Old News Newspaper Abstracts
Frederick Co, Maryland

The Daily News

Frederick, Maryland

Saturday, June 8, 1901
  • Personals, page 6 - Mrs. Benton KNODLE, of this city, is visiting her sisters, the Misses HUMM, Baltimore. - Prof. D. U. BETTS, of Gate, Washington State, who has been visiting relatives of Pleasant Walk, has returned home. - Rev. and Mrs. George STATTON, of Colorado, who had been visiting some of his old associates and brethren at Myersville, have returned home. - Miss Kate SMELTZER, daughter of Mr. M. F. H. SMELTZER, of Van Buren, Arkansas, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Vincent SANNER, on Jefferson Street, Middletown. - submitted by JK

Friday, September 15, 1905
  • Personals - page 5 - Mrs. George ROELKEY and children, Derr street, are spending some time with relatives in Hanover, Pa. - Mrs. Thomas P. RICE and daughters, Othetta and Jane, who have been visiting relatives and friends in Baltimore, have returned home. - Mrs. E. O. PHEBUS, who has been visiting her parents, East Patrick St, has returned to her home in Baltimore after a delightful visit. - Mrs. Geo. C. BISER, nee Miss Laura GROVE, of Elk Lick, Pa., who has been spending several weeks with her father, Hon. M. J. GROVE of Lime Kiln, has returned home.
  • Deaths- page 3 - Mrs. Elizabeth BEARD, w/o Isaac G. BEARD, died at Cavetown, Washington county, September 13 of paralysis, aged 74 years. - submitted by JK

Monday, March 16, 1908
  • Kills Woman and Himself George BENTZ Uses Pistol With Fatal Effect - Mrs. Florence KING Victim - Leaving Husband and Child, She Ran Away From Frederick with BENTZ, Who Deserted His Wife and Seven Children The following dispatch was sent from York, PA on Saturday evening - George BENTZ, 48 years old, of Frederick, MD, at noon today shot and killed Mrs. Florence KING, 35 years old, also of Frederick, whom he represented to be his wife and then sent a bullet into his brain dying almost instantly. The shooting occurred at the home of Charles O'BRIEN, where the couple, who came from Frederick, MD, on Tuesday, were boarding. Mr. O'Brien and his wife, their three children and Mrs. King were seated at the dinner table at the time. While the meal was in progress, Bentz came from an upstairs room. Instead of going to his place at the table, he threw himself upon the lounge in the sitting room. "Why don't you come out to dinner?" O'Brien asked him. "I don't want any", said Bentz. "What's the matter with him?" asked O'Brien turning to the supposed Mrs. Bentz. The woman replied, "I don't know. I am not going to live with him" At these words, Bentz came forward with a revolver. He threw his right arm about the woman, while she was seated at the table and drew back her head. Pressing the revolver to the left cheek of the woman, he pulled the trigger twice. As the woman fell, Bentz turned the revolver upon himself and fired, with the muzzle against his left temple. News of the tragedy spread rapidly through the neighborhood and hundreds of persons gathered about the house. Coroner DEHUGG was notified, and he impanelled a jury. It is said that the reason for the killing was that Bentz had been despondent because of his unsuccessful efforts to secure work and was also jealous claiming that the woman carried on flirtations with other men. Several days ago, it is said, Bentz accused her of a flirtation with a man on a street car. At that time he was heard to remark, "You will have to do as I tell you or I will kill you." George Bentz, the man referred to in the above dispatch, was well known in Frederick, where he lived all his life, until he left home recently, deserting his wife and seven children for the woman whom he killed. The latter was the wife of Rufus KING, and lived on Bentz Street, between Fourth and Fifth Streets, this city, before running off with Bentz. Besides her husband, she leaves a young daughter. Bentz was the son of the late George BENTZ, and for a number of years drove a coal cart for William S. MILLER, but later worked at the Frederick Brick Works. He was a cousin of Charles and Alice BENTZ, who were found dead in their home on West Patrick Street a little more than a year ago and from whose estate he inherited between seven hundred and eight hundred dollars. After getting this money, Bentz quit work and began dissipating. Sometime ago he left Frederick with Mrs. King and they were understood to have gone to Hagerstown, but are said also, to have gone to Pittsburg. Bentz was in town last week and while here is said to have secured $10 from his mother. He went to York on Thursday. Besides his widow and seven children, who live on B&O Avenue, he is survived by his mother, a brother, Arthur BENTZ, and a sister, Mrs. Albert GOSNELL, all living in Frederick. The remains of Bentz were received in Frederick at 10:20 o'clock this morning and were taken from the station of the Northern Central Railway to the undertaking establishment of F. OBENDERFER, East Patrick Street. After being prepared for burial, they will be taken to the late home of Bentz on B&O Avenue, where funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. What will be done with the remains of Mrs. King is not known yet. A dispatch from Boyds, MD, under date of yesterday, says: "William H. WINCHELL, brother of Mrs. Rufus KING, who was killed by George BENTZ at York, PA, left this morning for Frederick, to make an investigation of the murder and to arrange for the disposition of his sister's body. Her husband, Rufus KING, lives here with Mr. Winchell. Mrs. King intended to return to her husband, it is said, and this is believed to have been the reason why she told Bentz she intended to leave him, which so enraged him that he killed her and then himself. The daughter of the Kings was brought here by the mother and left in care of the father. She is now about 14 and goes to the Millersburg High School. Mrs. King's body may be brought here for burial, although she had expressed a desire to be interred in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick."
  • Deaths - William F. WILLARD died on March 5 in St. Anthony's Hospital, Denver, Colorado, of pneumonia, aged 48 years, 8 months and 7 days. His mother, Mrs. Charles HARGETT, of near Jefferson, and a sister, Mrs. Ada DONALDSON, of Washington, survive him. His remains were brought to Jefferson where the funeral took place on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Sevices were held in the M.E. Church of that place, conducted by Rev. David N. DITTMAR. The pallbearers were Warren DARNER, Raymond SHAFF, Olin RICE, Daniel SLAGLE. Interment was made in the M.E. Cemetery. M. R. ETCHISON was the funeral director. - Philemon Cromwell DUDREAR died at 3:30 o'clock this morning of general debility, aged 78 years, 3 months and 20 days. He is survived by a widow. The funeral will take place from the residence of his granddaughter, Mrs. John BAUMGARDNER, Jr., 427 North Market Street, on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Services will be held at the house and interment will be made in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. - William Elias SCHROEDER, agent of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at Frederick Junction, died suddenly at his home at that place at 10:30 o'clock this morning of paralysis of the heart. Mr. Schroeder, who lived in the station building, was in his office this morning, and shortly before his death, complained of feeling unwell and was accompanied upstairs by George SCHNEIDER, the assistant agent. While Mrs. Schroeder was preparing a tonic for him, he fell dead. Dr. B. C. PERRY, of Urbana, was at the station waiting for a train. He was summoned by Mr. Schneider, but found that Mr. Schroeder was already dead. Mr. Schroeder was a son of the late Frederick, and Mrs. Sophia SCHROEDER and was born in this city on August 28, 1852. He learned telegraphy at the office of the Western Union Telegraph Co. in this city and entered the employ of the Baltimoe and Ohio Railroad in 1872. He was chief operator at Frederick Junction for 24 years and after the death of Edward HATHEY??, a little more than a year ago, was appointed to succeed him as the company's agent at that point. Besides a widow, Mr. Schroeder is survived by his mother, Mrs. Sophia SCHROEDER, North Market Street, this city; and the following brothers and sisters: George A. SCHROEDER, Edward T. SCHROEDER. Frank J. SCHROEDER, Albert A. SCHROEDER, Misses Sophia and Maria SCHROEDER, of this city; and Mr. Clarence F. SCHROEDER of Grafton, WV.

Thursday, August 17, 1911
  • Death Removed Doctor SCHLEY Prominent Resident and Oldest Druggist in City Expires. HAD BEEN ILL LONG TIME. First Sickness Nearly Year Ago, Since Which Time He Has Gradually Grown Worse - Was Interested in Many Affairs in City. After an an (sic) illness of over six months, Dr. Steiner SCHLEY, a prominent citizen and the oldest druggist living in this city, passed to his rest. He died last night about eleven o'clock in the sixty-third year of his age. His death was due to a complication of diseases. Born on April 24, 1849 in Frederick, Dr. Schley resided here all of his life. His early education was received at Frederick College which he attended for several sessions. His father, Dr. Fairfax SCHLEY, was a doctor of medicine and practiced his profession in this city for a number of years. In 1855 his health became so bad that he was forced to give up his practice, so he opened up a drug store. During the Civil War, Mr. Steiner SCHLEY was taken from school and placed in his father's drug store where he remained for a number of years. After he had learned the drug business very thoroughly, he was sent to the Baltimore College of Pharmacy from which institution he graduated in due course of time. Returning to Frederick, he again entered his father's store. In 1876 Dr. Schley turned the store over to his two sons, Steiner and Lewis H. SCHLEY, by whom the business was conducted. About a year after the store had been turned over to them, Lewis Schley was killed in the wreck at Point of Rocks which brought grief into many homes in the city. Dr. Steiner Schley has been conducting the drug store up to the present. His genial manner and readiness to make friends caused many of his acquaintances to gather at his store day by day for a little chat. In 1885 Dr. Schley married Miss Lillian KUNKLE, of Frederick county. Held in High Esteem. Dr. Schley was prominent in many of the activities in the city and held a high place in the esteem of the citizens. He was a near cousin of Admiral Winfield Scott SCHLEY, U. S. N., retired. The Maryland School for the Deaf was of especial interest to him and he was a great favorite among the children who attended that institution. For a number of years, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of that school, having succeeded his father on the Board. He was also a member of the Board of Directors of the Central National bank and the Mutual Fire Insurance Company. For a number of years he has been on the Board of Visitors of Frederick College, his alma mater. He was an active member of the United Fire Company. Dr. Schley was a charter member of Lynch Lodge, N. 163, A. F. and A. M., a member of Enoch Chapter, No. 23, R. A. M., and Enoch Council, No. 70. He was a past eminent commander of Jacques de Molay Commandery, No. 4, Knights Templar. Member of Sons of Revolution.In early manhood Dr. Schley joined the Evangelical Reformed church and all during his life he was a consistent member of that denomination and a teacher in the Sunday school for a number of years until failing health forced him to give up his class. Through his revolutionary ancestry, he was a member of the Sons of the American Revolution. He is survived by his widow and two children, Miss Lillian K. SCHLEY and John Reading SCHLEY. He is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Jennie S. MILLER and Miss Agnes SCHLEY, both of this city. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 5 p.m. with services at the 4 house. Interment will be made in Mt. Olivet cemetery. - submitted by VC

Saturday, August 19, 1911
  • Funeral of Doctor SCHLEY Remains of Late Druggist Laid to Rest in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. The funeral of Dr. Steiner SCHLEY took place yesterday at 5 o'clock from his late home, West Church street. The services were conducted by Rev. Henri L. G. KIEFFER and Rev. S. S. MILLER. A quartet composed of Prof. Geo. E. SMITH, Ralph BOWERS, Charles HENDRICKSON, and C. Will FOUT sang "Lead Kindly Light" and "Abide With Me." There were many beautiful floral tributes. The directors of the Central Bank and the Mutual Fire Insurance Company and members of the Board of Visitors for the Maryland School for the Deaf and many prominent citizens attended. The pallbearers were Messrs. George R. DENNIS, E. C. RENN, George BIRELY, W. C. DUGAN, Thomas A. CHAPLINE and Dr. Bernard C. STEINER. Burial was made in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Thomas P. RICE was the funeral director. (My Notes: Dr. Steiner Schley's father was Fairfax Schley, his grandfather was Benjamin Henry Schley, his great grandfather was John Thomas Schley, his great great grandfather was George Thomas Schley and his great great great grandfather was John Thomas Schley who built the first house in Frederick.) - submitted by VC

June 15, 1925
  • Marriages - MARTIN - HOFFMAN Luther H. MARTIN, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. MARTIN, of Loys, and Miss Hilda E. HOFFMAN, daughter of Mrs. HOFFMAN, of Creagerstown, were married by Rev. C. A. SHILKE on Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in the Lutheran parsonage, at Walkersville, by ring ceremony. They were unaccompanied. The bride was becomingly attired. She has been a clerk in the general store of Clarence FOX, East Church street, extended. The groom is an employee of the Union Manufacturing Company, of Frederick. After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. MARTIN motored to Creagerstown, where they remained overnight with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey TROXELL. From there they went on a short trip to Howard county, where they will visit friends. Upon their return they will reside at Creagerstown. - MARTZ - HANN Allen B. MARTZ, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel MARTZ, of near Lewistown and Miss Carrie B. HANN, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie HANN, of Creagerstown, in the Lutheran parsonage, Walkersville, Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by the bride's pastor, Rev. C. A. SHILKE. They were unaccompanied. Miss HANN has been making her home with Mrs. Wm. BAIR, of Utica, where she was employed. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. MARTZ returned to the home of Mrs. BAIR, Utica, where an old fashioned serenade was given them. They expect to reside near Lewistown. - DELAUTER - McKENRICK John C. DELAUTER, of Foxville and Anna Mae McKENRICK, of Ringgold, were married on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Evangelical Lutheran parsonage by Rev. Dr. U. S. G. RUPP.
  • Deaths
    • Mrs. Francis Anna MILLER died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George A. SHOEMAKER, near Taneytown, Friday morning at 2:30 o'clock. She was aged 74 years, one month and seven days. She had been confined since suffering a stroke of paralysis last winter. She is survived by her second husband, Thurgood MILLER, and by the following children by her marriage to the late Charles A. HAINES: Mrs. George A. SHOEMAKER, near Taneytown, with whom she resided; Edward HAINES; Theodore HAINES; Mrs. William ROBERTSON, Uniontown; Arthur HAINES, New Windsor; and David HAINES, Union Bridge. Also a brother, Manasses STERN, Finksburg, and 18 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren also survive. Funeral Monday with services at the SHOEMAKER home at 10 o'clock a.m., Rev. J. H. HOCH, Uniontown, officiating. Interment in the Church of God cemetery, Uniontown. The pallbearers were: Edward FEESER, Walter MORELOCK, Oliver ERB, Paul EDWARDS, John SHRINER, and Roy SMITH.
    • Mrs. Harriet E. DAMUTH, widow of James A. DAMUTH, died June 12 at the residence of her niece, Mrs. Melvin MERRITT, 1730 East Preston St., Baltimore. Funeral services and interment at the United Brethren church, Thurmont, this morning at 11 o'clock.
    • Mrs. Emma METZBOWER, widow of John METZBOWER, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. David I. SCHMID, 5133 Park Heights Ave., Baltimore, June 12. Funeral this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Interment in Baltimore cemetery.
  • Funerals - Mrs. Albina Ann KESSLER from the M. E. church in Jefferson Saturday afternoon at 2:20 o'clock. The prayer at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. R. ETCHISON, was made by Rev. Dr. G. Ellis WILLIAMS. At the church Rev. M. L. BEALL, of Appold M. E. church, Baltimore, assisted by Rev. Mr. GRAHAM, of Doubs, officiated. The pallbearers were: M. J. DADE, T. C. DIXON, Walter STOCKMAN, Samuel M. BOWLUS, D. L. SLAGLE, and A. A. BOYER. Interment in the M. E. cemetery, Jefferson. Etchison & Co., assisted by C. E. Cline, funeral directors. - John Jacob RHODERICK on Saturday at 1:30 o'clock from the home of his niece, Mrs. Martin R. WAGNER, near Mt. Airy. Services were held at the house and were conducted by Rev. R. L. MOWBRAY, pastor of the M. E. church at Walkersville. Beautiful floral emblems were presented. The pallbearers were George W. SHEETENHELM, J. C. GHARST, Dorsey LEASE, William DUVALL, George BENNER, and Harry CRAMER. Interment in Mt. Olivet cemetery. Thomas P. Rice was the funeral director.
  • MISCELLANEOUS - Mrs. Mary Houck HOLMES and Master Billie HOLMES, of New York are visiting Mrs. HOLMES' aunt, Mrs. Eugene GROVE, Lime Kiln. Mrs. HOLMES was formerly Miss Mary HOUCK, this city. - Mr. Lewis A. RICE and son, Ralph, of Cranford, N. J., are visiting Mr. RICE's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. RICE, West Third street. - Mrs. Catherine RINEHART, and baby, of Chewsville, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Elmer HARSHMAN. - Martin CRAMER, of Delaware, Ohio, spent several days here. He was called here upon the death of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth CRAMER. - Russell H. GROSSNICKLE is spending ten days with his uncle, John GROSSNICKLE, of North Manchester, Indiana. - submitted by AB

Old News Abstracts

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Dorinda Shepley
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