H. and Ella STOTTLEMYER, on Aug 20, 1887, near Wolfsville, this county; age 8 months, 24 days. - FISHER, John, formerly of Middletown Valley, this county, on Aug 20, 1887, at his residence near Springfield, Ohio; age 86 years and 1 day. [Last Monday's edition of the Springfield (Ohio) Globe-Republic brings us intelligence of the death of Mr. John FISHER, a former well-known resident of this valley. The deceased was a brother-in-law of Mr. Lawson ALEXANDER, of this valley, and before removing to the West resided a short distance south-west of him.] - MICHAEL, William, formerly of Middletown Valley, this county, on Aug 20, 1887, at his residence in Rensalear, Indiana, of apoplexy; in his 65th year. - BURALL, Bettie, youngest d/o William BURALL, on Aug 14, 1887, near Unionville, this county; age 17 years and 8 months. - GREENWOOD, Elsie Algono, beloved d/o Alfred M. and Fannie W. GREENWOOD, on Aug 11, 1887; age 4 months and 28 days. - NULL, Luella L., infant d/o Samuel and Maggie NULL, on Aug 15, 1887 near Emmitsburg; age 3 months, 27 days. - MARTZ, Ella, d/o David MARTZ, on Aug 20, 1887, near Boonsboro; age 20 years, 4 months, 16 days. - MOBERLY, Elsie H., d/o Edward F. and Addie MOBERLY, on Aug 22, 1887 in this city of cholera infantum; age 4 months. - LUBY, Mollie E., w/o Edward J. LUBY, on Aug 24, 1887 in Baltimore, MD; age 2_ years. - ZIMMERMAN, Mrs. Mary E., widow of the late Rev. Wm. ZIMMERMAN, on Aug 2, 1887 near the Manor Church, this county; age 69 years, 4 months, and 5 days. The maiden name of the deceased was CRONICE. She was born of christian parents, baptized in her infancy, confirmed in early womanhood, and continued a devoted and consistent member of the Reformed Church throughout her life. She had been in feeble health for years and had learned with patience and resignation to bear this as well as other trials that were laid upon her during the course of her life. She followed her husband to his grave, about 14 years ago, and a few years since also a devoted daughter, but God inparted to her the rich grace that his faithful ones enjoy. She loved her church and was faithful to the end in her performance of her religious duties. During the past year she had been unusaully feeble. In the hope that a change from the city to the country would be of benefit, she was removed to the home of her surviving daughter, Mrs. RENN, where after lingering a few weeks, she peacefully breathed her last. We laid her body to rest by the side of her husband in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, MD on August 4th, in the full assurance of a blessed resurrection. Two sons and a daughter, with a large circle of sorrowing relatives and friends, remain to mourn her loss. May they have grace to live and die in the Lord who is abundant in mercy. - ELDRIDGE The many friends of Mr. Clarke E. ELDRIDGE will regret to learn of his death, which occurred at his residence, West Patrick Street, this city, on Sunday morning last, in the 81st year of his age. The deceased was well-known in this city and was highly esteemed by his many friends and acquaintances. His remains were interred in Mt. Olivet Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, attended by Columbia Lodge A. F. and A. M. and many friends and relatives. Mr. Eldridge leaves a widow and two sons, Rev. E. O. ELDRIDGE of Baltimore, and Mr. Wm. ELDRIDGE of this city. - CLARY Mrs. Susan CLARY, w/o Jesse T. CLARY, residing near Unionville, died about 5 o'clock on Saturday morning last, age nearly 61 years. Deceased had been an extreme sufferer for the past three years with a tumor in her stomach, of which disease she died. Her remains were interred in Union Bridge Cemetery on Sunday afternoon, Rev. Charles A. JONES officiating. She leaves a husband, one son and five daughters, all grown and two of the latter married. She was a d/o the late David DUDDERAR. - [Banner] - LATE Mr. George LATE, a former resident of this county, died at his home at Valley Springs, Calaveras Co, California, on the 10th instant, aged 73 years. Mr. Late arrived in Calfornia August 22nd, 1849, via Cape Horn (after a six months' voyage) where he was engaged in mining and cattle raising. He came East in 1853 and married Miss Rebecca C. SCHAFFER, d/o the late Peter SCHAFFER, and returned to California in 1854. He leaves a widow and six grown children, five sons and a daughter. He was a brother of Mrs. Mary FOUT, near this city.
  • Fatal Accident - HANKEY
    - Mr. James Addison HANKEY, a former resident of Creagerstown, this county, met 
    with an accident at Waynesboro, PA, on the 3rd instant, which resulted in his 
    death on the following day.  He was employed in the Frick Works in Waynesboro 
    and while sawing lumber at a circular saw, the end of the board flew around 
    and struck him in the stomach with great force.  The blow injured him internally 
    and caused his death.  He was 43 years old and leaves a family.  His remains 
    were taken to Rocky Ridge for interment. [Union]
  • Accidents - PHILLIPS - FOGLE
    - On the 12th instant, Scott PHILLIPS, living with Thomas McCAFFREY, near town, 
    was kicked in the face by a young horse, cutting the upper lip several inches. 
    - On the 13th, a lad named FOGLE, living with T. J. REISLER, on the Johnsville 
    pike, was considerably hurt about the head and body by falling from the wagon 
    shed, a distance of about twelve feet.  Dr. T. W. SIMPSON rendered the necessary 
    surgical aid in both the above cases. - [Banner]
  • Administration Notices
    - BANTZ, Gideon, deceased - G. Ernest BANTZ, adm
    - MARKEY, Susan, deceased - J. Hanshew MARKEY and Frederick A. MARKEY, adm
    - PICKING, Barbara, deceased - J. Wm. BIRELY, adm
    - W. S. HOLLENBERGER vs Elizabeth HOLLENBERGER, et al; auditor's report
  • Orphan's Court
    - CLAGETT, Thomas, deceased - Letters/testamentary to Samuel CLAGETT, 
    Thomas N. HARWOOD, Charles T. RAMSBURG, Henry O. TALBOTT, Edward BOWLUS 
    and S. Theodore STOUFFER
    - HYDER, Isaac, deceased - Catharine HYDER, Adm
    - HEMLER, David, deceased - Samuel A. and J. D. HEMLER, adm
    - TOMS, Abraham, deceased - Susan TOMS, adm
    - BITTLE, Rachel, deceased - John H. and Wm. M. BITTLE, exec
    - BOHN, James, deceased - Peter LUGENBEEL, adm

  • Old News Abstracts

    Frederick MDGenWeb

    Dorinda Shepley
    Last revised: January 20, 2024
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