Coroners Inquisitions

Washington Co, Maryland

Book 12 - 1906-1911

Coroners Inquisitions are investigations into the deaths of individuals who died by a sudden, violent, unnatural, or suspicious manner, or who died without medical attendance. The coroner would summon a jury of twelve white men, usually prominent citizens of that locality, to assist him in determining cause of death.

Additional information may be found in Judgment records [Book 23].

  • BAXTER, Ralph - at Hagerstown - 4 Mar 1907 - by Ernest HOFFMAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death - Ralph was engineer on Extra #87, a westbound train, which collided head-on with an eastbound train on the tracks of the Cumberland Valley Railroad; he came to his death near Maugansville on the evening of 3 March 1907. Collusion caused by negligence of George E. VAN KIRK, the telegraph operator at Mason-Dixon Station on the C. V. Railroad. Jury found railroad shouldn't have employed boys in a position where they were in control of the safety of passengers and fellow employees. - Witnesses: A. Lincoln SWEET, Charles E. JOHEE, John E. MARKER, John William LAUB, John R. RYOE, M. D. DUNFORD, George Van KIRK, Charles A. PEPPLE, Russel F. SMITH, Gerward L. ELLROTT, H. A. LOGUE. [Book 12, 28-29] (Filed 7 Mar 1907, Judgment Liber 23, 111)
  • BICKEL, Ross H., of Dauphin Co, PA - at Williamsport - 16 Dec 1908 - by J. C. HERSHBERGER, J.P., acting coroner - Death - Ross was an employee for the Washington and Berkeley Bridge Company and was doing structural work on constructing bridge across the Potomac River at Williamsport. On the morning of 16 Dec 1908, Ross came to his death as a result injuries from falling girders, extended from pier #9 to pier #10. It was found inferior materials were used and time needed for girders to set was not allowed before additional construction, causing the collapse. [Book 12, 62-68] (Filed 24 Dec 1908, Judgment Liber 23, 145)
  • BOODRY, Scott W. - at Williamsport, District #2 - 12 Aug 1907 - by John L. CHRISMAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from drowning in the canal on night of 11 Aug; body was recovered 12 Aug at 8:30 am. No marks of violence. Undertaker J. F. KREPS was instructed to take charge of the body. - Dr. E. H. GAITHER - Witnesses: - Harry JEROLEMAN, who was steering the boat, stated BOODRY was asleep on canal boat #10 (Captain Charles DELOWNEY, who was not on board) on the cabin deck and he called him to throw out line to driver to tie up the boat for the night. Decedent aroused and fell to the plank, got up again and fell into the canal. He called to him but received no response; then called the driver to stop, which he did. It was 10:30 pm, 11 Aug 1907. - Benton BENDER, who was driving mules on the towpath, didn't see or hear anything until JEROLEMAN called to him to stop. He notified Constable KELSER and they and Thomas HOOVER made efforts to recover the body during the night but were unsuccessful. - Personal effects - Masters Certificate for sick or disabled seamen, business cards of New Bedford, Mass. Liquor dealers, name card of Len MORRIS of New Bedford, Massachusetts, pocket knife, 10 cents, two dice. Some money was raised for burial expenses. [Book 12, 38-40] (Filed 24 Aug 1907, Judgment Liber 23, 121)
  • BOWERS, Russell - at MAIN's Furniture in Hagerstown - 20 Jul 1906 - by Elias B. HARTLE, J.P., acting coroner - Death - about 4:30 pm, he went up on an elevator at Main's Furniture Factory and started the elevator and was accidentally crushed by the elevator and died instantly. - Doctor and four Witnesses, not named. [Book 12, 15-16] (Filed 21 Jul 1906, Judgment Liber 23, 101)
  • BROOKS, George - near Sandy Hook - 15 Dec 1906 - by William M. CLARK, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from being struck by a train in the B & O tunnel near Sandy Hook. - Witnesses: Ambrose WHETZ, Willie VALENTINE, Henry BELL, Joseph HOPEWELL, Corbett HAURS, Alice BELL. [Book 12, 23-25] (Filed 17 Dec 1906, Judgment Liber 23, 110)
  • CLEVENGER, J. W. - at Hancock - 15 Oct 1910 - by W. M. CLARK, J.P., acting coroner - Death - by suicide from pistol shot while temporarily insane on 14 Oct 1910. [Book 12, 96-97] (Filed 22 May 1911, Judgment Liber 23, 179)
  • CLINE, Minnie - at Sandy Hook - 23 Aug 1906 - by W. M. CLARK, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from electric shock while using the telephone at her residence. - Witnesses: Eli JOHNSON, J. B. JOHNSON. [Book 12, 17-20] (Filed 27 Aug 1906, Judgment Liber 23, 109)
  • COOK, Clinton - at Hagerstown - 24 May 1910 - by Elias B. HARTLE, J.P., acting coroner - Death - Clinton was repairing wires of the American Union Telephone Company on Summit Ave in Hagerstown and came to his death by coming in contact with a live electric wire, without insulation, belonging to the Hagerstown Street Railway Company, near and on same pole where he was working. It was recommended the proper authorities take action to remedy the numerous electric wires lacking insulation in various parts of Hagerstown. - Witnesses: three, names not provided. [Book 12, 80-81] (Filed 25 May 1910, Judgment Liber 23, 154)
  • DICKERSON, Jake - near Charlton Station - 22 Jan 1906 - by T. Belt JOHNSON, J.P., acting coroner - Death from being stuck by Train #350 on the Western Maryland Rail Road on 21 Jan 1906 at 6 pm, immediately after the train drawn by the engine was going west. - Dr. H. C. FOSTER - Witnesses: - H. H. EPERLY stated they saw him walking down the middle of the track and blew the whistle but the engine struck him. Man was going east and the train was going west. - Peter(?) HOSE stated he was about 200 yards away from where the man was killed; he didn't hear the whistle or bell, but light enough to see a train 150 yards away. He wasn't there when the man was killed. - Harry BREWER stated he was on his way home from the SNYDER farm; he didn't hear any bells or whistle. [Book 12, 6-9] (Filed 30 Jan 1906, Judgment Liber 23, 94)
  • FLOOD, Harry - near Mercerville - 11 Jul 1909 - by Van S. BRASHEARS, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from accidental drowning in the C & O Canal. - Dr. S. H. WAR____ - Witnesses: Herbert ATHEY, Henry LEWIS, Boyd ATHEY. [Book 12, 69-72] (Filed 19 Jul 1909, Judgment Liber 23, 148)
  • FLYNN, Aloysius Malacha - at Big Spring - 24 Aug 1910 - by J. Harry MOORE, J.P., acting coroner - Death - caused by being struck by a train running on the Western Maryland Railroad on the night of Aug 23 or 24, 1910. - Dr. Theo. BOOZ [Book 12, 82-83] (Filed 25 Oct 1910, Judgment Liber 23, 166)
  • FOUKE, D. E. and Harry M. GIGOUS - at Hagerstown - 23 Aug 1910 - by Ernest HOFFMAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death - Came to their death on 22 Aug 1910 due to the carelessness and failure to obey orders by Lewis S. HOPWOOD, conductor, and Charles B. EICHELBERGER, engineer, of the Western Maryland Railroad Train #204. - Witnesses: H. H. BUSY, William FLEIGH, Jacob SHEELEY, George McKANE, G. W. ROACH, John G. DOUGHERTY. [Book 12, 87-89] (Filed 22 Sep 1910, Judgment Liber 23, 167)
  • GIGOUS, Harry M. and D. E. FOUKE - at Hagerstown - 23 Aug 1910 - by Ernest HOFFMAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death - Came to their death on 22 Aug 1910 due to the carelessness and failure to obey orders by Lewis S. HOPWOOD, conductor, and Charles B. EICHELBERGER, engineer, of the Western Maryland Railroad Train #204. - Witnesses: H. H. BUSY, William FLEIGH, Jacob SHEELEY, George McKANE, G. W. ROACH, John G. DOUGHERTY. [Book 12, 87-89] (Filed 22 Sep 1910, Judgment Liber 23, 167)
  • HANES, Jesse - at Sample's Manor - 30 Apr 1906 - by W. M. CLARK, J.P., acting coroner - Death by accidentally falling into the canal and drowning at Lock #35 in the C & O Canal. - Witnesses: William REYNOLD, Charles GROVE. [Book 12, 12-14] (Filed 2 May 1906, Judgment Liber 23, 100)
  • HEWETT, William A. - at Bridgeport, near Shepherdstown - 3 Oct 1911 - by George M. SNAVELY, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from accidental fall from the N & W Rail Road Bridge across the Potomac River near Shephardstown, WV. - Dr. E. M. GARROTT [Book 12, 101-102] (Filed 23 Oct 1911, Judgment Liber 23, 211)
  • HOLMES, Horace - in Hagerstown - 20 May 1909 - by Ernest HOFFMAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death - Murdered by being stabbed through the heart with a knife by George GRASS. - Dr. J. R. LAUGHLIN - Witnesses: Moses LAKE, Matthew MILLER, Julia WAGNER, Fluetta WAGNER, LeRoy BROWN, Buz THOMPSON, Besie(?) HILL, George GROSS, and others not readable. [Book 12, 73-74] (Filed 21 May 1909, Judgment Liber 23, 147)
  • INGRAM, George W. - near Antietam Iron Works - 12 Oct 1907 - by James MARROW, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from accidental drowning in the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. - Dr. J. Howell GARDNER - Witnesses: Charles INGRAM, James INGRAM [Book 12, 41-43] (Filed 15 Nov 1907, Judgment Liber 23, 122)
  • JACKSON, Andrew - at Grove's Lock #34 on C & O Canal - 23 Apr 1911 - by W. M. CLARK, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from accidental drowning on 22 Apr 1911. [Book 12, 92-95] (Filed 25 Apr 1911, Judgment Liber 23, 179)
  • KREPS, Emory E. - at Williamsport - 14 Aug 1907 - by John L. CHRISMAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from gunshot wound at hands of unknown person; jury determined the killing was justified under the circumstances. - Dr. E. H. GAITHER - Witnesses: Frank TEMPLETON, John GEORGE, Frank E. NORCROSS, W. S. RICHARDSON, W. O. BOWSER, Frank HETZER, Katie BOWSER, Meta BOWSER, Llewellen KING, A. ROTH, C. G. KELSER, Howard WRIGHT, Richard BROWN, Frank LANCASTER, F. T. GODDARD, A. O. MURRY, Robert ARDINGER, Clyde CHRISMAN, Harry CHRISMAN, H. BLOOMBERG & wife, Dr. LEHER, Charles COPES. [Book 12, 34-37] (Filed 24 Aug 1907, Judgment Liber 23, 120)
  • LEE, Derwood - at Hagerstown - 1 Nov 1906 - by W. M. CLARK, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from a blow delivered by Jeny DORSEY at the Odd Fellow Hall on West Bethel St, between 10 and 11 pm. - Dr. S. M. WAGANAR, Dr. H. K. DEN - Witnesses: Ambrose WHETZ, Willie VALENTINE, Henry BELL, Joseph HOPEWELL, Corbett HAURS, Alice BELL. [Book 12, 21-22] (Filed 15 Nov 1906, Judgment Liber 23, 109-110)
  • LUIGI, Mazzetto - at Big Spring - 6 Dec 1905 - by T. Belt JOHNSON, J.P., acting coroner - Death by accidental explosion of dynamite near Four Locks on Wabash Railroad. The contractor was faulted for explosion. - Dr. H. C. FOSTER Witnesses: Dan EGAN, W. L. HALEY, R. K. KIDWELL. [Book 12,1-3] (Filed 5 Jan 1906, Judgment Liber 23, 93)
  • MALONE, Paul Lewis - in Indian Springs District - 16 Oct 1910 - by Alvey MILLS, J.P., acting coroner - Death - Murdered from being stabbed in the right arm on 15 Oct by Martin BRIDENDOLPH, alias Martin KRONTZ; Paul died several hours later. - Dr. Theo. BOOZ - Witnesses: 15, names not listed. [Book 12, 84-86] (Filed 21 Oct 1910, Judgment Liber 23, 167)
  • MALOTTE, Annie E. - at Williamsport - 13 Apr 1908 - by John L. CHRISMAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from suicide by drinking carbolic acid after being despondent. - Dr. W. S. RICHARDSON - Witnesses: Dick BROWN, Mary LAKE, William CORBY, Esther ARDINGER, Essie MURPHY, C. C. DOWNS, William STERLING, Dorothy GRIMES. [Book 12, 52-53] (Filed 14 Apr 1908, Judgment Liber 23, 127)
  • MATHEWS, R. C. - at Hagerstown - 9 Jan 1907 - by Ernest HOFFMAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from scalds and burns while working as a fireman on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad; caused by a crown sheet giving way. - Witnesses: J. C. BARGER, James FAUCETT, Mike BRENNAN, Oliver J. HILES, ____ CARVER, Charles E. SUTER. [Book 12, 26-27] (Filed 10 Jan 1907, Judgment Liber 23, 110)
  • McDOWELL, Maud - at Hagerstown - 3 Jul 1908 - by Ernest HOFFMAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from abortion produced by unknown means. - Dr. E. A. WAREHAM, Dr. O. H. W. RAGAN, Dr. H. K. DEU, Dr. S. M. WAGANER, Dr. D. A. WATKINS. - Witnesses: Mrs. George McDOWELL, George McDOWELL [Book 12, 57-58] (Filed 6 Jul 1908, Judgment Liber 23, 133-134)
  • McPHERSON, Thomas - at Linwood Station - 11 Feb 1908 - by Ernest HOFFMAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death - Cause undetermined, but believed to be exposure to the weather. - Witnesses: Joseph POWELL, Frank McPHERSON. [Book 12, 46-47] (Filed 24 Feb 1908, Judgment Liber 23, 123)
  • MILLER, Stanley U. - at Hagerstown - 7 Apr 1908 - by Elias B. HARTLE, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from tetanus due to wound above the left eye, inflicted by some missile thrown by Charles KAETZEL on 23 Mar 1908; thrown with no intention to injure MILLER who died 7 Apr 1908. - Dr. C. R. SCHELLER, Dr. S. W. UMSTOL - Witnesses: Erkson SAYLOR, Fred HOSE, William HOSE, Harry SEMLER, Paul MILLER, Edward MILLER [Book 12, 48-49] (Filed 10 Apr 1908, Judgment Liber 23, 126)
  • MOOREHEAD, Robert J. - at Roxbury - 9 Oct 1907 - by Elias B. HARTLE, J.P., acting coroner - Death - On afternoon of 7 Oct 1907, while driving alone in an automobile and going across the B & O Rail Road tracks at Roxbury Station, he accidentally collided with an eastbound extra freight train and died from injuries. The jury determined it to be a dangerous crossing and asked for a safety device or flagman be placed at said crossing; the crew of the train was exonerated of any blame. - Dr. V. M. REICHARD [Book 12, 44-45] (Filed 10 Oct 1907, Judgment Liber 23, 122)
  • OLD, Joshua - at Weverton - 29 Apr 1906 - by W. M. CLARK, J.P., acting coroner - Death by intentional murder from being shot in the chest by revolver at hands of Henry TURNER on the 28th of April 1906. - Dr. H. C. FOSTER - Witnesses: E. L. YOURTEE. [Book 12, 10-11] (Filed 1 May 1906, Judgment Liber 23, 99)
  • ORSANI, Orazio - at Four Locks - 8 Jan 1906 - by T. Belt JOHNSON, J.P., acting coroner - Death by premature explosion of dynamite on the Western Maryland Railroad improvements. No blame attached to the employers. - Dr. H. C. FOSTER [Book 12, 4-5] (Filed 10 Jan 1906, Judgment Liber 23, 93)
  • PLATT, J. W. - at Hagerstown - 5 Aug 1908 - by Elias B. HARTLE, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from gunshot wound by unknown person on 1 Aug 1908 by a .38 calibre revolver fired into his brain whereby he died instantly. - Dr. C. R. SCHELLER, Dr. D. A. WATKINS - Witnesses: 12, not named. [Book 12, 50-51] (Filed 6 Aug 1908, Judgment Liber 23, 132-133)
  • REYNOLD, William - at Pondsville; concluded at Smithsburg - 29-30 Sep 1908 - by J. H. FERGUSON, J.P., acting coroner - Death - Murder - Died instantly from gunshot wounds to the face and head on 29 Sep 1908; inflicted by Charles CLINE. - Dr. KEFAUVER - Witnesses: Ragon ALSIPE, Philip BARNES, Sarah POOL, Mary REYNOLDS, Edward KAILBAUGH, G. B. HOOVER, Cathrine BARNES. [Book 12, 59-61] (Filed 25 Nov 1908, Judgment Liber 23, 134)
  • ROMAN, Justus - at Hancock - 1 Jun 1910 - by Ernest HOFFMAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death - Murdered on 30 May 1910 by gunshot wound inflicted by Claude McCUSKER. - Witnesses: Two, names not listed. [Book 12, 90-91] (Filed 10 Jun 1910, Judgment Liber 23, 168)
  • ROOD, Leslie B. - at Harpers Ferry Lock - 17 Jul 1907 - by William M. CLARK, J.P., acting coroner - Death - accidentally drowned while swimming at Sandy Hook in the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal on 16 Jul 1907. Note - Leslie was a Private in Troop G, 13th Cavalry. The Captain who a wrote letter for report was stationed at Fort Myer, VA. [Book 12, 30-33] (Filed 18 Jul 1907, Judgment Liber 23, 120)
  • SCADDEN, John Elihu - at Beaver Creek - 18 Dec 1911 - by Ernest HOFFMAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death - Murdered by Willliam CRASS on 17 Dec 1911 from gunshot wound by revolver. - Dr. G. S. ERLEHART - Witnesses: Stella SCADDEN, J. S. MARSH, Jesse FULTON, David FULTON, Charles SCADDEN. [Book 12, 98-100] (Filed 29 Dec 1911, Judgment Liber 23, 210)
  • SCHNEBLY, John - near Fairview - 2 Sep 1909 - by J. Harry MOORE, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from natural causes. - Dr. C. T. MASON - Witnesses: four, names not provided. [Book 12, 77-79] (Filed 18 Jan 1910, Judgment Liber 23, 147)
  • WARNER, John - at Weverton - 2 Jun 1908 - by Oliver M. C. YOUNKINS, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from murder by being assaulted by an unknown person and then being thrown into the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal and/or by drowning; on 1 Jun 1908. (wrote neck broken, then crossed out) [Book 12, 54-56] (Filed 25 Jun 1908, Judgment Liber 23, 133)
  • WHITE, Mary E. - at Hagerstown - 8 Mar 1909 - by Elias B. HARTLE, J.P., acting coroner - Death - from septic poisoning due to an abortion performed upon herself; died on 5 Mar 1909. - No physician listed - Witnesses: 19, names not provided. [Book 12, 75-76] (Filed 8 Mar 1909, Judgment Liber 23, 145)
    The End of Book 12 of Washington Co, Maryland Inquisitions - 1906-1911

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