Old News Newspaper Abstracts
Frederick Co, Maryland

Catoctin Enterprise and Middletown Valley Gazette

Middletown, Maryland

submitted by Rob Roy Ratliff

Saturday, August 21, 1841
"Published weekly by Jacob T. C. MILLER in the central part of Middletown,
Frederick County, MD. [Joseph W. WALKER, Printer]" Vol. 1, No. 4
The front page features a poem "The Broken Heart" by Milford BARD from 
the Baltimore Saturday Visitor,  an unsourced account of young lovers, 
"The Promise," and a lengthy story on "The Kentuckian in Boston" from 
the Louisville Journal. The major feature of page two is a message of 
President John TYLER, 16 Aug 1841, vetoing a bill to incorporate the 
fiscal branch of the United States.  An editorial comment cited the 
rapidly spreading news of the veto and quoted a Baltimore Sun correspondent's 
opinion that the President would submit his own bill at the next session 
of Congress.

Other editorial commentaries included a tribute to circulating libraries. 
"Almost  every town and neighborhood has its own library and cannot Middletown 
raise one?  We think that there are a number of young people among us, who will, 
without any coaxing, lend a hand to so useful a cause.  Then let us try the project.  
Who will second the motion?"  An outline on the virtues of "Discretion" recommended 
that the young, particularly, develop it. Editors MILLER and WALKER took offense at 
a comment in the Baltimore Sun critical of their paper and "our backwoods language." 
"If our hurried editorial effusions do not suit the literary appetite of the editor 
of the Sun," they declared, "we have at least the consolation to inform him they 
are original--not borrowed." They declared the Catoctin Valley area observed the 
motto "by industry we thrive," and expressed the hope that "the yeomonry (sic) of 
Middletown Valley will bear with us in our mental infirmities, and continue to 
encourage our industrious avocation."

Many advertisements and announcements that appeared in the first issue (see 
"Middletown,1st Newspaper-1841" on this site), were repeated. New were these:

Camp Meetings:  United Brethren in Christ on land of Samuel DEANER near the 
Turnpike road leading from Boonsboro to Sharpsburg, 1 1/2 miles from the former 
place. Methodist Episcopal Church on land of George W. HOFFMAN, 11/2 miles
west of Jefferson. (Signed) Henry G. DILL.

T. WHITTER purchases wheat at the Frederick Market.

Geo. W. PADGETT "lately commenced the Tinning business, in Burkettsville."

Tobias HORINE, jr., administrator of the estate of Tobias HORINE, sr., "late 
of Frederick County, deceased," called for claims against and payments due 
the estate.

John HERRING, of C. reported that two heifers, about 15 months old, came to 
his farm, adjoining Middletown in July.  He requested the owner/owners to 
"prove property," pay charges and take them away.

Christopher MICHAEL, executor, called for persons who gave their notes at 
the personal estate sale of Frederick STEMBEL, deceased, to pay up or he 
would place them in the hands of officers of collection. {This notice 
appeared upside down.}

The Maryland State Agricultural Society announced its second annual two-day 
fair at Ellicott's Mills.  Society membership was $1. Allen THOMAS, John S. 
WILLIAMS, Charles CARROLL, Arthur PUE, Jr., and Edw'd HAMMOND were members 
of the executive committee, B. U. CAMPBELL, secretary. "Editors of newspapers 
. . . will render a public service by giving this notice a few insertions." 

Henry R. SMELTZER, near Middletown, offered a $15 reward for return of a 
large red pocket book or wrapper containing patent deeds, power of attorney 
for patent rights and land, notes of hand and accounts.  He was "not positive" 
if any money was in it.  He said he lost it last Wednesday in Baltimore or 
between there and Middletown.  He asked that it be returned to the Three 
Tuns Tavern in Baltimore or the Middletown Post Office. "The Baltimore Sun 
will copy the above to the amount of $1, and send the account to this office 
for collection."

"Attention Huntsmen!"  William H. WENTZELLL, gun smith, in the shop formerly 
occupied by Jacob BERGER, West Patrick St., Frederick, "is prepared to make 
to order, or repair, shot guns, rifles, muskets, Bowie knives, etc."
Weavers and dyers were east and west of Middletown:  Andrew KARG. 1/2 east 
of Middletown; Jonh (sic) WISE,sr, 1 1/2 miles west of Middletown on the 
Sharpsburg Road, " manufacturing of Coverlets, Lindseys of all kinds, 
Counterpanes, twilled bagging, Diaper, Table cloths Linen, Carpeting, etc. 
He will also colour, cottons, woolen goods, silks, merinoes, crapes, 
etc. . . . in a neat substantial manner and with dispatch."

Middletown tailors:  David BOIDEAU, hoped customers would continue their 
patronage to "enable him to maintain his little ones without cabbaging (sic)."  
Perry G. THOMAS promised "his work shall be unsurpassed and a good fit 
warranted in every instance."

Jonathan DOUP offered a liberal reward and his thanks to anyone who returned 
a black and white spotted bull with horns, about 15 months old, and very 
large for his age.  It strayed from his farm near the farm of John BACHTOL 
on the road leading from Bealsville about 1 1/2 miles north of Middletown.

A large ad for Graham's "Lady's and Gentleman's Magazine proclaimed subscriptions 
had doubled and a new volume was being issued.  It would contain new features 
including rich original engravings, colored fashions, more of the best writers, 
sports and pastimes coverage, new type and paper and the choicest pieces of 
new and popular music for piano and guitar so "subscribers in remote country 
towns  can always have the latest music."  Cash in advance, $3 per single 
subscription, $5 for two, postage paid.  Geo. R. GRAHAM, S.W. Corner 3rd and 
Chestnut, Phila.

A communication of William WILEY of New York was published with comments on 
the charge against him "of receiving the money of the Frederick County Bank, 
knowing it to be stolen money." "A" (anonymous ?) said he (?) was "much pleased" 
with an article on "Composition" in an earlier issue and discussed the education 
system. A "Farmer's Cabinet" column offered tips and notes on crops from around 
the country, many sourced to other newspapers.  On the lighter side a "Variety" 
column had jokes and humorous commentary.

There were no birth, death or marriage notices.

Submitted by - Rob Roy RATLIFF - April 2004

Old News Abstracts

Frederick MDGenWeb

Dorinda Shepley
Last revised: January 20, 2024
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