Old News Newspaper Abstracts
Frederick Co, Maryland

The Emmitsburg Star

Emmitsburg, Maryland

Saturday, April 17, 1847
  • Marriages - William WEBB to Miss Elizabeth M. BIGHAM, both of this place, on the 8th inst., by Rev. T. TANYHILL
  • Deaths - Mr. Charles SMITH, an esteemed citizen, died on Friday night last, at his residence near Emmitsburg, very suddenly.
  • Notices & Advertisements: - To the Voters of Frederick County. Thankful for the very liberal and flattering vote I received at the late election, I again offer myself as the candidate for the next Sheriffalty, and respectfully solicit your support. - Norman B. HARDING. Oct. 4, 1845. - To the Voters of Frederick County. Gentleman: - I offer myself as a candidate for the next Sheriffalty, and respectfully solicit your support. - George HOSKINS. Oct 4 1845. - Notice. The Co-partnership, heretofore existing between Joseph BAUGHER & Isaac BAUGHER, in the name of Joseph BAUGHER &. Co., was dissolved by mutual consent on the 26th day of January, 1847. All persons having any claims against the said firm, will please present them for payment; and those who are indebted to said firm, will please make payment, without delay, to either of the parties. - Joseph BAUGHER, Isaac BAUGHER of Fountain Dale, March 20th 1847. P.S. The Tanning Business at Fountain Dale will in the future be conducted under the firm and style of BAUGHER & Co. - Joseph BAUGHER, Sanford SHRODER. - Notice is hereby given, that the subscribers have obtained from the Orphans Court of Frederick County, Letters Testamentary on the Personal Estate of Andrew CREATIN, late of said county, deceased. All having claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit them with the vouchers thereof on or before the 20th of September 1847 : they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefits of said Estate. Those indebted to the said deceased, are desired to make immediate payment. - John CRETIN, Executor. Ann CRETIN, Executrix. March 20th, 1847. - Agency. The undersigned informs his friends and the public in general, that he will act as agent in collecting Bonds, Judgment Notes and Accounts, and attend to settling all kinds of business entrusted to him. His experience in the above business, and his general acquaintance in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, gives him advantages which he flatters himself can be used to the benefit of those who employ him. He will also act as Agent in the Sale and Purchase of Real Estates. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to call on the subscriber, as he is Agent at the present time for the sale of some of the most valuable Property in the Counties of Carroll and Frederick. Address the subscriber, (post paid) at Taneytown, Carroll County, Md., which shall receive punctual attendance. - David KEPHART. May [2n]d, 1845 - Letters Remaining in the Post-Office at Emmitsburg, and if not taken out before the 1st day of July next, will be sent to the General Post-Office as dead letters: Isaac WRIGHT Frederick WRIGHT Jacob LENNART Frederick BYERS Maxwell SHIELDS Adam MOTTER Wm. WILHELM Samuel WILHELM James P. BANKAN Henry ALTHOFF Alfred BALL Greenbury PETICORD Teresa HILL Elizabeth E. GROFF Abraham STANSBURY Geo. F. S. AUGUR Solomon SLAYBAUGH John DAVIS Martha E. REA Joseph MORITZ edarth JOHNSON [not capitalized in original] - J. ELDER, P. M. [Post Master] April 1st, 1847 - Gravestone Cutting!! The subscriber respectfully informs the Public, that he still carries on, in all its various branches, the above Business, at his Old Stand, 4 miles south west of Emmitsburg between the Frederick and Mechanicstown road where he is prepared to manufacture to order all sorts of GRAVESTONES, at the shortest notice, in the neatest & most durable manner, at prices as low as any to be met with in the county or elsewhere. His marble is of the best quality. The stones will be delivered, and put up to satisfaction, free of charge. Those wishing to satisfy themselves as to quality of the marble and workmanship of it will find a specimen in the several graveyards, that is, at Mt. St. Mary's College, Lutheran Church, Emmitsburg, Catholic do. - Joseph KELLY. November 1st, 1845. (There are many advertisements concerning goods for sale by FUSTING & McBRIDE) - submitted by K McC.

Old News Abstracts

Frederick MDGenWeb

Dorinda Shepley
Last revised: January 19, 2024
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