Coroners Inquisitions

Washington Co, Maryland

Book 9 - 1891-1896

Coroners Inquisitions are investigations into the deaths of individuals who died by a sudden, violent, unnatural, or suspicious manner, or who died without medical attendance. The coroner would summon a jury of twelve white men, usually prominent citizens of that locality, to assist him in determining cause of death.

Additional information may be found in Judgment records [Book 22].

  • UNKNOWN, man - at Williamsport - 6 Aug 1891 - by James E. HAWKEN, J.P., acting coroner - Death by accidental drowning in the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. - Dr. D. T. LESHER Witnesses: Benjamin ARDINGER, Josiah MEADS. [Book 9, 8-10] (Filed 21 Sep 1891, Judgment Liber 22, 418)
  • UNKNOWN, man - at Smithsburg - 28 Dec 1893 - by J. Irvin BITNER, J.P., acting coroner - Death - man was found hanging on the night of the 27th of December, in the cow stable of the barn belonging to George B. OSWALD; on road from Smithsburg to Wolfsville. Description: 5'6", bald, apparently poor. - Dr. William A. RIDDLEMOSER Witnesses: six witnesses, names not listed. [Book 9, 40-42] (Filed 2 Feb 1894, Judgment Liber 22, 439)
  • ANTONIO, Ricci - at Mountain Lock - 2 Aug 1891 - by William F. BLACKFORD, J.P., acting coroner - Death by accidental drowning in the Potomac River. - Dr. S. Howell GARDNER [Book 9, 1-2] (Filed 10 Aug 1891, Judgment Liber 22, 417-418)
  • ARDINGER, John - at Williamsport - 28 Jun 1894 - by John A. DUGAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death from a broken neck; found in the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. It was believed he fell from a box car and broke his neck. - Dr. W. J. RICHARDSON [Book 9, 45-46] (Filed 29 Jun 1894, Judgment Liber 22, 440)
  • BARBER, Susan - at Williamsport, near Powell's Bend on the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal - 6 Jun 1892 - by James E. HAWKEN, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental drowning. - Dr. D. T. LESHER Witnesses: William CORBEY, Bert LINDSAY, Riley IRWIN. [Book 9, 24-25] (Filed 25 Oct 1892, Judgment Liber 22, 429)
  • BEARD, William T. - at William H. BEARD's in Hancock - 30 Jun 1896 - by Joseph HARRISON, J.P., acting coroner - Death - on 29 Jun 1896 at 1 pm, the bridge across Little Tonoloway Creek gave way, resulting in his death. - Dr. P. E. STIGERS [Book 9, 88-92] (Filed 2 Jul 1896, Judgment Liber 22, 490)
  • BREWER, Samuel H. B. - at Hagerstown - 15 Apr 1892 - by J. Irvin BITNER, J.P., acting coroner - Death from self-inflicted pistol shot in the right side of the head. - Dr. C. B. BOYLE Witnesses: Benjamin ARDINGER, Josiah MEADS. [Book 9, 14-15] (Filed 16 Apr 1892, Judgment Liber 22, 422)
  • BURNS, Patrick - at Millers Bend on the C & O Canal - 26 Jul 1892 - by James E. HAWKEN, J.P., acting coroner - Death from sun stroke. - Dr. W. S. RICHARDSON Witnesses: William BRUBAKER, Samuel GRUHEN [Book 9, 22-23] (Filed 25 Oct 1892, Judgment Liber 22, 429)
  • CLARKE, Emaline - at Smithsburg - 19 Oct 1891 - by P. OSWALD, J.P., acting coroner - Death from hanging herself; found in the morning in her brother-in-law's smoke house. [Book 9, 11-13] (Filed 20 Oct 1891, Judgment Liber 22, 419)
  • ENSMINGER, Henry J. - near Bowle's Aqueduct on the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal bank, 1 mile east of Hancock. - 3 Sep 1895 - by Joseph HARRISON, J.P., acting coroner - Death from natural causes; died suddenly about 7:00. - Dr. P. Elwood STIGERS Witnesses: Harry PRYER, Andrew SHELTON, Randolph TWIGG. [Book 9, 70-73] (Filed 5 Sep 1895, Judgment Liber 22, 450)
  • FRANGUCCI, Felice - at Mountain Lock, Sharpsburg - 2 Aug 1891 - by William F. BLACKFORD, J.P., acting coroner - Death by accidental drowning in the Potomac River. - Dr. S. Howell GARDNER [Book 9, 3-5] (Filed 10 Aug 1891, Judgment Liber 22, 418)
  • GLENN, infant child of Mrs. Margaret GLENN - at Smithsburg - 22 Sep 1895 - by S. D. NEWMAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death from strangulation by the mother on the 20th of Sep; infant was born 19 Sep 1896. [Book 9, 85-87] (Filed 23 Sep 1896, Judgment Liber 22, 490)
  • GLOSS, Walter A. - at Sharpsburg - 4 Apr 1892 - by Van S. BRASHEARS, J.P., acting coroner - Death from natural causes (believing it to be epilectic convulsions). - Dr. E. M. GARROTT Witnesses: Berth GLOSS, John HAMMOND [Book 9, 16-17] (Filed 20 Apr 1892, Judgment Liber 22, 422)
  • HAYS, William - Hagerstown - 15 May 1892 - by J. Irvin BITNER, J.P., acting coroner - Death by being thrown from Train #1, going south on the Norfolk and Western Rail Road on the morning of May 15, 1892, about one o'clock at Mondell's Switch. Caused by train being thrown from the tracks, a portion of the rear of the train running on the side track, colliding with other cars on the side track. The bolt on outside of switch, having been removed for some reason or person, causing the switch to be jarred from its position. Witnesses: Thomas FITZGERALD, William MALLORY, Thomas HENNESSY, V.V.L. CHANEY, J. W. COOK, J. F. RYAN. [Book 9, 6-7] (Filed 17 May 1892, Judgment Liber 22, 424)
  • HENLINE, George - at his residence - 25 May 1895 - by Joseph HARRISON, J.P., acting coroner - Death by suicide from a musket shot through the brain, fracturing his skull. Journey to HENLINE's residence was 16 miles. - Dr. W. H. PERKINS Witnesses: (none actually saw the act) John FLOWERS, P. GARLICK, J. NORRIS, Mrs HENLINE (mother), John HENLINE (brother). [Book 9, 59-63] (Filed 28 May 1895, Judgment Liber 22, 448)
  • JONES, Cyrus - at Fair Play - 2 Oct 1893 - by William F. BLACKFORD, J.P., acting coroner - Death from taking Paris green; found dead in bed by his son, William JONES, at 6 am on the 2nd of Oct. He lived 1/4 mile from Fair Play. - Dr. V. M. REICHARD Witnesses: William EMMERT. [Book 9, 31-32] (Filed 9 Oct 1893, Judgment Liber 22, 435)
  • LANDIS, William H. - near Eakle's Mills - 21 Oct 1895 - by Daniel W. WYAND, J.P., acting coroner - Death by suicide from shooting himself with a repeating five shooter found in his hand on 20 Oct 1895 at this residence. - Dr. N. M. HENDRICKS [Book 9, 74-76] (Filed 21 Dec 1895, Judgment Liber 22, 451)
  • LAU, William - near Smithsburg - 4 Nov 1895 - by Thomas SIMMENS, J.P., acting coroner - Death from suicide by hanging himself in the barn or stable near his residence in Greensburg. - Dr. William T. RIDDLEMOSER Witnesses: Rubin B. BROWN, Mrs. LAU [Book 9, 79-81] (Filed 14 Apr 1896, Judgment Liber 22, 482)
  • LONGNECKER, Benjamin F. - at Raven Rock Bridge, #105 - 21 Oct 1892 - by D. W. BLESSING, J.P., acting coroner - Death from unknown cause. He lived in Chewsville. - Dr. William RIDDLEMOSER Witnesses: William CORBEY, Bert LINDSAY, Riley IRWIN. [Book 9, 26-27] (Filed 27 Jan 1893, Judgment Liber 22, 430)
  • MARKEY, David J. - at Lock #33 on the Canal - 13 Jul 1895 - by Preston E. MILLER, J.P., acting coroner - Death from being struck in the face with a night fist, which fractured his skull and caused a concussion of his brain on 12 Jul 1895 at Lock #34, causing his death several hours afterwards; at the hands of George LEOPOLD. - Dr. RANSON, Dr. GANNON [Book 9, 64-67] (Filed 16 Jul 1895, Judgment Liber 22, 449)
  • McALLISTER, James - at Hagerstown - 7 Nov 1893 - by J. Irvin BITNER, J.P., acting coroner - Death from suicide by taking carbolic acid, poisoning himself. He obtained the acid for the purpose of purifying the ventilator in his jail cell. No blame was attached to anyone. - Dr. E. A. WAREHAM Witnesses: Thomas DALLSON, William FLORY, John POET, Robert EARLY, James SMITH, Frank WALKER. [Book 9, 36-37] (Filed 10 Nov 1893, Judgment Liber 22, 437)
  • McCARTHY, Alexander - near Clearspring - 2 Jul 1895 - by T. Belt JOHNSON, J.P., acting coroner - Death from gunshot wound, inflicted by Jefferson NESBITT. - Dr. H. C. FOSTER Witnesses: William T. McCARTHY, Samuel McCARTHY, John D. G___ing. [Book 9, 68-69] (Filed 12 Aug 1895, Judgment Liber 22, 449-450)
  • McKEE, William - near Clearspring - 15 Jan 1896 - by T. Belt JOHNSON, J.P., acting coroner - Death from natural causes; at Mrs. Elizabeth McCARTHY's home on the 14th of Jan 1896. - Dr. A. SHANK, Dr. FOSTER Witnesses: Harry CUNNINGHAM, Samuel SHIVLEY, Charles SHIVLEY. [Book 9, 77-78] (Filed 6 Mar 1896, Judgment Liber 22, 482)
  • MILLER, Jacob - at Breathedsville - 31 Oct 1893 - by J. Irvin BITNER, J.P., acting coroner - Death from a wound on the left side of the back of his head, produced by a stone or some other object, on the 27th of Oct. He died on the 30th of Oct 1893. It was undetermined how he obtained the wound. - Dr. Joseph E. CHANEY and Dr. Edward SMITH Witnesses: O. C. ZEIGLER. [Book 9, 38-39] (Filed 10 Nov 1893, Judgment Liber 22, 436)
  • MOATS, George B. - at Tilghmanton - 9 Mar 1894 - by William E. MOATS, J.P., acting coroner - Death by suicide on the morning of March 9th by cutting his throat with a razor. - Dr. V. M. REICHARD [Book 9, 43-44] (Filed 14 Mar 1894, Judgment Liber 22, 440)
  • NEIKIRK, Silas A. - Washington County - 19 Apr 1895 - by John MURDOCK, J.P., acting coroner - Death by suicide from a pistol shot in the forehead. - Dr. W. C. WHEELER Witnesses: Daniel SHIFLER, Clayton SHIFLER. [Book 9, 53-58] (Filed 7 May 1895, Judgment Liber 22, 448)
  • O'BRYAN John - at Edgemont - 21 Sep 1895 - by Thomas SIMMENS, J.P., acting coroner - Death from being runover by the train cars; no blame attached to the Rail Road Company. - Dr. J. M. STECK Witnesses: Jeremaih FISHACK, J. M. STONER, George (?)HANTER, George RIDGE, M. WAGEMAN, Walter McCLAIN, George W. GRAVIS, Mr BENSCHAFF. [Book 9, 82-84] (Filed 14 Jan 1896, Judgment Liber 22, 483)
  • SHUPP, Franklin - at Williamsport - 13 Aug 1894 - by J. A. DUGAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death from a broken neck by a fall in the old chair factory. Men were fighting/rumbling and Frank fell through a hole in the floor. - Dr. Samuel Keifer SNIVELY Witnesses: Edward McCOY, John GENKINS, Webster CORBY/CURLY, Frank HULL. [Book 9, 50-52] (Filed 14 Aug 1894, Judgment Liber 22, 448)
  • SMITH, Solomon - at Smithsburg - 10 Aug 1894 - by Thomas SIMMERS, J.P., acting coroner - Death from a blow inflicted by the hands of Johnathan SMITH. - Dr. E. Trercy BISHOP, Dr. J. T. KERNTAS(?), Dr. J. H. WISHARD Witnesses: four, not listed [Book 9, 47-49] (Filed 14 Aug 1894, Judgment Liber 22, 447)
  • STRIDE, Sarah - near Sharpsburg - 9 Sep 1893 - by William F. BLACKFORD, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental drowning in the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal on the morning of the 9th of Sep after falling from the canal boat and wall bridge. - Dr. S. Howell GARDNER [Book 9, 28-30] (Filed 11 Sep 1893, Judgment Liber 22, 434)
  • THOMPSON, Carrie - at Hagerstown - 26 Oct 1893 - by William F. BLACKFORD, J.P., acting coroner - Death from being shot by her husband on the 25th of Oct; jury believed it to be accidental. - Dr. E. A. WAREHAM, Dr. O.H.W. RAGAN. Witnesses: Mary SIMPSON, Samuel THOMPSON, Isabella PIERCE, John BELL, Mrs. William NELSON, Mrs. John LEWIS, Mrs. Frank BONNER, John BELL Jr, John MUNROE, Caroline GROSS, Sarah LEWIS. [Book 9, 33-35] (Filed 27 Oct 1893, Judgment Liber 22, 436)

The End of Book 9 of Washington Co, Maryland Inquisitions - 1891-1896

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