Coroners Inquisitions

Washington Co, Maryland

Book 7 - 1880-1885

Coroners Inquisitions are investigations into the deaths of individuals who died by a sudden, violent, unnatural, or suspicious manner, or who died without medical attendance. The coroner would summon a jury of twelve white men, usually prominent citizens of that locality, to assist him in determining cause of death.

Additional information may be found in Judgment records [Book 22].

  • UNKNOWN, child - at 2nd Pier at the Harpers Ferry Bridge - 9 Oct 1880 - by J. Sutton ELGIN, J.P., acting coroner - Death notes: Child was white female infant, premature, about seven months advanced, with afterbirth still attached and no visible marks of violence. Lungs sank in water giving evidence of its not having breathed. Found under the rail road bridge in the Potomac River. Dr. B. B. RANSON [Book 7, 63-67] (Filed 25 May 1881, Judgment Liber 22, 198-199)
  • UNKNOWN, man - at AVISE's Mill on the Potomac River - 14 May 1881 - by Garey S. BETTS, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental drowning on the 8th of May 1881. No marks of violence. Description of unknown white man: about 35-40 years old, very stout with dark hair and sandy beard, cropped short. [Book 7, 58-59] (Filed 17 May 1881, Judgment Liber 22, 197)
  • UNKNOWN, man - at Wade's Wide Water - 2 Jul 1883 - by R. W. GROVE, J.P., acting coroner - Death from drowning himself in the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. Dr. Charles F. RUSSELL [Book 7, 88-89] (Filed 16 Aug 1883, Judgment Liber 22, 283)
  • UNKNOWN, man - at Miller's Bend on the C & O Canal - 7 Jul 1883 - by Peter ARDINGER, J.P., acting coroner - Death from drowning in the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal; cause unknown. Description of man: age 25-36, 5'7", mustache, new white shirt. Dr. D. J. LISHER Witnesses: J. F. STERLING. [Book 7, 85-87] (Filed 10 Jul 1883, Judgment Liber 22, 282-283)
  • UNKNOWN, female infant, colored - at Hagerstown - 4 Apr 1885 - by R.E. COOK, J.P., acting coroner - Death by violence at hands of unknown person/persons. Dr. E. A. WAREHAM Witnesses: Louisa SANDERS, Mary TALBOT, Martha SLICK, Settie PETTICORD, Annie ROSS. [Book 7, 111-112] (Filed 6 Apr 1885, Judgment Liber 22, 299)
  • UNKNOWN, man - at LEHMAN's Mill, Leitersburg - 4 Jun 1885 - by Peter MIDDLEKAUFF, J.P., acting coroner - Death by drowning in the Antietam Creek; cause leading to his drowning is unknown. Age about 35; 5'8", stoutt with sandy hair. Dr. C. W. HARPER Witnesses: Jacob LEHMAN Jr. [Book 7, 115-117] (Filed 30 Jun 1885, Judgment Liber 22, 300)
  • UNKNOWN, man, colored - at Chesapeake & Ohio Canal - 18 Jun 1885 - by Robert W. GROVE, J.P., acting coroner - Death by drowning in the five-mile level on the C & O Canal on 16 Jun 1885; cause leading to his drowning is unknown. Age about 20. Dr. A. A. BIGGS Witnesses: Charles G. BIGGS [Book 7, 113-114] (Filed 22 Jun 1885, Judgment Liber 22, 299)
  • BARBER, Alfred - in Hagerstown - 15 May 1883 - by R. E. COOK, J.P., acting coroner - Death from visitation of God; no marks of violence. Dr. N. B. SCOTT Witnesses: George DAVIS, George BLANKWOOD, Andrew SENTZ, T. C. BULER/BEELER. [Book 7, 78-79] (Filed 16 May 1883, Judgment Liber 22, 281)
  • BERRY, Early, child - at Sandy Hook - 5 Jun 1879 - by J. Luther ELGIN, J.P., acting coroner - Death by falling out of a skiff into the C & O Canal. [Book 7, 13-14] (Filed 18 May 1880, Judgment Liber 22, 165)
  • BINKLEY, Joanna - at Sharpsburg - 12 Jan 1885 - by R. W. GROVE, J.P., acting coroner - Death believed to be from natural causes on 9 Jan 1885. Dr. A. A. BIGGS [Book 7, 109-110] (Filed 10 Mar 1885, Judgment Liber 22, 298)
  • BISHOP, Abraham - at his residence - 7 Apr 1883 - by Joseph HARRISON, J.P., acting coroner - Death from rupture of blood vessels of the brain; caused by a blow on the head by a stake and nail at the hands of John McCUSKEN Jr. Dr. W. H. PERKINS [Book 7, 74-75] (Filed 10 Apr 1883, Judgment Liber 22, 271)
  • BISHOP, Amos - at Dam #6 on the C & O Canal - 23 Jul 1884 - by S. SUMMERS, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental drowning whilst in a state of intoxication on the 21st of Jul 1884. Dr. W. H. PERKINS [Book 7, 103-104] (Filed 26 Jul 1884, Judgment Liber 22, 297)
  • BUTLER, male infant, mulatto - at Hagerstown child of Evaline BUTLER, colored, who gave birth 7 Aug 1885. - 11 Aug 1885 - by J. Irvin BITNER, J.P., acting coroner - Death by gross negligence on the part of the mother. Found on property of Henry UNCLES(?) in alley between John STRUH and North Street. Dr. A. B. MITCHELL Witnesses: Martha E. BROOKINS, Harriet BROOKINS, George BECK, John E. BENNER, G. B. MITCHELL, Anna DETALVID. [Book 7, 118-120] (Filed 17 Aug 1885, Judgment Liber 22, 300-301)
  • CLARK, George - near Edgemont - 21 Apr 1881 - by P. OSWALD, J.P., acting coroner - Death from a wagon accident. He and Cortis FOGLER were descending the mountain with a load of rails, FOGLER driving the team with CLARK sitting on the lazy board or walking alongside of the wagon. There was a soft spot in the road and several projecting stones on the side causing the wagon to tip over, catching CLARK against the bank of the road. Dr. E. T. BISHOP Witnesses: Cortis FOGLER. [Book 7, 51-54] (Filed 26 Apr 1881, Judgment Liber 22, 193)
  • DANNER, George - in Downsville - 15 Sep 1880 - by Garey S. BETTS, J.P., acting coroner - Death from suicide by hanging himself. Dr. Samuel K. SNIVELY [Book 7, 41-43] (Filed 16 Nov 1880, Judgment Liber 22, 185)
  • DOYLE, William - at Hancock, Dam #6 - 10 May 1880 - by Jacob SNIVELY, J.P., acting coroner - Death - While crossing the Potomac River above Dam #6 on the 5th of May 1880, the current of water carried him, in his boat, down over the dam and he drowned. His body lay in the water several days before being found, one mile east of Hancock. Dr. W. H. PERKINS [Book 7, 7-10] (Filed 13 May 1880, Judgment Liber 22, 164)
  • DUNN, child of Catharine DUNN - at Sandy Hook - 10 May 1880 - by J. Luther ELGIN, J.P., acting coroner - Death by neglect of its mother. Dr. W. H. GANNON and Dr. R. H. E. BOTELER Witness: Michael DUNN [Book 7, 11-12] (Filed 18 May 1880, Judgment Liber 22, 164)
  • ECKERT, Frank - near Smithsburg - 8 Sep 1880 - by Philip OSWALD, J.P., acting coroner - Death from train accident. While performing his duties as brakeman on the line of the Western Maryland Rail Road, he fell from the cars from displacement of the tap confining the wheel of the break which caused it to lift. Blame attributed to the rail road company. Dr. E. T. BISHOP Witnesses: Harvey BECHTLE, John ADAMS, Charles BURNHAN, James MENTZER, Samuel PRICE. [Book 7, 33-36] (Filed 7 Oct 1880, Judgment Liber 22, 183-184)
  • FAHRNEY, Albert - at Hagerstown - 24 Aug 1884 - by R. E. COOK, J.P., acting coroner - Death from murder by stabbing in the left breast, causing a mortal wound, 3" in depth, by an unknown person on the 23rd of Aug 1884. Dr. Edward A. WAREHAM and Dr. M. W. ALLISON. Witnesses: C. H. HARRIS, George BECK, J. B. HUYETT, Clinton BAKER, Frisby GANTZ. [Book 7, 107-108] (Filed 26 Aug 1884, Judgment Liber 22, 297-298)
  • FINFROCK, John D. - at Hagerstown - 25 Feb 1880 - by C. G. BREZLER, J.P., acting coroner - Death from suicide by shooting himself with a pistol. Dr. T. W. SIMMONS Witnesses: Henry EAVEY, B. F. REICHERAD, John SMITH, Kleis REICHERED, Daniel PETERS, Philip YOHN, E. HEIGHBERGER. [Book 7, 3-4] (Filed 16 Apr 1880, Judgment Liber 22, 163)
  • FINNICK, John - in Williamsport at STEFFEY's Wharf - 18 Jul 1880 - by William H. HAWKEN, J.P., acting coroner - Death by drowning - He had a job boating with Thomas O'NEILL from the 29th of June 1880. On the 18th of July, while carrying something from the middle cabin, he fell from the boat into the canal and drowned. Dr. David L.(or T.) LISHER Witnesses Berton S. SAMUEL, John A. ZIMMERMAN, John M. HEMHISER. [Book 7, 17-25] (Filed 23 Jul 1880, Judgment Liber 22, 181-182)
  • FRUSH, Jacob - at his home near St Paul's Church - 7 May 1880 - by T. Belt JOHNSON, J.P., acting coroner - Death from suicide by shooting himself with a pistol. Dr. F. C. DOYLE Witnesses: Samuel FRUSH, John ASH. [Book 7, 5-6] (Filed 10 May 1880, Judgment Liber 22, 163)
  • GARLOCK, Justus - in East Hagerstown - 28 Aug 1880 - by R. E. COOK, J.P., acting coroner - Death after being struck by the pilot beam of a through freight train #15 at 11:40 am on the Western Maryland Rail Road. No blame is attached to the railroad company or employees for the accident. Dr. Willliam RAGAN Witnesses: J. P. MENTZER, J. C. MENTZER, Jeremiah SHRIVER, George GARLOCK, John CLOPPER. [Book 7, 39-40] (Filed 30 Oct 1880, Judgment Liber 22, 184-185)
  • HARBAUGH, William H. - at Ringgold - 13 Jan 1884 - by C. H. DICKEL, J.P., acting coroner - Death from suicide by shooting himself. [Book 7, 94-96] (Filed 11 Feb 1884, Judgment Liber 22, 295)
  • HAUER, Luther M. - in Weverton - 5 Jun 1880 - by George H. WELD, J.P., acting coroner - Death from being struck by Train Engine #183 at 7 am, while attempting to get on the Winchester Accomodation Train at Weverton Station. It was determined accident was caused by negligence of the employers of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road Company in charge of Freight Engine #183. Dr. John REED [Book 7, 29-32] (Filed 2 Aug 1880, Judgment Liber 22, 182-183)
  • JACKSON, Warren - at Kreigh & Cushwa's Warehouse on the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal - 11 Nov 1883 - by J. A. DUGAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental drowning after falling from the boat into the canal. He was an employee on the canal boat 'Alexander'. Personal effects: a breast pin and finger ring. Dr. A. K. SNIVELY Witnesses: Shafer HAVERMALE, Thomas HAVERSON. [Book 7, 90-93] (Filed 13 Nov 1883, Judgment Liber 22, 294-295)
  • JONES, James, colored - near Sharpsburg at Delanney's Lock on the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal - 21 Nov 1880 - by R. W. GROVE, J.P., acting coroner - Death from drowning after he sprang into the canal while being pursued by Timothy McCOY. Dr. C. F. RUSSELL [Book 7, 44-45] (Filed 21 Nov 1880, Judgment Liber 22, 185-186)
  • KNODE, Mary Ann, wife of Israel KNODE - 7 Jul 1881 Not listed in book, but found in news clip
  • LONG, H. H. - at GRIME's Station, S V Rail Road - 16 Apr 1881 - by G. S. BETTS, J.P., acting coroner - Death from being run over by the cars of the train on the 15th of Apr 1881. Dr. Richard DUCKETT [Book 7, 55-57] (Filed 29 Apr 1881, Judgment Liber 22, 193-194)
  • MAY, Benjamin - near James NORVELL's - 21 Jun 1883 - by J. A. DUGAN, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental drowning by falling out of a skiff into the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. Witnesses: Mrs. BEAR, James NORVELL, William CUSHWA. [Book 7, 80-84] (Filed 10 Jul 1883, Judgment Liber 22, 282)
  • McCAIN, Thomas - in Hagerstown - 13 Oct 1880 - by R. E. COOK, J.P., acting coroner - Death from congestion of the brain produced by intemperance. Dr. J. McPherson SCOTT Witnesses: J. J. HAILEY. [Book 7, 37-38] (Filed 18 Oct 1880, Judgment Liber 22, 184)
  • MOSE, Annabel - at Guner's Station, Shenandoah Valley Rail Road - 29-30 Nov 1880 - by R. E. COOK, J.P., acting coroner - Death from being struck by a passing engine train, run over and instantly dying on the 29th of Nov 1880. It appeared she didn't hear the warning signals, being almost entirely deaf. No blame to the rail road company or any of its employees. Dr. R. J. DUCKETT and Dr. William H. GRIMES Witnesses: Robert TROUT, Mrs. MARTIN, Q. P. MILLER, C. R. SMITH, N. E. BOWARD, Quigley HAMMOND, William H. McCOY, Samuel ARTZ. [Book 7, 46-47] (Filed 24 Dec 1880, Judgment Liber 22, 186)
  • NEIBERT, Harrison - at Hagerstown - 8 Apr 1884 - by C. G. BREZLER, J.P., acting coroner - Death from apoplexy. Dr. M. W. ALLISON Witness: Mrs. H. NEIBERT. [Book 7, 97-98] (Filed 10 Apr 1884, Judgment Liber 22, 296)
  • RAINES, William G. - at Hagerstown - 18 Dec 1879 - by Jacob A. WRIGHT, J.P., acting coroner - Death by suicide from overdose of Laudanum at the Antietam House. Dr. A. S. MASON and Dr. J. McP. SCOTT Witnesses: John H. CRETIN, Hezekiah HARLEY, M. L. BYERS, Richard WARNER, Richard MOBLEY. [Book 7, 1-2] (Filed 8 Jan 1880, Judgment Liber 22, 162-163)
  • RENNER, Leander - at Bridgeport - 17 Aug 1885 - by R. W. GROVE, J.P., acting coroner - Death by accidental drowning in the Potomac River, 1/2 mile above Bridgeport on 16 Aug 1885. Dr. A. A. BIGGS Witnesses: J. S. GROVE. [Book 7, 121-122] (Filed 6 Oct 1885, Judgment Liber 22, 301)
  • RIDENOUR, Daniel - one mile west of Clearspring at the foot of the mountain on National Pike - 24 Mar 1881 - by Thomas J. HALLEY, J.P., acting coroner - Death from concussion of the brain after accidentally being thrown from his wagon and striking his head on the rocks in the pike on 23 Mar 1881 at 10 pm. Dr. G. A. RICHARDSON Witnesses: John W. KINSELL, Ella SHRADER, William McCARTY, William CRILLEY, William YEAKLE, Charles HARRISON (colored). [Book 7, 48-50] (Filed 29 Mar 1881, Judgment Liber 22, 192-193)
  • ROHRBACK, Augusta Jacqualine - at Sharpsburg - 20 Jun 1884 - by R. W. GROVE, J.P., acting coroner - Death from suicide by hanging herself. Dr. C. F. RUSSELL [Book 7, 101-102] (Filed 1 Jul 1884, Judgment Liber 22, 296-297)
  • ROWLAND, Joseph - in District #9 at Mrs. F. MILLER's house - 21 Jul 1880 - by Peter MIDDLEKAUFF, J.P., acting coroner - Death from visitation of God; had no marks of violence. Dr. Charles W. HARPER [Book 7, 26-28] (Filed 22 Jul 1880, Judgment Liber 22, 182)
  • SHERMAN, O. H. - below Dam #6 on the C & O Canal -14 Nov 1882 - by S. SUMMERS, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidentally falling from the stern of his boat while moving toward the back and was drowned in the canal. He was a boatman on the canal. Dr. W. H. PERKINS Witnesses: Henry RAYMOND of Washington, DC; George MITCHELL of Boonsboro. [Book 7, 71-73] (Filed 26 Nov 1882, Judgment Liber 22, 264-265)
  • SHRIVER, Susan, single - at Boonsboro -28 Jun 1881 - by John MURDOCK, J.P., acting coroner - Death from abortion and subsequent exposure, either by herself or through the assistance of others, on the 27th of June 1881. Dr. J. M. GAINES and Dr. Henry WADE Witnesses: Mrs. Solomon NEIKIRK, Mrs. Judy SHANK, Mrs. Malinda DOUGLAS, Mrs. Kitty SOLOMON, Mrs. LYLES, Lydia ZITTLE, George W. HOFFMAN. [Book 7, 68-70] (Filed 29 Jun 1881, Judgment Liber 22, 203)
  • SPRECHER, Martin L. - in the barn at his home - 12 Jun 1880 - by John LONG, J.P., acting coroner - Death by suicide from hanging himself. [Book 7, 15-16] (Filed 22 Jun 1880, Judgment Liber 22, 180-181)
  • STAKEMAN, J. Isaac - at Dam #6 on the C & O Canal - 30 Jul 1884 - by S. SUMMERS, J.P., acting coroner - Death from drowning by going over the dam. (jury not called) Witnesses: Apolos. SPRING, J. EAKLE, Isaac GAY, Mrs. Bell McKASKER. [Book 7, 105-106] (Filed 31 Jul 1884, Judgment Liber 22, 297)
  • STOOPS, Benjamin F. - at Clearspring - 6 Oct 1885 - by T. Belt JOHNSON, J.P., acting coroner - Death from being shot by pistol at the hands of Thomas WATTS. Dr. Scott H. GARDNER Witnesses: Dr. G. N. RICHARDSON, Otho K. BOVEY, Benjamin BEUNER, Nace BROOKS, Sallie A. STUISS(?), Frank PRICE, Alfred GRATEN. [Book 7, 123-124] (Filed 2 Nov 1885, Judgment Liber 22, 301)
  • TROUP, Charles E. - near Mount Pelier - 1 Mar 1883 - by T. Belt JOHNSON, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental discharge of pistol by the hands of his brother, Scott D. TROUP. Dr. Scott H. GARDNER. Witnesses: Scott M. TROUP, Bettie HERBERT, Mrs. E. COYLE. [Book 7, 76-77] (Filed 15 May 1883, Judgment Liber 22, 281)
  • WILLIAMS, William, colored - at Bridgeport - 22 May 1881 - by Morgan MILLER, J.P., acting coroner - Death from accidental drowning at Sheppardstown Inlet Lock after falling off the boat. Age about 25. Body delivered to his brother, Lee WILLIAMS. Undertaker was John W. FISHER. Witnesses: J. W. OSBORN, C. W. OSBORN of canal boat 'CW Osborn'. [Book 7, 60-62] (Filed 24 May 1881, Judgment Liber 22, 198)
  • WINTERS, David B. - at Cavetown - 17 Jan 1884 - by D. W. BLESSING, J.P., acting coroner - Death from suicide by hanging himself. Dr. Charles BALDWIN Witnesses: William MARKLE, D. J. BEARD, Charles BEARD. [Book 7, 99-100] (Filed 29 Apr 1884, Judgment Liber 22, 296)

The End of Book 7 of Washington Co, Maryland Inquisitions - 1880-1885

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