

Washington Co, Maryland

Books 1-10 - 1782-1805

These are abstracts from the Washington County Judgment Books. These records include:
  • Debt Claims (predominantly), followed by Assault & Battery and Thefts.
  • Also, Selling Wine or Liquor Without a License, Keeping a Disorderly House,
    Playing Cards on the Sabbath, Disorderly Conduct, Obstructing Roads
  • Requests or Licenses for Retail Liquor, Houses of Entertainment and Ferries
  • Applications to be Submitted to the Bar
  • Setting Rates of items to be sold by Tavern Keepers and Rates for Ferries.
  • Inquisitions (extracted to Deaths Section, Washington County, Inquisitions)
  • Naturalizations (extracted to Chancery Section, Washington County, Naturalizations)
  • Slave/Negro Listings (extracted to African American Section - except for Inquistions)
  • Estate (Chancery/Equity) included in these judgments

Only the cases of those indicating family connections or 'oddities' have been abstracted.

  • Retail Liquor Licenses - April 1798 - BRELL, Rudolphus; sureties, Jacob T. TOWSON and Samuel ROSS - CLAGETT, Benjamin - sureties, Cephas BEALL and George PRICE - CLAGETT, John (& FORMAN); sureties, Peter HEFFLIOCK and Nicholas SMITH - COFFRODE, Conrad; sureties, Henry MIDDLECALF and John FRANEY - FERGUSON, James - sureties, John KENNEDY, John DOWNEY and Robert DOUGLASS - GONTER, John - sureties, William HEYSER and George SHANK - HEFFLICK, Peter; sureties, Daniel NEED and Peter MILLER - HENOP, Philip and Lewis HENOP; sureties, Jacob HARRY and John KIGER - KELLER, Christian - sureties, Martin KREPS and Abraham LEIGHTER - MILLER, John; sureties, Fittus RINEHART and George BEIGLER - PINKLEY, George; sureties, Robert DOUGLASS and Peter MILLER - STEINBECK, Frederick; sureties, George GAREY and William ZEIGLER - TOWSON, Jacob T.; sureties, John HOGG and Henry HICKROTE - TYSON, Benjamin; sureties, George SMITH and Rezin DAVIS [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 1 - 1782-1798]
  • House of Entertainment Licenses - April 1798 - BENNETT, Aquila; sureties, John SUMMERS and Jacob SPEALMAN - BRUNER, Jacob; sureties, John SHAW and Christian LONGNAKER - CLARK, Alexander E; sureties, Jonathan HAGER and Abraham DITTO - CLARKE, Joseph Sr; sureties, Owen ROBEY and Henry SOYSTER - COLLINS, Matthias; sureties, Frederick WOLF and Henry ARNSBERGER - CONODE, Jacob; sureties, John SHAW and Joseph ZIMMERMAN - CONODE, Matthias; sureties, George SMITH and Benjamin TYSON - COOK, David; sureties, David HARRY and Jacob TUTWILER - COOKASS, Adam; sureties, Henry MIDDLECALF and John FRANEY - DOWNEY, Joseph; sureties, John SLEIGH and William STURR - HAGER, Jonathan; sureties, Charles McCAULLEY and Henry SHROEDER - HICKROTE, Henry; sureties, Jacob T. TOWSON and John HOGG - KAPP, Michael; sureties, George NAVE and Jacob TUTWILER - KERSHNER, George; sureties, Delashmut WALLING and Abraham DITTO - LAPE, Henry; sureties, Peter WOLTZ and Henry PENCE - LONGMAN, John; sureties, Frederick WOLF and Johnn BEDEBENDER - MUGG, Thomas; sureties, Thomas CRAMPTON and Henry EAKLE - MYERS, Frederick; sureties, George SMITH and Henry MIDDLECALF - SHALL, George; sureties, Christian HAWKEY and George PINKLEY - SHUMAN, Thomas; sureties, Peter WELTZ and Jacob SCHNEBLY - SMITH, John; sureties, George BREATHED and Henry PENCE - SMITH, Nicholas; sureties, Daniel NEED and John REYNOLDS - SNAVELY, Casper; sureties, Rezin DAVIS and Thomas CRAMPTON - SOYSTER, Henry; sureties, John KISINGER and William S. COMPTON - SPOON, Philip; sureties, Devault MERCER and Christian PINKLER - STOVER, John; sureties, George NAVE and John KISINGER - ZEIGLER, William; sureties, George GAREY and Frederick STEINBECK [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 1 - 1782-1798]
  • Licenses for Ferries - 1796-1798 - RITTER's Ford on Conococheague Creek - John RITTER - ARDINGER, Christian - sureties Jacob HARRY and Jonathan HAGAR at Williams Port and across the mouth of Conococheague Creek. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2; page 13 - Dec 1795] - CREEMER, Godfrey - sureties, Jacob KERSHNER and Jesse JONES; over Ritter's Ford on Conococheague Creek [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 3; pg 222 - April 1797] - HOUSER, Isaac - sureties, John WAGGONER and Jacob MYERS; over the Potomack River at mouth of Little Conococheague at Houser's Landing. [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 3; pg 225-226 - April 1797]

  • BETITIANNER John BETITIANNER, adm/of Leonard BETITIANNER vs Joseph CHAPLINE, yeoman - Debt - 12 Apr 1798 Leonard BETITIANNER held a note for 500 pounds against Joseph CHAPLINE on 29 Aug 1793. Joseph CHAPLINE sold Jacob BARKMAN a tract of 50 acres on "Blooming Plain", who then sold it to Leonard BETITIANNER. A writ of Ejection was filed against Leonard by George SCOTT who pretends to claim title. Leonard BETITIANNER died between 12 Dec 1795 and Apr 1798. In Apr 1801, Court was unable to decide the case and referred it to the General Court in Annapolis for May 1801. [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 5, pgs 788-792] =====
  • BOONS George BOONS vs Richard FINN, George Scott Sr and John BRANTERER - Eviction before Expiration of Lease - Jan 1803 LAND - "Fellowship", 1 acre, being Lots #11 & 12 in Boonsberry Town. Leased to John DENN by George BOON for 15 years from 31 Dec 1802. On 1 Jan 1803, DENN was forced off the land by Richard FINN with staves and knives and is asking for 100 pounds cm in damages and also possession of the property. - filed Feb 1803 [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 9, pgs 203-205] =====
  • BOYD - SHIMER - HOUSER Isaac HOUSER vs John SHIMER, farmer - Debts & Appeal - 10 Jan 1793 John SHIMER and Delashmut WALLING were indebted to Isaac HOUSER for 74 pounds, 18 shillings and an 8 pence and 700 pounds of tobacco. Judgment against John SHIMER for 37 pounds, 9 shillings and 4 pence in Apr 1794. In another case, Isaac HOUSER had a judgment against William BOYD, but later refused to provide a release. William BOYD was afterwards killed by the Indians. Judgment upheld. Closed Apr 1796. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2; page 469-476] =====
  • BRILE - KENNEDY George LOCKE vs Joseph KENNEDY, yeoman, & w/ Adrianna - Debt Claim - 7 Dec 1802 Joseph KENNEDY was married to Adrianna BRILE; but before the marriage, Adrianna signed a note on 20 Sep 1802 for 2,000 pounds cm to be paid to George LOCKE as guardian of her three sons: - William BRILE - Johannes BRILE - Cornelius BRILE Bail for the couple was posted by William S. COMPTON. The court awarded George LOCKE the 2,000 pounds cm plus 555 pounds of tobacco for damages. - 26 Aug 1804. [Washington County Judgment Book 7, pg 724-728] =====
  • CHAPLINE Ruhamah CHAPLINE vs William WYDMIER / WHITMER - Petition for 1/3 dower - 2 Aug 1790 LAND - Lot of .5 acre in Sharpsburgh, 5 acres (out lot). To Ruhamah, wid/of Joseph CHAPLINE, from William WHITMER, late of WC, farmer. Court found Joseph never possessed that place and ruled in favor of WHITMER with Ruhannah to pay 551 pounds of tobacco. Petition rebuked because in Jan 1764, the said lot was in Frederick County and it was claimed Joseph sold it to Jacob STORM and Ruhamah relinquished her dower. A patent to Edmund CARTLEDGE of Prince Georges Co of warrant in Jul 1737 was deeded from him to Joseph CHAPLINE, but court refused for it to be read to the jury. (Royal mines excepted in 3 Oct 1737) Appealed to Court of Western Shore - James CHAPLINE claimed Joseph was in possession of land called "Hickory Tavern", 200 acres, lying between Conococheague and Antietam and by Garretson's Spring on west side of Antietam Creek. Improved with a house with kitchen, an office, barn, stable and still house. Deed to Joseph CHAPLINE from Edmund CARTLEDGE (w/ Elizabeth) of North Carolina and Joseph Chapline of FC for 200 pounds of cm of MD (written Aug 1757) in Jul 1763 [WC Deed H-530]. Higher court reversed findings and awarded Ruhamah 1,308 pounds of tobacco. Closed 4 Jun 1794. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 1; pages 88-103] =====
  • CRAIG - FLINT State of Maryland for use of Rachel CRAIG vs William FLINT, John PROTZMAN and Alexander McFARRAN - Support of Child - 31 Jan 1803 Petition that William FLINT shall not keep this child sworn to him by Rachel CRAIG off the county for seven years from 19 Oct 1802. On 23 Jan 1803, John PROTZMAN served an order on William FLINT in favor of Rachel CRAIG for $30, but FLINT refused to pay. Also, Elias STILWELL had not received any part of the monies. Court found against the defendants and ordered payment of 287 pounds of tobacco. - Aug 1803 [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 8, pgs 209-211] =====
  • DOWNIE / DOWNEY - SLAVES Joseph DOWNIE vs William DOWNIE - Partition of Land - 15 Apr 1796 Robert DOWNEY d/ Mar 1755 widow - Susannah s/ Robert DOWNEY d/ in minority, intestate, without issue s/ Samuel DOWNEY d/ c1888 .......William DOWNEY d/ Elizabeth DOWNEY d/ Mary DOWNEY d/ in minority, intestate, without issue d/ Susannah DOWNEY d/ Easter DOWNEY d/ in minority, intestate, without issue s/ Joseph DOWNEY, a posthumas child SLAVES - negro man WILL, negro woman RACHEL and her increase (to son Robert) - negro boy DICK, negro girl KATT and her increase (to son Samuel) LAND - Land partly in Maryland and partly in Pennsylvania in the fork of Antietam Creek; sold to David DEMKIN. Monies to daughter Elizabeth; if he fails to pay for it, then land to daughter Elizabeth. - East half of "Resurvey on Chester", 194 acres; to daughter Mary. - "Second Resurvey on Downey's Lott", 113 acres on the south side; Exception is 10 acres for the Meeting House (to daughter Esther). - "Resurvey on Downey's Strife", 316 acres; to be conveyed by Peter RENCH. ....."Resurvey on Downey's Lott", 113 acres (to son Robert, home place) ....."Resurvey on Downey's Lott", 34 acres (to son Samuel) ....."Downey's Lot", 50 acres by patent (but was 58 acres)(to son Samuel) If Robert should die without issue, his share to Samuel and Samuel's share to his four sisters. Execs/ the widow and brother, James DOWNING Witnesses: Joseph CHAPLINE, Peter RENCH, Jennett OFEA/OSEA, James DOWNEY (Will written 5 Nov 1754; filed 19 Mar 1755 - Washington Co, MD) Elizabeth and Susannah sold their shares to Samuel BACKLEY. Joseph sold his share to Christopher THROWINGER eight years ago. Samuel DOWNEY died about nine years ago and his part descended to his son, William DOWNEY who is a minor. John DOWNEY, his cousin, was his guardian. Division of land on 22 Dec 1780 - "Downey's Lott", 58 acres: - 14.5 acres to Joseph DOWNEY as agreed with brother Samuel. Shares were swapped between Samuel and Joseph, but no deeds were made. Remaining amount in question: - Half of 1/4 of 34 acres for William - Half of 1/4 of 58 acres for Joseph. Closed Apr 1796. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 517-527] =====
  • GARTENHOOVER - McNAMEE - MILLER 118-124 - Jacob GARDENHOOVER vs Jacob MYERS, Peter MYERS, John RITCHIE, Robert HUFFMAN, Daniel KEEDY - Petition to Divide Land - Apr 1796 Jacob GARTENHOOVER d/ 11 Oct 1794, intestate s/ Jacob GARDENHOOVER d/ Mary w/o Job McNAMEE d/ Catharine w/o Jonathan MILLER s/ John GARDENHOOVER, a minor LAND - "Hunting the Hare", 50 acres (surveyed at 43 acres) and "Alston's Forrest", 62 acres (surveyed at 55 acres), totals 98 acres. Valued at 563 pounds, ten shillings cm of MD. Guardian was Richard HENDERSON. Eldest son to take estate and pay siblings their share. Closed Dec 1796. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 1 - pgs 118-124] =====
  • GOLL Catharine GOLL, Nathaniel ROCHESTER and Samuel HUGHES Jr., adms/of Baltzer GOLL (died intestate) vs James McCARDELL Sr. - Collection of Debt - 17 Dec 1799 James McCARDELL Sr, tobacconist, James McCARDELL Sr, tobacconist and Christian HOCKEY, gunsmith, all of Elizabeth Town became indebted by note to Baltzer GOLL, hatter, also of Elizabeth Town for 100 pounds on 9 Nov 1793. The court found in favor of the complainants with an additional 10 pounds to be paid by James McCARDELL Sr. Defendant was released by Insolvent Act. Closed 14 Apr 1801. [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 5, pgs 869-874] =====
  • GOLL - BELTZHOOVER George BELTZHOOVER & w/ Catharine (formerly Catharine GOLL), Nathaniel ROCHESTER and Samuel HUGHES Jr, adm/of Baltzer GOLL vs John STORK - Collection of Debt - Dec 1800. Court ordered John STORK to pay 18 pounds, 4 shillings and 10 pence cm for the debt and 35 pounds cm for damages and 493 pounds of tobacco. - 10 Aug 1803 [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 8, pgs 449-453] =====
  • HAGER Jacob BELTZHOOVER vs Jonathan HAGER, inn keeper - Broken Apprentice Agreement - 13 Jan 1800 Per Articles of Agreement dated 15 Feb 1796, Jacob HAGER, then 17 and son of Jonathan HAGER, agreed to be bound as an apprentice to Jacob BELTZHOOVER of Pennsylvania, a tanner, to learn the trade of tannery and currying of leather for a period of two and half years. Jonathan HAGER was to provide food, clothing and shelter. It was also stated that BELTZHOOVER was permitted to remove Jacob HAGER out of the state of Maryland to Pitts Burgh. BELTZHOOVER claimed Jacob HAGER left before the two and a half years were up, breaking the agreement. BELTZHOOVER asked for 100 pounds in damages for breach of covenant and 675 pounds of tobacco for costs. Judgment was renered and plantiff agreed to release the damages on payment of 45 shillings cm. - 15 Apr 1801 [Washington County Judgment Book 7, pgs 54-60] =====
  • HAGER - LEWIS William DOWNEY, use of Dr. Samuel YOUNG vs Henry M. LEWIS & w/ Mary - 4 Feb 1804 Mary, the w/o Henry W. LEWIS, was the exec/of Jonathan HAGER and HAGER was indebted for 200 pounds MD currency. Suit was transferred to the General Court in Annapolis. - 2 Feb 1805 [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 9, pgs 114-117] =====
  • HALL - TAYLOR Thomas B. HALL by guardian Otho H. WILLIAMS vs Ignatius TAYLOR - 24 Jun 1804 Thomas Henry HALL d/ 8 Nov 1788, testate w/ Barbara, now w/o Ignatius TAYLOR s/ Thomas Bowie HALL, a minor LAND - Devised to son Thomas B. HALL. From his mother's remarriage until 23 Dec 1800, when Otho H. WILLIAMS was appointed as his guardian, Ignatius TAYLOR has been working the land. WILLIAMS has asked the court to have the land and rents valued with 1/3 deduction for the dower of Barbara with balance to the minor. The court found in favor of the plantiff and ordered Ignatius TAYLOR to pay 1,734 pounds, 11 shillings and 9 pence cm for rents of the real estate of Thomas B. HALL. - 7 May 1805 [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 9, pgs 155-157] =====
  • HELM Ignatius SIMMS vs Thomas HELM - Theft - 8 Aug 1792 LAND - "Resurvey on Charle Mount", 69 acres. Sublet by Joseph HELM to Ignatius SIMMS (sureties Willliam LEE and Alexander CLAGETT) for yearly rent in 17 Mar 1773. Joseph HELM d/ 6 Apr 1792, intestate s/ Thomas HELM, eldest son, a minor (his guardian, Ambrose GEOGHEGAN) Ignatius SIMMS failed to make yearly payments, so Ambrose GEOGHEGAN, as guardian, confiscated a bay mare and a dark brown horse from him. Case of SIMMS was dismissed and he was ordered to pay 20 pounds for damages to Thomas HELM. Closed 12 Dec 1792. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 1; pages 71-76] =====
  • HOGMIRE - DAVIS - SMITH - GEARHART - McCOY Samuel HOGMIRE, Jonas HOGMIRE, Benjamin HOGMIRE, Conrad HOGMIRE, Henry HOGMIRE, Robert DAVIS & w/ Susanna, Thomas SMITH & w/ Mary, Christian GEARHART & w/ Catharine and Daniel HOGMIRE vs John McCOY Sr. - Boundary Dispute - 18 Jan 1802 LAND - "Long Timber", adjoined "Scared from Home". John McCOY Sr was accused of entering and removing 100 Hickory trees and 100 Oak trees at a value of 200 pounds. After another survey was done, the jury found McCOY not guilty; however. the testimony from John BOWERS, who was onsite when the original survey was done on "Long Timber", was withheld from the jury. Appeal made to the General Court in Annapolis. - Feb 1804. [Washington County Judgment Book 7, pg 327-338] =====
  • LEWIS - LAURENCE Upton LAURENCE & w/ Elizabeth vs Henry W. LEWIS & w/ Mary Magdalena - Partition of Land - 4 Mar 1803 LAND - "Addition to Hager's Delight", 4,000 acres - "Hager's Fancy", 150 acres - "Hager's Delight", 5,000 acres - "New Work", 500 acres - Mary w/o Henry W. LEWIS (1/3 share for her life estate) .....(Stone house and brick addition on SW corner of Lot #10 in Elizabeth Town; .....16 Lots #308-311, 277-282, 408-409, 418-420, 424; .....part of "Addition to Hager's Delight", 536.5 acres on road from Elizabeth Town to Hancock Town; .....parts of Hager's Fancy" and Hager's Delight, __ acres, on north side of road from Elizabeth Town to Ritter's Ford on Conococheague Creek) - Elizabeth w/o Upton LAURENCE (2/3 share) .....Rest of Lot #12 in Elizabeth Town and rest of real estate - 2 July 1803 (included metes and bounds) [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 8, pgs 488-493] =====
  • McCONNAMY - SINEN - WARNER Susannah McCONNAMY, a minor, by her next friend Jeremiah SINEN vs Paul WARNER, yeoman - Broken Indenture Agreement - Dec 1794 Indenture on 20 Sep 1777 bound Susannah, d/o William McCONNAMY, to Paul WARNER for 15 years and 9 months. In return for being his servant, he was to teach her to read the bible, write, and provide her with food, shelter and clothing; upon the expriation of her term, he was to give her a new suit of clothes, besides her wearing suit, a cow, a feather bed and a spinning wheel (freedom dues). He failed and has refused to do that; petitioned for 40 pounds cm. The court ruled in her favor and she was awarded 5 pounds. Closed 7 May 1796. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1795-1796; page 466-470] =====
  • McKIERNAN Patrick TIERNAN, Natty O'FARRAN and Lawrence McKIERNAN adms/of Michael McKIERNAN vs Amos YATES, yeoman - Debt Collection - Oct 1803 Amos YATES was ordered to pay the 13 pounds, 7 shillings and 5 pence and also 40 pounds cm for damages. [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 8, pgs 797-801] =====
  • MOUDY - BESORE John BESORE and George MOUDY, execs/of Barney BESORE, use of Catharine BESORE vs George MOUDY and Casper MOUDY, adms/of Baltzer MOUDY - 19 Jan 1804 Summoned George LINNWILER and Michael BESORE regarding their note for payment of $55 VA currency (equals 25 pounds, 12 shillings and 5 pence) to Barney BESORE (Bernhard BEASSHOER), since 26 March 1798. The court awarded the plantiffs 55 pounds cm as the debt and 25 pounds cm for damages. - 23 Feb 1805 --- Baltzer MOUDY owed 21 pounds cm on a note to Barney BESORE since 4 Sep 1797. The court awarded the plantiffs the 21 pounds cm and 25 pounds cm for damages. - 22 Feb 1805 [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 9, pgs 56-59] =====
  • MURDOCK State of Maryland vs John MURDOCK - Theft - Feb 1804 John MURDOCK was accused of stealing goods of Philip CREAGER on 22 Nov 1803 as claimed by CREAGER and John HOLLAND. The jury found him guilty and ordered he be taken to the public whipping post and receive 20 lashes on his bare back. [Washington County Judgment Book 7, pgs 650-652] =====
  • ORR State of Maryland vs George ORR - Unlawful Detention - April 1798 Taking and detaining the wife of his brother, John ORR. [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 3 - 1796-1798; page 35] =====
  • PIPER - HYED State of Maryland for use of Barbary PIPER vs William HYED, Jacob ORNDORFF and John ORNDORFF - Child Support - 3 Feb 1804 William HYED was indebted for 30 pounds cm on 24 Jan 1803. He was said to be the father of an illegitimate child born to Barbary PIPER. He had been ordered to pay Barbary PIPER $7.50 but failed to do so. The court found in favor of the plantiff plus 310 pounds of tobacco for damages. - 22 Feb 1805 [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 9, pgs 96-97] =====
  • POFFENBERGER Christian POFFENBERGER vs Henry EAKLE, adm/of Valentine POFFEBERGER - Debt - Jun 1799 Valentine POFFENBERGER was indebted to Christian POFFENBERGER in April 1795; however, Valentine died intestate, probably early 1799. Administrator was Henry EAKLE. [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 5, 180-185] =====
  • RICKENBAUGH - ZELLER Jacob ZELLER (also GELLER), adm/of Martin RICKENBAUGH vs Henry BECKLEY - 7 Feb 1804 Henry BECKLEY owed $135.56 cm of MD on 4 Dec 1801. The court ruled in favor of the plantiff and ordered BECKLEY to pay the debt and 100 pounds cm for damages adn 481 pounds of tobacco. - 22 Feb 1805 [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 9, pgs 125-129] =====
  • RIDENOUR - BETZ Christian BETZ & w/ Eve vs Elizabeth RIDENOUR, et al - Dower - 18 Sep 1803 Eve BETZ was formerly the w/o John RIDENOUR, dec'd. She obtained judgment for dower against: - Elizabeth RIDENOUR - Mathias RIDENOUR - Polly RIDENOUR - Jonathan RIDENOUR LAND - "Henry's Last Shift", Nicholas RIDENOUR's "Pond" and "Addition to Henry's Last Shift". Survey for the widow's dower was made with metes and bounds for 29 7/8 acres; 6 acres in timber and 3/4 acre in meadow, with house and other buildings and part of the orchard. Also surveyed 16 5/8 acres on second tract which had 6 acres cleared and the rest in timber. Charges of 403 pounds of Tobacco was also assessed for damages and awarded with the dower. - 24 Nov 1803. [Washington County Judgment Book 7, pg 573-575] =====
  • SHEPLEY Benjamin SHEPLEY vs Daniel WISELE - Broken Indenture Agreement - 2 Apr 1801 Petition of Richard SHEPLEY states Benjamin SHEPLEY was 11 years old on the 13th of June 1790 and on 27 Aug 1790 became an apprentice to Daniel WISELE to learn the trade of sadler and was to be taught to read, write and Cypher (Math), as the rule of three. Upon expiration of the term of apprenticeship, he was to receive a suit of clothes and tools for the profession. The term has expired and WISELE didn't teach him the trade of sadler nor provide any learning the rule of three. During his apprenticeship, Benjamin was badly clothed and laboured at work not related to a sadler and was ill treated. Requested 300 pounds for damages. The jury found Daniel WISELE guilty and approved damages of 75 pounds cm and 855 pounds of tobacco. - 16 Aug 1802 [Washington County Judgments - Book 6, pgs 594-598] =====
  • STIDINGER - OTT - GARLOCK Adam OTT, adm/of Magdalena STIDINGER vs John GARLOCK - Theft - 3 Jun 1800 John GARLOCK was accused of taking a 30-hour clock and case belonging to Magdalena STIDINGER. Magdalena STIDINGER died between Apr 1801 and Feb 1802. Her adminstrator was Adam OTT. The jury found in her favor and awarded damages of 13 pounds, 2 shillings and 6 pence. - Feb 1802. [Washington County Judgment Book 7, pgs 348-351] =====
  • WILL - FAUGHT - RYDENHOUR State of Maryland vs John WILL, alias George FAUGHT - Theft - 18 Feb 1805 Stealing a bay mare of Jacob RYDENHOUR on 29 Sep 1804. Testimony from Jacob RYDENHOUR, Isaac RYDENHOUR and John RINE. Found guilty and sentenced to 3 years and 6 months on the public roads of Baltimore County; he was to be taken to the Care of Criminals in Baltimore County. John WILL, alias George FAUGHT was also charged with theft of a saddle from Isaac RIDENOUR on 1 Sep 1804. Found guilty again and ordered to serve an additional 6 months. [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 8, pgs 696-700] =====

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