Old News Newspaper Abstracts
Frederick Co, Maryland

The Daily Times

Frederick, Maryland

Thursday, September 1, 1881
  • PUBLIC SALE - "Home Farm" of John Frederick LOCKE, deceased, according to his will. Sale on Saturday, September 10, 1881 at 1:00 at property situated about one mile east of Woodsboro on the Copper Mine Road. It consists of 145 acres of fine land, 8 acres of which is in heavy timber mostly white oak and adjoins the lands of James SMITH, George W. DEVILBISS, James DONKENS and others. It is well watered and conveniently laid off in fields and meadows with good fencing and was limed within the few last years. There is a large orchard of various fruits. It has a large dwelling house with two cellars, two kitchens and a number of rooms conveniently laid off for two families. It has an excellent spring, springhouse and wash house, all combined under one roof near the dwelling. There's a large hen house, smoke house, blacksmith shop and other outbuildings. There is also a 10 acre wooded lot about 2 1/4 miles east of Woodsboro near the Copper Mine road adjoining the lands of H. REPP, Captain H. SMITH, David E. FOGLE and 4others. This Lot is well set in white oak, black oak, hickory and chestnut and a portion of it large timber. - George F. LOCKE, Executor; S. S. PFOUTZ, Auctioneer

Friday, September 2, 1881

    - Noah J. FRANKLIN and Susan C. WARNER of Frederick County on the 31st at Methodist Episcopal Church by Rev Dr LEECH.

Saturday, September 3, 1881
(taken from Valley Register, Sep 2)
  • REAL ESTATE - James W. KOONTZ sold in Burkittsville, portion of Real Estate of the late George W. KOONTZ, house, lot and 6 acres in Burkittsville to Mrs. Peter WHIPP for $1,105; a house and lot in Burkittsville to Mrs. HIGHTMAN for $800. - L. O. WHIPP of Jefferson sold his little farm of 60 acres, 1 to 2 miles NW of Jefferson, to Samuel GORDON.

Monday, September 5, 1881
  • WANDERER FOUND - James FREY of Wolfsville, who had been missing since August 21, was found by Hezekiah EASTON near the foot of South Mountain below Black Rock in Washington County where he had gone to a spring for water. He said he had nothing to eat for 12 days except berries and green apples. He was weak and, after eating, Easton took him home in his buggy. When near home, he made an attempt to escape but was recaptured and brought home. His mind is still deranged and he can give little account of the missing period.
  • DEATHS - B. W. DUVALL, well-known farmer, died last Friday at his residence in Urbana, age 54. He had eleven children, one being Wilbur DUVALL. He was buried at the Methodist Episcopal Cemetery in Buckeystown; with Rev. D. M. BROWNING and assisted by Dr. MILLS of MP Church. Pall bearers were Thomas A. SMITH of T., George HORINE, Singleton KING, and William KINDLEY.

Old News Abstracts

Frederick MDGenWeb

Dorinda Shepley
Last revised: January 20, 2024
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